Me (22) and my girlfriend (21) have been going out for 4 years now, before that we knew each other and we were pretty much best friends. About 7 months into the relationship I started university about 130 miles away. The first year I was pretty upset, uni life wasn't how I thought it would be and I was pretty damn depressed I'd left a good life to go live away from home etc. But my gf was always there to help me out, we spoke all the time, texted, called skyped, the works. Also she'd do everything to keep me happy, we'd sext a lot, webcam each other, if I wanted something she really was there to help. Although the 7 months were hard, we made it through, seeing each other about once every 3 weeks. Then back during the holidays we were back to seeing each other loads and everything was fine.
The second year things got harder, she went off to uni as well, this time round she was only about 100 miles away, we still saw each other about once every 3 weeks, we still talked a lot but she became her own person, as did I, I found friends I had interests with, she was no longer living at home and had less time. During this year instead of sexting, she'd send me semi-nudes and I still was happy. The year ended and once again we had a lot of fun during the times we weren't at uni.
The third year, the semi-nude photo's pretty much seized and she would decline sexting less and less, this lead to arguments, and I brought up on a few occasions how the first year had been so fun, she had been up for trying a lot of things, she seemed pretty horny herself and she rarely ever said no too stuff.
Now we are in the fourth and both of our final years (so from an educational stand point things are the hardest they will ever be) we still see each other. But she is not willing to sext at all infact she's said if we argue once more about it she's out (of the relationship). I never complain or say anything bad about her because I haven't ever got anything really bad to say. In the past she's told me off for keeping stuff in and not saying what's on my mind. But this is really bothering me now, we're a little over 50% of the way through and coming back from the Christmas break hasn't been good at all.
In the recent arguments she's said she's always hated sexting and all that, she was afraid to lose me when we first started going out, she doesn't want me to be upset and will try to be more open when we're face to face. But my problem currently isn't the face to face thing, something is still better than nothing, I'd like her to try new things or do the things we used to but right now that's the bottom of my concerns.
The fact she is no longer willing to sext or say anything sexual at all is hurting the way I feel. I am self doubting myself, currently have a major loss in self confidence and I'm starting to constantly feel down.
I was sent here by a really good friend, who helped me through a lot of this, but as it gets more annoying the friends been busy, and whether it's because of the self doubt I feel that person doesn't want to hear from me, and besides she's done more than enough to help me for one life time. I owe them a tonne anyway.
I don't want to pressure her into something she doesn't want to do, I don't want to hold things in, I don't want to lose her, I want a relationship whereby I can try everything.
Thanks a lot for listening
Sounds like she's 'growing up'... She might have friends around her who've had very bad experiences with sexting (phone hacking, break ups, etc), so she wants to limit her exposure so to speak..? What're your plans for after graduation? To be together, or more school..?
Thanks a lot everyone for replying. I sent a message to her this morning explaining my situation and she was ridiculously cool with it
Her original response was a 5 text reply before I had even replied to the first one starting with "okay I understand... what can I do to change?" ending with "do you think we should break up
The reason she said that was she thought that might be what I wanted, and she thought that might be best for me "I just don't want to make you unhappy"
I didn't flat out ask her to send me nude photos now as that's not what I want, I explained that I wanted her to come off a bit more like a gf rather than a sister. Not all the time, just an occasional show of affection or flirtation "i do love you and if that's whats best for you then id do it"
Finally the conversation ended with "please do tell me things" "il make that change and promise to be okay with it"
She's seemed happy since and I'm just pleased to have the weight off me. For her it was hearing it for the first time, whereas I've had 6 days to stress over it.
Thanks again everyone for helping, I think I'll find it easier to concentrate on my exams and I'm not straight pressuring her into sexting or anything crazy, just give me reminder that the person I wake up and text every morning till when I go to bed thinks of me more than just a friend!
There is some excellent advise here for you. Been with my partner now for 32 yrs and still she is the love of my life. Have we changed - most definitely, but it's because we still care for each other is what matters.
I don't know what men are like where you are from but in some ways we are all the same. We don't express ourselves to our loved ones. If that's a woman I have found them to be the opposite, they will want to express themselves to those they trust and I think get frustrate with their men when they don't receive that in return. I'm guilty of it and all the blokes I know are the same. I hope the ladies here will agree.
I think the best thing you can do is next time u have some time together is go somewhere romantic, show her that you love her and tell her precisely how you feel and why. You must also be prepaid to do the same for her. If you really care for each other you will work it out to the mutual satisfaction of both parties - but you must listen, compromise and act.
Good luck.Q0gZyVdMG3186VpI
Wow Dirtyblue you have priorities that needed to be in check, glad you got them in check in time.
It's a sorry state of affairs if that was your main complaint, lack of sexting/pictures, there are so many things more important then sex.
I myself have a girlfriend who lives over 200 miles away, it takes me exactly 6 hours to go from my door to her door and I get to do that every 3/4/5 weeks. I do that because I love her, not to get laid.
In all honesty, I end up playing with her more then she plays with me but that's because she's had some health issues that she is nearing the end of, and we have had sex 3 times in the past 9 months, the last time being in July! But to me, pleasuring her is the most amazing thing in the world to me, call me all the crap in the world but my gratification isn't a priority.
We don't sext, we don't send dirty pictures and we don't cam, even though she's done that with another guy some time ago, she knows it's not something she HAS to do with me, because sex is not one of the building blocks of our relationship.
I've had the relationship built on sex and it was the worst 5 years of my life and I'm still paying for my mistake.
Your time apart should make you really cherish the time you get with her, sex filled or not, but be thankful you have someone who can understand you in your situation and actually wants to stay with you despite the distance.
It's honestly not easy having a long distance relationship, it honestly breaks my heart so much to leave her and come back to my life away from her, but I know in the end we will be together because we can trust each other to not cheat, and trust is the fundamental building block of a relationship.
I wish you luck in your exams etc just don't let sex and crap like that cloud your vision for a happy future.