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Moving On

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Active Ink Slinger
I was in a relationship for two years. I was very happy in our relationship, but unfortunately she didn't feel the same. Long story short, she broke up with me. I have no negative feelings towards her, in fact, i am still very much in love with her and can't stop thinking about her. It's been a few weeks, we haven't spoken since and i have to imagine she has no plans of staying in contact. Probably for the best.

My question would be, how long does it generally take for someone in my situation to move on? This was my first relationship to last over a year and probably the first real love of my life. Will i ever fall out of love with her, how long until i'm able to look at another woman in a romantic way?
am in the same situation

so first of all huge hugs

I think of him all day all night

everyday every night

it hurts

does it not

sometime we cannot contact a former lover

it just is too painful

to even communicate at all...

you seem younger

trust me it is not your last

we have many loves in our lives

some great some long...some short

but there will be a woman

a lovely woman who will make you laugh

and then you will look at her

and FEEL again

when...well it takes time

but it will happen

and though you may not forget this lady

you will love again

I am 100 percent sure
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by thesexynun
am in the same situation

so first of all huge hugs

I think of him all day all night

everyday every night

it hurts

does it not

sometime we cannot contact a former lover

it just is too painful

to even communicate at all...

you seem younger

trust me it is not your last

we have many loves in our lives

some great some long...some short

but there will be a woman

a lovely woman who will make you laugh

and then you will look at her

and FEEL again

when...well it takes time

but it will happen

and though you may not forget this lady

you will love again

I am 100 percent sure

Thank you so much, you're too sweet smile That really does mean a lot to me
It depends on the depth and commitment of the relationship. BUT it is a time thing. No way around that. Just treat yourself kindly, let yourself cry, hurt and go through it and then heal. Be yourself and don't try to escape the pain, it will be there lurking. Hugs, it is never easy.
Quote by Provehito
I was in a relationship for two years. I was very happy in our relationship, but unfortunately she didn't feel the same. Long story short, she broke up with me. I have no negative feelings towards her, in fact, i am still very much in love with her and can't stop thinking about her. It's been a few weeks, we haven't spoken since and i have to imagine she has no plans of staying in contact. Probably for the best.

My question would be, how long does it generally take for someone in my situation to move on? This was my first relationship to last over a year and probably the first real love of my life. Will i ever fall out of love with her, how long until i'm able to look at another woman in a romantic way?

Sometimes the pain fades but never goes away. I still feel some pain from a breakup that happened over 20 years ago. You have to accept that pain happens.

Saying that, the time needed to heal enough to take an interest in others varies. that one took me over a year to get past, other breakups took only a couple months.

Don't force it, let it happen naturally. That's the best I can offer from experience of my own past.
Active Ink Slinger
Piggy backing on Nikki - allowing the grief to run its course now will make (a) the recovery shorter - usually and (b) make your relationship stronger as you've buried the past.

Hiding from the hurt with a rebound may sound fun - and can be - but the pain intensifies.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ohioboy75
Piggy backing on Nikki - allowing the grief to run its course now will make (a) the recovery shorter - usually and (b) make your relationship stronger as you've buried the past.

Hiding from the hurt with a rebound may sound fun - and can be - but the pain intensifies.

That is such a good piece of advice.
As you go through life you'll meet people that you give a part of yourself to, you never foget them but you cope without them. As Jason says the pain may not always go away but it will become bearable.
You just know when it's time to move on, it's not an equation or set in stone, it's simply a realization that you're ready. The first time that you feel this way is often the worst as it takes you by surprise, you hear about hearts being broken but you don't know what it's like until it happens to you.
Take care
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you guys so much, these words are really encouraging. It's been a little over a month now, and i think i'm dealing with my emotions a little better, and i'm trying to keep as busy as possible to keep my mind off of things. I'm expecting this to take a while and i have no plans to start dating again for some time. Thank you guys again, all of your advice means a lot
Cheeky Chick
First of all, I’m sorry to hear about your breakup.

Edit: Sorry, I change my mind on what I wanted to say...