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Just wondering - can relationships begun through Lush last?

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Quote by hartclass

It is possible, after being here for nearly 4 years I have met several great people - some of them are truly special and have stood the test of time! But as Swollen says - you have to work at it - it pays off in the long run.

Hey Mr Hart! It most certainly can pay off, in so many ways. Just takes a while to 'weed the beds' first. XXX
The same thought often times floats through my head. Having a computer screen in front of you can allow you to be so different than the person you are in real life. I believe that you should be real but that isn't always the case. I never understood why you would want to be someone different and if you want to change your life so badly then change it! I feel that if two people are completely honest and open online then a relationship in the real world could work. But like so many others said no matter how the relationship started it will need constant work and attention. Relationships aren't sunshine and rainbows everyday but if you are with the right person even the cloudy days will be worth it. You will find a way to get through and make the relationship last.
I feel it is also important to meet but you don't want to meet to soon or wait to long. There is a fine line as to when the first meeting should take place. I can't give you a time frame because I think it depends on the comfort level between the two people in the relationship but I do think you need to meet within 6-8 months of starting whatever kind of relationship you end up starting. Relationships differ between couples and no two relationship are alike so don't take others words to heart to much. The relationship is between you and one other person not you and the entire world.
Always remember to enter into the relationship with an open mind and an open heart, to let things develop naturally, and to embrace every single moment! Take things slow and let each day come as it may but remember to leap fearlessly and never look back. Heartache is inevitable at times when you take a chance on love but if you don't take the chance you will be left wondering what if. So go for it! Take the chance and see where love takes you!
I think you can for sure.......

No reason why not.

All you are doing is changing the order in which you share things.......
No reason why not.

All you are doing is changing the order in which you share things.......
ya,i think relationships formed here will last,it depends on the individuals'interest and will.any relationship,,whether in real or in virtual,has to b nurtured to have strong roots.we never know,that is what makes anything interesting
If a relationship last is because the field is been actively worked on.

If Oscar Wilde is right. From behind a monitor we"re truly ourselves, than if two peoples meet on Lush and share all around similar thoughts. They certainly have a stable and true start.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Sure they can but the obsession will wear off at some point.
Of course relationships can come out of Lush. It just depends on if the people involved are wanting long-term or short-term.
Mine has lasted for over a year and still counting
Honestly glad for for you. But meeting on a site, evenwhen you find you know the person in reality, there is no promise they arent laighing at you while they type
I'd like to think that love can blossom anywhere provided two people are honest, committed and are on the same page about what they want. Sometimes starting online works even better because you spend a great deal of time talking and therefore learning so much about the other person than you might not get around to learning as quickly if you met in person. The only issue or concern I have with meeting someone on sites like Lush is the lure that this place has. Not everyone comes here for the same reasons and everyone's level of interaction differs so as much as I'd want to trust someone I fell in love with on here, I think I'd still always wonder if they are truely done with Lush. I'd like to think I'd be enough but who the hell really knows :P
Yes, I think they can.
†Jinxy Approved†

I don't see any reason why a relationship started online couldn't last. Last however long any relationship started anywhere might "last". On the other hand, I don't believe in this "the One" business or a singular "soul mate". I think in life, we may meet several people with whom we can have a relationship of whatever degree or depth. Forever? Not so much.
of course they can, Like any relationship it depends on the commitment of the people involved
I kind of hope so, there's a special man here, we'll likely never meet in person but we have a lot of online fun together and I'd hate for that to not last at least for a while
Everyone else above have said it one way or another...personally I have formed some good friendships through a few adult sites, while others were basically a one night stand or chat, depends on how you look at it. It takes a lot of patience and 'fishing'.
when you met someone on line, you get to know them in a completely different way than you would do in real life. So long as you are honest with each other I don't see any reason why it shouldn't last. The drawback though is, how do you really know the other person is being 100% honest with you? you're never really sure if they are saying the same things to you as they are to someone else or several others.
I wouldn't mind finding a true friend on here.
I certainly hope so since I now live with my Lushie. Difference is though, we met really quickly as we lived close so not technically an online relationship. You know you are both into sex which is great. We have an Open Relationship with an "always together" threesomes etc. We are very much love in love. So I would say YES.
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
As someone who is an eternal optimist (even if I never let it outwardly show) and very open minded, I think a relationship beginning on Lush can certainly last. I know there are people who think finding a relationship here is weird or non-traditional, but it's really not that different than meeting someone in a bar or at the grocery store. Yes, there's a computer to hide behind. But I am a firm believer that being who you are and being up front and honest with someone, even with the computer separating you, you can still build a solid foundation for something special. Obviously at some point just chatting on a computer is not going to be enough. Being able to adapt and change with the confines of the relationship will really be the determining factor in whether or not it lasts. I think if you really care about someone, though, and you're very honest with them, adapting to those changes will be easy. It might require work and effort, but what meaningful relationship doesn't? Just because it started on Lush doesn't make it any different from any other relationship, in my opinion. It just depends on the amount of effort you're willing to put into getting to know someone in ways that might not be the most traditional (but what's traditional anymore?).
Relationship that begins on LUSH may last depending on how truthful the friends/ partners are and what they r looking 4. It also depends on the geographical proximity and cultural affinity. Even as two involved persons belong to 2 distant geographical regions and 2 different cultural roots, the relationship may last if their minds meet in this virtual world. Congrats 2 all lovers on LUSH.
Yes, as long as you have compatible expectations. If you get overly intense too fast or start putting demands, rules and outside monogamy limitations onto it, it's more likely to crash and burn a lot faster. I do think you have let yourselves into each other's lives beyond just words on a screen to get the depth of connection necessary to keep things interesting and keep the flame burning. If proximity or timing is an issue, enjoy things for what they are, but yeah - it can last longer than you'd expect if you keep it fun and real and drop the rules and games.
Yes but it depends on those 2 people and their willingness to persue the relationship. As long as distance doesnt bother tnem, then yes I think the relationship would work. If distance is a problem for both people or just one person, then no I cant see it working.

This is my opinion based on personal experience!
I hope so lol
Quote by blazestcyr
as long as you both are truthful...yes

I agree with you 100%
Not sure about Lush, but two people who met on a science fiction forum I post on, have recently got married. I guess that love can blossom anywhere.