While the temptation is always there I suspect it will never happen.
We would have to have really made a serious connection, probably with extensive private chatting or other communication before even meeting. And then an in-person date(s) before I would go for the whole enchilada. Not saying never, but it wouldn't be a casual, "oo you're close by, let's fuck" thing. At least that's what I say now when I am feeling rational.😁
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
Lush is purely mental stimulation for me.
I am more than happy with my sex life at home.
If I was single?.. Who knows?
I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.
You might as well check them out: https://www.lushstories.com/profile/Georgia_27_8/stories
I have met people off of Lush before. Not necessarily just for sex, but I might, given the right situation.
I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.
If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2
I of course sa yes I would meet a guy from online. The fact we both like sexy stories is even better. It means we have a good imagination. But being a single young woman I also have to play it safe. So plenty of personal chat on here first. Then maybe phone or webcam. Then meet in public place like a mall. Etc. play by ear from there once it gets that far.