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Need Help With My Girl

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K I am in terrible need of some advice and what better site than this? It's too scary to ask someone I know.

My fiance has been telling me for months she's dying to watch me have sex with another girl. I've been blowing it off like she's kidding but she's reallllly serious. She even encouraged me to join this site. She says "I want to watch you give another girl what you give me. Make her moan and
please her but let it torture her that she can never have you again."
I'm curious about it but I'm a lil afraid it might ruin our relationship. I'm afraid she'll resent me for it.
I asked a couple people in chat and they helped, I just want more opinions. What should I do??
Active Ink Slinger
I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like you're feeling uncomfortable with the whole subject or the idea of doing it at all. I just get that sense from your post. So, maybe it's not the best thing that should happen between y'all as a couple?? Just saying. And if I'm off base as to your feelings on the matter, my apologies. If you are comfortable with it, and she is pushing for something like that...then what the hell, go for it.

Practice safe sex!! lol, ya never know these days smile.
Active Ink Slinger
I think it's important that you go with your gut feeling, whatever it is for whatever reasons. I say this because personally, I respect a strong man and can only really feel secure with someone I can follow and not someone I must lead.

That's my $0.02- Good Luck : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Wild at Heart
If I were you I would sit and think about the pros and cons of going through with it. It sounds like for you the cons might outway the pros. Also your girlfriend may pull the "you got to fuck another girl why can't I fuck another guy?" Then things might get a little hairy so step easy on this one dude.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
If I were you I would sit and think about the pros and cons of going through with it. It sounds like for you the cons might outway the pros. Also your girlfriend may pull the "you got to fuck another girl why can't I fuck another guy?" Then things might get a little hairy so step easy on this one dude.

I agree with Felix... that could be a slippery slope. Be careful!
Active Ink Slinger
Could it be that your girlfriend has ulterior motives that she is not expressing to you? I guess people have made "stranger" requests. If it was me,& I was going to be banging another woman then I would insist that my partner join in . Otherwise, I would probably have to pass. Would you like to watch your girlfriend have sex with another man? Now a woman; that's completely different.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Sit down with her and the two of you talk and be honest! Share your concerns and listen to her when she tells you why she wants it so bad.
Fantasy's are great when explored together but if even for one moment one of you is unsure it can ruin it for everyone.

If you cannot talk about your fantasy's, explore them in discussion and role play before inviting another in, then the chance is your relationship wont survive it.

All the rules in the world mean nothing when someone hides things from their mate.
I had an open marriage (marriage number two). He had everything he wanted yet I found him cheating on me. By cheating I mean hiding it from me and lying about it even when all he had to do was be honest and I would not have cared.

Also consider the emotional ramifications. There is alot to consider, think, talk, discuss and make sure its right for the two of you, not just one of you.
An open mind is the greatest thing on earth, it allows creativity, acceptance, and new ideas. It can encourage those locked in their own minds to break free and experience everything life has to offer. Open your mind to anything and everything, you never know what pleasures you may be missing!