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Threesome with best friend?

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Active Ink Slinger
Need some advice. My best friend and I are both bi and have
had threesomes in the past, but never while in relationships. Anyway she's been with her bf for 9 months and they are good together, all our friends adore him.
The thing is on Saturday they stayed over at my place and after a few drinks while he was asleep she told me that they've been fantasising about a threesome with me and that she thinks it would be wild. I laughed it off as she was drunk. But today she texted me and asked again.
I'm just not sure what to do. He's good looking and I have thought about him in that way but I don't it to cause problems between them later on. I'm quite happy for him to watch us together, but is the actual threesome too much of a risk?
There are other threads about this.... but I would advise against it. The risk is, in my opinion, too big. I am sure some will just tell you to go for it because the IDEA of it is HOT, or that "they" have done similar and it was great... but the reality is that in far more cases it does not end well. But it is up to you, and I am sure others will post up their views.

Good luck.
Active Ink Slinger
My wife and I had a threesome with this friend of mine for over 20 years, she enjoyed fucking and sucking him from the first as a matter of fact she ask me if she could fuck him it took me a couple days to tell her she could, as the more I thought about it the hotter it made me. I got so I liked watching them have sex more then me fucking her, and I ended up sucking his cock a couple times too. Liked that
WARNING.... the guy above is NOT the typical guy/gal. So please look around for more advice. There are at least a couple threads about this here on the forums. I don't want you (or anyone) taking a random post that might say what they want to hear and then making the wrong decisions..... in either direction.
Active Ink Slinger
It's all about trust. You need to talk and make sure you put your friendship first. If its something that both of you want then go with it. Just make sure that at the end of the day you will still have your friendship. If you don't think things will be the same between you, then don't do it. Chicks before dicks is how I look at it. Good friends are hard to come by, hard dicks come by often. ;)
I say stay away from it. I have to say I was in the same spot as u we whent for it and it was bad. In my case she got pist that her bf braged of sertain things I did that he liked and wanted her to do for him she also got possesive of him thinking bad of me and him. It put a strain on the friendship so I recomend to stay away from the idea
Active Ink Slinger
entourage did an episode on this

NEVER ever with a is supposed to be with a stranger so that no one gets hurt

see if the bf gets weirded out by this....he will either break up with his gf or make her break up..with you

or she may get jealous and break off her friendship with you

see besides an orgasm...the possibility of a bad ending is inevitable

just say no..please...
Alpha Blonde
Been in this position on several occasions. I've always said 'No'. It's just not worth the risk if you value the friendship.
Active Ink Slinger
Don't do it!! While it sounds really hot and could be a great experience for all, the bad far out weighs the good. And you mentioned having him watch you and your GF together, I would advise against that too as it is most likely to end up in a threesome.

Threesomes work best when either there isnt a strong emotional attachement or if a couple is very strong,confident and totally committed in their relationship and just looking to expand their sexual horizons(and even then its best when the 3rd is not a close friend).
Advanced Wordsmith
You will regret it! unless it happened then good on ya!
Active Ink Slinger
Important note: when reading this response, consider that my answer is based solely on testimonial research; I have never had a threesome to base my answer on.

There is no one answer for this.

The smartest thing I can think to say about this is to talk it over among the three of you, and see where you all stand. If you guys aren't 100% okay with it, don't do it. Period. The important thing is to be honest, both with yourselves and each other.

A lot of the "no" posts that I've seen have mentioned risks that you might lose your friend, or she might lose her boyfriend. This is a possibility when entering into a threesome, and there is nothing that will ever change that. You have to decide if the possibility of pleasure is worth the risk of pain.

The situations for threesomes are unique to the different people involved. Good luck.
Active Ink Slinger
You have had 3somes with her.. you just did it. You never needed advices. Now you do because you’re uncertain about it.

You would need to ask yourself a few questions so you may be able to figure out how to proceed.

1. If it was your relationship, would it be OK?

2. People that are in strong relationships and do swing they do it just to further enrich and to only spice up their sex life. They just put some (occasional) garnish on top of an already great dish. Your friends’ relationship is only nine months old; I doubt they are connected that strongly. If they are in a relationship and they want a third than they are swinging, it’s not the same as what you girls already did.

3. Let them swing first with someone also, if they are OK than they can try with you.

4. She has talked about the encounters that you girls had and since it’s OK for her, he thought why not? So he said OK. I believe most men would say yes. If all goes well, good. I always say that if it something feels good, how bad can it be? Unless of course it’s illegal.

5. If it turns out not so good, think of this: The screwing that you do it’s not worth the screwing that you’ll get.

No one can think for you. You heard her side; you do not know his side and most importantly what’s in his head.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Detention Seeker
My wife and I never play with close friends we try to keep to people who we meet but can detach from although many become good friends in their own way. If things go wrong with someone so close it would cause bad feeling all round and having them that close would most probably end up with someone needing to move.
It can change the friendship. Now one would think since he's a guy, he will love it. Probably so. But if it comes to the point that he's making advances toward you alone, you've got a potential volcano building steam. We've enjoyed threesomes, foursomes and full blown orgies. But we always went together. We set perimeters for lone sex with others. And those lines were poured in concrete. If her gf wanted me alone, I would make absolutely sure that my wife knew and was ok. That actually happened a time or two. Usually she would spend one weeknight at her girlfriends place. I had the freedom to hook up on that night. I usually slept with a coworker then eventually, I explored my bi side. But we had a rule, if she was going over to her girlfriends all night for sex, it was only fair that I could have sex. Just watch out for possible problems.