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Mixed race relationships...but not black/white

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Quote by Buz
Mixed race relationships are a piece of cake. What is tough and hard to stomach is mixed rival college relationships. I could never and would never have even considered a female that went to Georgia Tech! No fucking way! And maybe not even Auburn, Florida, Clemson, Tennessee, USC (the Cocks, not those Trojans out west), and especially Emory (aka Emeroids.)

Go Dawgs! Sic 'em! Woof! Woof! Glory to Ole Georgia! And to hell with Georgia Tech!

BUZ!!!!!! LOL

I do have to deal with that. I am an LSU Tiger and my fiance is a Texas A&M Aggie. To muddy things up, Texas A&M went and joined the SEC and now his Aggies will play my Tigers in the West Division of the SEC every year. His whole family is Aggie and my family are all LSU. When we have children I will raise them to be LSU Tigers!!!!!

As for as the original post. This is the 21st century and its time for all people to get ridiculous ignorant racist ideas out of their heads. Racism is a sign of poor education, ignorance and very poor upbringing.
I have been with a uhm rather diverse group of men and here in the states like magical felix said thats common and not really looked down upon. Sure there are going to be biggots and maybe even religious organizations that say to mixed race people shouldn't be together but forget that noise! People are people, a dick is a dick a pussy is a pussy no matter what color it is!
Read the inscription on the bottom of the statue of liberty. That is what the U.S. is about or supposed to be. Mixed relationships are what binds us all as american.Jx89L39QMubRLgC3
Whoever you are attracted to, love, or simply makes you happy. That is all that should matter, who cares what anyone else may think. It's actually interesting and cool to learn and share each others differences if there's even any at all.
Like I have lived in Florida all of my life and never traveled very far, but here I have never met anyone who saw race as divisive or off limits or anything. I have rarely every heard race mentioned other than on TV or in newspapers. It just does not matter to people, its all good. Where are these people who don't like someone because they have a different skin color? Everyone I know will have girlfriends/boyfriends of any race. Its not even a factor. If you hit it off that's all that matters. It is no different than being tall, short, blue eyes, brown eyes, thin, thick, its just a skin color and so what?
My first story for Lush is posted, The Goodbye Fuck.
Thank my lucky stars being from Florida also, Beowulf69 is right. Down here we have people from I think literally everywhere and its just a big melting pot and everyone dates people from everywhere. Noone would look down on you or criticize you for dating someone thats of a different nationality, culture or religion. Or I should say its quite rare. If anything they might brag about it for hitting some international or exotic booty lol .... But more realistc really is the fact that its not even that big of a deal its more common then not. I dont think I'd like to live in a place where its predominate this or that.
Quote by jack0ften
It surprises me to hear that England has fewer mixed race couples than we do in the US, but I'll take your word for it.

The US is a lot bigger with larger and wider diversity among its citizens, so
that's my guess as to why it's more common. smile
Are you truly awake?
I believe that in certain parts of our fair country it is still unacceptable. My personal belief is to his or her own. What I believe is the current "unacceptable" relationship is gay marriage. It's 2012 people...get over it!!!!
I'll be honest: I truly wish that interracial relationships were the norm, not the exception. From a selfish standpoint, mixed-raced children have an incredible, unique persona that strikes me both intellectually as well as emotionally.

Having said that, I think the big comes from same-race parents and family which make it difficult for others to accept. It IS a shame, but for the most part we are worried about what our family and in some cases our close friends would feel, and we are worried about losing this most-stable relationship aspect of our lives.

But to let you in a little secret: Most people nowadays do not care, as long as the compatibility of the couple is rock solid. I would have to say mixed-religious, mixed-political, or extreme age difference relationships are far more difficult to deal with in the long run than interracial relationships. ONCE you establish that your mate will be with you, that you are compatible and there for each other, the families in your lives will accept you over time, some more gradually than others. While some may still be reluctant, keep in mind that at this point, it is YOUR life, and should it happen, your CHILDREN'S lives which will take precedence.

Life is dynamic. We all change over time. The trick to maintaining a relationship is embracing the change with each other and your family, and I guarantee color, ethnicity, nor nationality matters not. Have a great life!
Well I'm an Asian banana and most of my girlfriends are Asian too. We mostly date white guys, but some Asian guys too. Don't know why, but we don't date so many blacks or latinos? Hmmmm? Anyways, when I see cute half-and-half children (which is very common around the Bay Area) I think they look so cute and it makes me totally horny. Actually usually mixed race kids are way cuter than regular kids (OMG are people going to attack me for saying that?). Anyways around here it is very normal to have inter-racial couples of every variety.
Quote by VirginalViet
Well I'm an Asian banana and most of my girlfriends are Asian too. We mostly date white guys, but some Asian guys too. Don't know why, but we don't date so many blacks or latinos? Hmmmm? Anyways, when I see cute half-and-half children (which is very common around the Bay Area) I think they look so cute and it makes me totally horny. Actually usually mixed race kids are way cuter than regular kids (OMG are people going to attack me for saying that?). Anyways around here it is very normal to have inter-racial couples of every variety.

