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Marriage is the ugliest institution invented by man

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Marriage is the ugliest institution

Quote by LadyX
we are, by nature a monogamous species

not so much, I'm thinking.

We have more than one behavioral program running in our heads. Long term mating (more or less monogamous) --but not necessarily lifetime mating-- is relatively new in our evolution, but has a survival advantage given the long period of vulnerability of human young. But the instincts we have from further back in our history-- they're not gone, they're just pushed into the background.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I don't think marriage itself is the issue...

I think a lot of marriages risk failure because people are getting married:
1. Too early
2. For the wrong reason
3. Not giving enough consideration to what kind of person they are truly compatible with


Because a lot of people feel like they "have to get married" because:
1. They are of a certain age.
2. Their families/career-path expects them to.
3. All their friends are getting married.
4. Because they just want to have kids/procreate.
5. They are afraid of being alone.
6. The person they are currently dating is pressuring them.

Marriage is not something for everyone. Once society wraps their head around this concept, the pressure is off, and people can choose to get married if it fits their situation but also not feel like they have to, panic, and pick the wrong person, all the while probably having a gut instinct that they will be going down on a sinking ship... eventually.

AGREE! no such thing as ugly institution which the human is the reason for not having a good marriage, maybe some telling this because of the traumatic experience but life must go on and don't stop praying to make the marriage successful all you need to do is HOLD ON, GIVE AND TAKE, COMPROMISE, UNDERSTAND, TAKE ALL YOUR PRIDE no perfect marriage but they survive to stick together because of this characteristics.
Marriage can be good or bad, depending what you are willing to put into it. I've been married 22+ yrs. Some days I can't get enough of him. Some days I can't get far enough away from him.
As someone who would suffer all the torments of hell if I had to relive the loneliness of life before I married, I can't diss marriage. But I do think that it's really hard to fine the right one and so I'm not surprised that marriage appears to be so bad for so many people.
first thing some men may have been but not all.
A marriage is a partnership and commitment between two beings.
marriage may be against your nature, but not others.
we have no idea if there will be a tomorrow, so promise for today, and for every day that is gifted to you.
and when it comes to priest there idea's and your idea's do not mix, so let us tolerate each others decisions on religious topics.
Quote by LadyX
we are, by nature a monogamous species

not so much, I'm thinking.

Pretty much, been reminded of that with three friends that have crossed over to the dark side. All still married, I didn't, so nane nane boo boo.

As for the Ugliest invention, well, I'll just say it has to do with that book everyone keeps harking on, and under which marriage came to fruition.

Adam and Eve, uh uh. No mutual love and bonding of two separate people. The female came from him, and she was to blame for humanity being exiled from paradise to either Egypt or Ethiopia, or Israel, either way, it's just fucking hot. No one deserves that.
I'm not, nor have I ever been, married but I love everything about it and can't wait until I am. There's just something so beautiful about two people committing so fully to each other in the name of love.

But then, I'm a romantic.