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Just wondering - can relationships begun through Lush last?

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"crossing " my fingers. You don't know if you don't try. There is no love without risk. heart
I'm not too sure, but id love to find out
I met someone here and we end up meeting in person. We are very close now and it worked better than I imagined.
So far so good!

Yes they can but again, regardless of where and how you meet, honesty is critical and trust is earned. After that, anything is possible if two people want it badly enough.
I certainly think it can when its based on honesty.
Define relationship. Love and marriage or friendship? In the end it doesn't matter which. For any relationship to flourish takes work from each person. It can not be a one sided affair. Both must strive to make it last. Give equal amount of time and energy to build something together that is stronger than each other separately. Relationships can last a lifetime if both are willing to work hard to make it a reality. On Lush as in life.
I have no experience of "relationships that started at Lush" but why would they be in any way different than relationships that begin anywhere else (aside from the much higher probability of having a much better idea of your sexual compatibility beforehand, which; to my mind at least; would be a plus you'll get in few other "places")?
Unless you continue moving forward in real life, it's hard to maintain.

But that requires time and effort /need/want from both parties.

I'll always love Lynar with all my matter what happens.
Of course they can! Show me where there isn't love? If it's just a sexual relationship, I'm not sure of it. But if love blossoms there, it'd last forever!
I am about ready to make that jump to see how long my mew lover and I can last. She enjoys sex, lots of sex and I enjoy sex lots of sex and I might add with others as we watch each other cumming with different partners.
As compared to the so called "right way", what ever that is? I don't see why a couple meeting here on Lush wouldn't have as good a chance of making "it" as any other way two may meet.
They can as long as everyone is really honest about what they can and can not contribute to it. I have had many relationships on here last the 8 years I have been here. While some have come and gone it was never lush that ended them.
At times they can.

Sometimes people are married and want to start something w/ a lush member. Those rarely turn into something real.
Sure they can. Some people on here are now married having met through this site. Long term relationships, including long lasting friendships form.
Although I have known my friend previously for 13 years the relationship had strictly been business. Her introducing me to Lush Stories was the start of our sexual relationship. We have been lovers now for two years. We are both swingers, with other lovers and friends, but consider our occasional trysts as special.