LOL, I know what you mean about mixed-race kids - they are ADORABLE!
You are right mixed race kids are just to cute. I have a friend whose former partner was mixed asian and white (though his mother was mixed asian and white) and she is caucasain. Their baby has pale skin, blue eyes and you can see the asian features. To adorable.
Im Hispanic and I usually go for guys who are African American. My family would prefer me with someone who is my race but since I have to date, kiss, etc. with the person I wanna be with whomever I want.
I think its ok for any one to day any body they want to date. I'm a mixed race person, and one of those races happens to be Indian, so I understand where you are coming from. Its a part of the culture, and most Indian families wouldn't approve of their child having a white significant other, but trust me they rather have a white person in the family than a black person. Both people are just going to have to deal with it if they really want to be together!
I just stumbled on this...I think it's completely cool, but I can't say there aren't those who aren't alright with it. I'm Asian and my fiance is white. Only a few people have been surprised by this, and it's mostly because you more often see Asian women and White guys. I also think you're a product of your environment so to speak. I grew up in a diverse neighborhood with blacks, hispanics, but few asians. So I've never dated an asian girl...
I'm part Scotch.. part French.. part Irish.. and part Cherokee.. I'd have paid a lot of money to see the party that went on in that tent.. mixed race? there is only one race.. human...
I wish people would just get over seeing the differences and instead respect the similarities; we're human beings. Inter-species stuff like , you're on your own.
Why in the HELL should anyone care. If they are in love and happy that should be the only goal.

Things have improved greatly in my lifetime, But we are not there yet. Remember this group is most likely more open minded about things than the public at large.

Just remember that there are still doors that will be closed to you even in the 21st Century.

I hope mixed couples will continue down that path until a point that nobody will notice or care.

You need courage and will be admired for it.
I worried about this issue with my family when I married my wife (a Filipina) a little more than twenty years ago. We have a gorgeous daughter together. The family and friends love her and have never once raised any questions. I am one lucky man and couldn't be happier. Well more sex might make me happier, but schedules don't always match and we deal with it and it's awesome when we do. I have seen a lot of marriages between whites and asians end badly if they married when they were younger. I say go for it. WHR43 is right there are some doors that will always be closed.
In England, I don't see many mixed race couples, don't know why, there's nothing wrong with it and I don't understand why people think it is wrong. It just seems silly that anyone should be against a persons happiness just because of a persons skin colour.
where i live it is almost more common to have a mixed relationship than not. i am the product of one and never really looked at a person's ethnicity ... more their personality and how they treat people. it is something to consider when there are striking cultural differences - they are often more blatant/apparent with mix relationships; although these can be fun and exciting rather than a hindrance. true attraction and love traverses any external preconceptions or appearances.
I've been with females of all races. Race is not important to me.
Love is absolute. It knows no bounds...

Quote by nickhavens
i think its the heart and the love they feel for eachother that color is merely for identification..we all bleed red don't we..
"Carpe Diem!"

Quote by veronique

Love is absolute. It knows no bounds...

Totally agree. Love is colour-blind... thank goodness!
To a great extent, it's just a matter of culture. Cultures have traditions and rituals designed to bind them together to gain the strength of unity. The Other was traditionally an enemy, trying to take from your culture. It's not just skin color. It's everything that makes you culturally different. Catholics don't marry Jews who don't marry Muslims who don't marry... even when they're all the same ethnicity, until enough cultural assimilation occurs. Immigrants to a nation initially try to set up enclaves. That provides temporary advantages, but it slows assimilation. The more generations that pass and the more incentive there is for assimilating into the local culture, the more acceptable mixing becomes.

The US military has dragged all of our melting pot values to bases around the globe and many of our soldiers have brought wives or husbands and their families into the enclaves in the US, helping to break them down. Our universities are very ethnically and culturally diverse and that provides a climate for good experiences with Others that helps to break down the barriers. I can't speak to how quickly cultural assimilation is occurring in other English speaking countries, or even to some regions in the US, but when children are schooled together and taught the same values and are at least introduced to the traditions and rituals of the Other, barriers erode.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust