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Marriage is the ugliest institution invented by man

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Marriage is the ugliest institution

Active Ink Slinger
Men have been treating women as if they were a piece of land, or some currency notes

Men have reduced the woman from a being to a thing

Marriage is against nature

All promises for tomorrow are lies and marriage is a promise for your whole life, that you will remain together, that you will love each other, that you will respect each other till your last breath

And these so called Priests, who are the inventors of many ugly things, say to you that marriages are made in heaven, nothing is made in heaven
Im assuming that bad experiences have led you to this conclusion?
Artistic Tart
Quote by MMonroe
Im assuming that bad experiences have led you to this conclusion?

Active Ink Slinger
Objective lately?

Marriage is no where near the ugliest institution. Anyone who enters into marriage knows what they're getting. I personally suck at it. But is it worse than religious fanatism? Capital Punishment? What about in parts of Africa where clitoral castration is the norm? How about in the history of the world when there were human sacrifices to the Aztec, Mayan, etc Gods? Predestination? Beating animals in attempt to train them? Marriage the ugliest.. not by a long shot.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Alpha Blonde
I don't think marriage itself is the issue...

I think a lot of marriages risk failure because people are getting married:
1. Too early
2. For the wrong reason
3. Not giving enough consideration to what kind of person they are truly compatible with


Because a lot of people feel like they "have to get married" because:
1. They are of a certain age.
2. Their families/career-path expects them to.
3. All their friends are getting married.
4. Because they just want to have kids/procreate.
5. They are afraid of being alone.
6. The person they are currently dating is pressuring them.

Marriage is not something for everyone. Once society wraps their head around this concept, the pressure is off, and people can choose to get married if it fits their situation but also not feel like they have to, panic, and pick the wrong person, all the while probably having a gut instinct that they will be going down on a sinking ship... eventually.
Mistakes made in marriage is ugly, not marriage itself.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lafayettemister
Objective lately?

Marriage is no where near the ugliest institution. Anyone who enters into marriage knows what they're getting. I personally suck at it. But is it worse than religious fanatism? Capital Punishment? What about in parts of Africa where clitoral castration is the norm? How about in the history of the world when there were human sacrifices to the Aztec, Mayan, etc Gods? Predestination? Beating animals in attempt to train them? Marriage the ugliest.. not by a long shot.

Exactly my thoughts, though I would have "The Republican Party of America" at the top of that list.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jebru
Quote by lafayettemister
Objective lately?

Marriage is no where near the ugliest institution. Anyone who enters into marriage knows what they're getting. I personally suck at it. But is it worse than religious fanatism? Capital Punishment? What about in parts of Africa where clitoral castration is the norm? How about in the history of the world when there were human sacrifices to the Aztec, Mayan, etc Gods? Predestination? Beating animals in attempt to train them? Marriage the ugliest.. not by a long shot.

Exactly my thoughts, though I would have "The Republican Party of America" at the top of that list.

Republican Party/Democrat Party.. same thing. Neither can see the forest for the trees.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Internet Sensation
Ugly institutions?
Ugly marriages?
Never seen an ugly marriage.
And who do you think rules the marriage, if not the woman?
Artistic Tart
Quote by Catnip

Ugly marriages?
Never seen an ugly marriage.

That's the first time I've ever heard that uttered.

I think it goes against human nature, but that doesn't mean you can blame the institution when/if a relationship goes wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Marriage can be a beautiful thing. My folks are celebrating 44 years of marriage today.
Internet Sensation
Yes, it might go against human nature, but there are other animals that do get "married" or at least live together through their entire lives.
I think the thought behind marriage is great, it's simply crowd control. (giggles)

Quote by BicycleBum
Marriage can be a beautiful thing. My folks are celebrating 44 years of marriage today.

I really look up to people who manage to stick together.
My great grandparents were married for 70 years smile

Edit: Rain is sort of made in heaven...
Quote by Orgasmic
Men have been treating women as if they were a piece of land, or some currency notes

Men have reduced the woman from a being to a thing

Marriage is against nature

All promises for tomorrow are lies and marriage is a promise for your whole life, that you will remain together, that you will love each other, that you will respect each other till your last breath

And these so called Priests, who are the inventors of many ugly things, say to you that marriages are made in heaven, nothing is made in heaven

Wow. So if marriage is the ugliest, what is divorce?

In my world:
People are treated with respect.
Marriage is beautiful.
Tomorrow is not a guarantee.
Nobody is perfect.

I do have one suggestion:
Be careful who you breed with - as you will be attached to that person for the duration of your life.
You get out of marriage what you put into it and that includes the time spent together before you make the commitment. It can't thrive on neglect.

It's funny that when people go out to buy a new car they often do a lot of research, spend many hours finding out all the good points and bad points, then make a decision - and they only keep the car for a short time. If everyone put the same amount of effort into finding the right partner, there'd be a much lower divorce rate.
Advanced Wordsmith
Now this is why people have problems discussing issues. If you want to debate whether marriage is a good thing or even against the natural state of human beings that is one thing, but to say it is "ugliest institution invented by man" is pushing it to a level where I just don't think you are that bright.

You could be in the worst marriage in human history and I'm sure you could find something rolling around in that brain of yours which might be just a little bit worse.

Go on think about it!
Artistic Tart
Good on ya, Jack.
Active Ink Slinger
My marriage may not be perfect, but it is beautiful. Every night, the man I love curls up next to me and and touches me gently until I fall asleep. Every morning, we look at our beautiful children and admire our little "creations." We smile at each other. We laugh together. We cry on the other's shoulder when we hurt.

Marriage isn't always fun or exciting. . . but it definitely can be beautiful.
Quote by Jacknife
Now this is why people have problems discussing issues. If you want to debate whether marriage is a good thing or even against the natural state of human beings that is one thing, but to say it is "ugliest institution invented by man" is pushing it to a level where I just don't think you are that bright.

You could be in the worst marriage in human history and I'm sure you could find something rolling around in that brain of yours which might be just a little bit worse.

Go on think about it!

You have lost all the patience for people on this site, as it seems. Eventhough your post made me laugh out laud, I am afraid what is going to come, giggles. Nah, I have excited expectations to see what is comming.
Some very interesting opinions in this thread. I agree with few as well as disagree. Marriage is full of give and take. Normally there is more taking than giving. If for the right reasons, marriage can be a beautiful thing.

Man did not create marriage, God (note capital G) did. I know this may offend some of you but it is true. The first marriage was Adam and Eve, and God joined them together.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by trashman14

Man did not create marriage, God (note capital G) did. I know this may offend some of you but it is true. The first marriage was Adam and Eve, and God joined them together.

No, he didn't.

Want to get into it? Come to the Think Tank!
Active Ink Slinger
Marriage Is NOT ugly..... you are !!!!

Active Ink Slinger
Life is lived in heaven or hell or somewhere in between I believe. Marriage is lived there too. Personally, I can't think of much that compares with what heaven or hell we can have in marriage and so, I will live and do my best to feel and benefit from the experience : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Wow to say that it is the ugliest institution invented by man is really a dumb ass comment. You also have said it is against nature hmmm lets discuss this, you mean to tell me every creature is sowing their seeds? I think not, please don't forget that dolphins and many species of monkeys (which are known to have a higher level of intelligence) are monogamous. Being a divorced man of 10 years myself I think you are way out of line to even put this out there. I hope to get married again someday and cherish the fact that it will happen

Marriage serves many purposes to which you understand none of them. While I think you have probably thrown this out there for debate I encourage you to really think about what you have said. There are many more debates as to what the ugliest institution invented by man is, this is surely not one of them. Thanks for allowing me an avenue to rant and that is just my two
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
Certainly not the most ugly thing to be invented but I do agree that in the Western world for many centuries marriage was an institution that was just a another symbol in the wider system that treated women like cattle. I also think that marriage, depending on whether it is open or not, is definitely not for everyone. Sometimes I think it is ridiculous to ask someone to only have sex with one person for the rest of their life; however, I do think that it is reasonable to ask a person to only be romantically involved with just one person. I think marriage is good for some and certainly not an entirely bad experience, even if ending in divorce.
Internet Sensation
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Where's the list of the features we should look for to have a good partner in 10 years?
Active Ink Slinger
Unfortunately the binary choie true /false does not help.

Marriage is not natural. Humans evolved long term (8-12 years) mating patterns as a part of natural selection (reproductive success). Many times, however this can be parlayed into a lifetime relationship, other times it simply will not work. Marriage (as opposed to long term mating) developed largely to handle property, support and inheritance issues because those things did not work well with frequent changes.

I am on my third marriage. The previous two simply ran out of steam and we mutually agreed to let go. Unfortunately societal and legal pressures tend to work against that more reasonable approach to marriage.
Active Ink Slinger
Marriage was never invented for love or emotional reasons.

It was invented to trade property and goods between families (and I'm not using this as a metaphor).

But it does conviently conform to the family unit and social structure of our species (we are, by nature a monogamous species)
"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other." ~ Jane Austen
Artistic Tart
we are, by nature a monogamous species

not so much, I'm thinking.