I found out my daughter, who stilll lives at hope, is usig this site..
She used my laptop once and forgot to delete the history..
What do I do.
Leave it or talk with her...
Quote by Wardog
IF this is for real then I agree with John regarding the AGE matter. IF you feel she's old enough to "BE" here fine. After that however I DISAGREE! You SHOULD sit her down for a talk re the DANGERS that lurk EVERYWHERE on the internet AND rather than "her own" lap top MAKE SURE she uses YOURS so you CAN keep track of what she IS doing and with whom. (Just make SURE that YOU are ALSO ready to be open minded and UNDERSTANDING ...IF things take a turn you hadn't "expected".)
Quote by JulieMom
Oh.. She is more than legal age, but it was justthe kind of stories she read...
Quote by JulieMom
Oh.. She is more than legal age, but it was justthe kind of stories she read...
Quote by Meggsy
Find the right time and talk to her - soon. As her single mom I assume she does not have a man in the house to use as a role model and see the male side of life. She needs to have somebody to confide in whether she is active or not. Contraception and pregnancy is a compulsorary subject.
If she reads many of the stories here she needs to be told that most of the stories are fantasy and life is not altogether as it is written here. Well in my opinion. I know my stories are fantasy based on some truth. I would not like her to emulate the women in my stories at her age.
Having lived and loved in Europe I realise girls/women there have a more mature and open mind about sex. I met some wonderful there people and enjoyed their company as a friend, with a benefit.
I found sex in Europe and UK can generally be recreational and affairs are far more acceptable than elsewhere in the world.
Communication with a sibling is most important - I had a bad mother, and I was screamed at more than spoken to in my early days. Gain her confidence and she could be not only a daughter but a friend. If you know what she has been reading here - talk to her about the stories and discuss them. You will both benefit from a more open relationship. Good luck.
Quote by Wardog
IF this is for real then I agree with John regarding the AGE matter. IF you feel she's old enough to "BE" here fine. After that however I DISAGREE! You SHOULD sit her down for a talk re the DANGERS that lurk EVERYWHERE on the internet AND rather than "her own" lap top MAKE SURE she uses YOURS so you CAN keep track of what she IS doing and with whom. (Just make SURE that YOU are ALSO ready to be open minded and UNDERSTANDING ...IF things take a turn you hadn't "expected".)
Quote by Meggsy
Find the right time and talk to her - soon. As her single mom I assume she does not have a man in the house to use as a role model and see the male side of life. She needs to have somebody to confide in whether she is active or not. Contraception and pregnancy is a compulsorary subject.
If she reads many of the stories here she needs to be told that most of the stories are fantasy and life is not altogether as it is written here. Well in my opinion. I know my stories are fantasy based on some truth. I would not like her to emulate the women in my stories at her age.
Having lived and loved in Europe I realise girls/women there have a more mature and open mind about sex. I met some wonderful there people and enjoyed their company as a friend, with a benefit.
I found sex in Europe and UK can generally be recreational and affairs are far more acceptable than elsewhere in the world.
Communication with a sibling is most important - I had a bad mother, and I was screamed at more than spoken to in my early days. Gain her confidence and she could be not only a daughter but a friend. If you know what she has been reading here - talk to her about the stories and discuss them. You will both benefit from a more open relationship. Good luck.