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Porn for couples

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negative effects of porn?

enlighten me please??
Quote by thesilkyknot
negative effects of porn?

enlighten me please??

What Silky said!
Rubber Ducky your the one, you make my life so much fun
lol .. i am serious... i want to know...
Me and Kitty have watched porn a couple of times together, as well as watching the same video while on webcam together. It's pretty fun once we get into it although she always jokes about ruining it for me- "Why are they doing it at the top of the stairs? That's not very safe!" But I don't really mind, I find it quite funny.

The negative effects of porn can be numerous- she could get jealous and insecure, he could get obsessed and addicted. You could find one thing perfectly normal to watch and your partner find it horrific.

Buuuut to all of these things can be overcome, if you have good communication going on.

And personally, I think it's really hot.
My Wife and I just started watching porn together and it has added a lot to our sex life, we both enjoy it now.
We have been watching porn together since way back the first time we started dating. A lot of fun! We see new crazy positions, etc. and try them out!
Yup. Occasionally gets a bit wierd but that's on my part because I'm the jealous type so I hate to think of him lusting over other women (yes I do realise it's ok to look but not touch - doesn't mean I like it!) . Does turn me on though so I'm sure he doesn't find it too weird. lol
Is totally OK! I have watched porn with both Men and Women and sometimes find it to be a great turn on. Wondering what it would be like to try that position, use a specific toy in a new way. Me and my SO like to watch porn made from a womans point of view. But even though we are both women, we also like MF porn, especially older porn from the 80's and 90's and some very kinky stuff too.

Porn is healthy as long as it used to enhance a relationship and not as a substitute for one.
Hubby and I watch porn and I have done so with previous boyfriends. It's a great way to introduce new ideas ......... I prefer reality and amateur stuff and stuff with storylines - but hardcore is good too.
i have watched porn with most of my gf's over the years. Sometimes they can be a bit shy about it but what i find works well is to tell her "hey i heard about (insert celebrity here) having a sex tape want to watch it for a laugh?" once they start watching i find most girls really enjoy it to get them worked up. biggrin
i have watched porn with most of my gf's over the years. Sometimes they can be a bit shy about it but what i find works well is to tell her "hey i heard about (insert celebrity here) having a sex tape want to watch it for a laugh?" once they start watching i find most girls really enjoy it to get them worked up. biggrin
I like to watch porn with a partner. Can be lots of fun!
Nothing wrong with it. On the breakfast news on tv they are debating about"Boobs on Bikes" whereby topless women get driven down
Queen St, Auckland. Its run by NZs "Porn King", so everybody is up in arms. Some turkey is sticking to the fact that topless is porn!!
They're out there folks!!
My wife and I like to watch it together. It stimulates us and gives us ideas.
i personally think for for couples is good. not only does it get you horny while you are together but can also give ideas for new possitions to spice up the sex life.
I watched it with an ex boyfriend., I thought it was hot-!
after my wife passed last yr from breast cancer, it has been a life saver to me to release and feel wonderful even on days I do not feel so wonderful!
As long as your partner does not feel neglected or forgotten go for it. Caught my wife playing by herself while reading a good story...that was pretty sexy to watch. We played together after she finished and that was good.
My love and I are totally into watching porn together and alone. I love it as does he. Always guaranteed to have at least 1 orgasm when watching it~!~!
Although we dont watch it much together, when we do, I know Im going to get to do much more than just the quickie. I love going down on the misses, and when we watch it, she almost begs for it. Love it..

This is a list of couples porn. I've seen about half of these, most with my boyfriend. I'd recommend Eternity, Compulsion, and Cry Wolf to watch with your significant other. I really liked The Visitors too, Pirates and the O movies, all of which are on the list. Barbara Broadcast and Debbie Does Dallas were a little too retro for my taste, but Debbie was fun. Most of my favorite videos are either Wicked or Vivid productions. You might try looking at their catalogs.
I would love to spend the day in bed with my bf with porn on the tv/computer.
We could spend all day just laying, watching and playing....ideal day in fact lol
My OH and I enjoy porn very much!! We watch it together and separately. It is a great addition to our sex life. Sometimes just the noises are a nice touch to our sex sessions. It is a healthy addition and can be a great way to spice things up.
My wife and I watch porn together...she finds it hot, which gets her aroused...which I find hot...
My hubby and I watch porn together, it only adds to and doesn't cause any problems...I think that it is harmful when one person doesn't want to and is pressured into watching or when the porn involves something extreme that hadn't been discussed before hand, or when watched in secret away from the other half.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

I think its beneficial. You can learn new things from watching it and even get into a role play while doing it.
We don't do it often but when we do things get pretty hot most of the time.
"Do you want to live to work or work to live"

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"

"Always hold you head up high, never come off weak"

Fastest way to crank up my gf is to put on some f-f porn.
can be hot and brings both mt wife and I up at same time....... mmmmm