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Is this wrong that my girl likes this thought and thinks she will

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious

In my opinion you should let this one go here. This thread is going to be like blood in a shark tank, sarcastic bastards will be all over you the more you post (including myself - sorry)

If you want my advice, there is a section in the forums named "Agony Aunt Olivia" she is a relationship expert and should be able to give you some solid advice. You may want to send her a private message and if she can decipher what your woman means.

could you give me a direct link? cant find....
Quote by Markie
if im incompatbale with her then why say perfect or to good to be true.

ok she cried a few times whne we were apart =/ and wanted me back =/

Why don't you consider moving out and getting an apartment with her then? She seems like your soulmate!

Women that age say shit like that to fuck with, and manipulate you. Maybe with her saying those things about cheating is because your time to meet is drawing closer and she is getting cold feet. For all you know she could be a 400 pound 40 year old and she doesn't want you to find that out.

Dude you are young like WMM said go out and rail a few chicks in your area. You'll forget this broad in no time!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by Markie
Quote by Dudealicious

In my opinion you should let this one go here. This thread is going to be like blood in a shark tank, sarcastic bastards will be all over you the more you post (including myself - sorry)

If you want my advice, there is a section in the forums named "Agony Aunt Olivia" she is a relationship expert and should be able to give you some solid advice. You may want to send her a private message and if she can decipher what your woman means.

could you give me a direct link? cant find....

At the top of the page you are viewing RIGHT NOW. Look up (waaayyy up) and see the tab Relationship Advice. Click that little bugger and scroll down to the last topic you will see Agony Aunt Olivia right there.

Got it sport?
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
I seen ehr she isnt 400 pounds lol :P ok well shes the quiet nerdy time and im supposedly the popular type because she sees others who like and care about me makes me feel awkward.

and yes thx man very much smile am new here sorry geting use to all of the forum
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Markie
if im incompatbale with her then why say perfect or to good to be true.

...because it's meant to soften the crushing blow of the upcoming "it's not you, it's me" speech.
Active Ink Slinger
Sounds like you're her pet doormat, harsh but true.

You know what they say about nice guys finishing last - well, that.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

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Wild at Heart
Quote by Markie
if im incompatbale with her then why say perfect or to good to be true.

ok she cried a few times whne we were apart on call =/ and wanted me back =/

Maybe she's a crazy bitch. They are out there.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by Markie
Quote by Dudealicious

In my opinion you should let this one go here. This thread is going to be like blood in a shark tank, sarcastic bastards will be all over you the more you post (including myself - sorry)

If you want my advice, there is a section in the forums named "Agony Aunt Olivia" she is a relationship expert and should be able to give you some solid advice. You may want to send her a private message and if she can decipher what your woman means.

could you give me a direct link? cant find....

At the top of the page you are viewing RIGHT NOW. Look up (waaayyy up) and see the tab Relationship Advice. Click that little bugger and scroll down to the last topic you will see Agony Aunt Olivia right there.

Got it sport?

lol htought i did i havent >.>
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by Markie
if im incompatbale with her then why say perfect or to good to be true.

ok she cried a few times whne we were apart on call =/ and wanted me back =/

Maybe she's a crazy bitch. They are out there.

yeah maybe but when u love someone sometime slet ur gaud down or soft on them or maybe thats just me..
Spell check, punctuation, grammar.... Just saying...

(my head hurts from reading this thread)
Active Ink Slinger
lol sorry I am being quick since, I am with my mates rleaxing and playing games.
Quote by mazza
Spell check, punctuation, grammar.... Just saying...

(my head hurts from reading this thread)

well, since it's apparent Markie is mixing his drinking with the buddies and Lush .... let's all drink!!

I think, at the very least, we all deserve one, two or five .... well, except Markie ....
Quote by Markie
lol sorry I am being quick since, I am with my mates rleaxing and playing games.

I would suggest that if you expect people to take the time to post well-thought responses (which they have), then the very least you could do is stop playing games [sic] and switch your spell check on...

I'm out!!

Yahtzee - I'll get the first round in!!!

Anyone care to join us?

Quote by mazza
I would suggest that if you expect people to take the time to post well-thought responses (which they have), then the very least you could do is stop playing games [sic] and switch your spell check on...

I was actually thinking along the same lines as mazza here. Not only are you not paying attention to the advice, but you have reached out to the Lush community looking for our take on what is going on. All you have done is defended your GF and not paid attention at all to what was said (some damn good comments today I may add) Why post then?

With that being said, good luck man. But please do not post a new thread saying she dumped you. I personally....won't give a shit.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
No i payed attenion to all the comments read them multiple times she hasent dumped me...
Wild at Heart
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Magical_felix
When girls tell you they are no good, fucked up, cheaters, etc. They are pushing you away. I mean I guess its best to let her go. I know it's hard to do but thats what they are doing. I mean why would a girl that likes you actually try to paint herself in a bad light?

I actually did this with a guy once....

The reason I did it was:

1. He was a 'good guy' and the type of guy that I should have been dating. He was perfect on paper.

2. I was going through the sluttiest summer of my life and doing way fucked up things and was in no position to date a "good guy." But I felt guilty about passing over a guy that theoretically was a damned good catch.

3. I figured I would turn him off and push him away by warning him about how messed up I was and telling him all kinds of sordid stories while chatting over the lovely candlelit dinner he had just cooked for me.

Outcome: Me telling him what a cheating messed up slut I was turned him on even more and he fell madly in love and kept pursuing me until I finally had to dump him on my own with the "it's not you, it's me" speech (a couple of weeks later).

The moral of this story is... She wants space or she wants you to take the reigns and end the relationship. She's non-confrontational in general and wants to avoid being the bad guy. Showing you how incompatible you ultimately are is supposed to be the not so subtle 'hint hint' that the end is drawing near...

Personally I would just dump her and see how she reacts to it.

Yeah pretty much what she said here. That is what is going on. Good luck.
Active Ink Slinger
For instance, you have not been with her - for over a year. You've never really been with her. She and you have been chatting on the damned internet for over a year, and you've been passing up lotsa trim (by your estimation) during that period.

Well said WMM

So you've never met this woman, only ever talked online/phone, right? And that this situation has flared up in response to trying to take that next step and meet in person?

Sorry if I've read that wrong, but if that is the case then alarm bells go off for me. You can be anyone you want to be online, indulge in fantasies. If she's getting cold feet at the thought of moving from online/phone contact to real life then my guess is she hasn't been completely honest with you. I think maybe it's more of a game for her than it is for you.

Disclosing her desire to cheat seems like she's testing your reaction to the idea because a) she already has (although I'm not sure you can "cheat" on someone you've never met) or b) she hopes saying something like that will make you leave, because something she never intended to be more than a fantasy has suddenly become real.

Of course I don't know you, so I could be completely wrong and it could just be that she's nervous.

I think you need to get clinical about this. State your position and ask her to be honest about hers, truly honest, and prepare yourself for a difficult answer.
Good luck, I hope you find your way.
Quote by TheFlyingScotsman18
On a far more important sidenote, I like toast.

I concur
Internet Sensation
If you're willing to share this woman with other men, go ahead and do it. If you're not, then tell her that if she wants to be with you she has to be honest and not go with other guys.

I have a man in Australia, we've been together for a bit more than two years and we've still not met each other due to different personal reasons. I'm a woman who do need a lot of attention, sexual and otherwise. He's not been able to fulfil my needs when they're at their worst during summertime.
So we decided that if I really needed it, it'd be okay for me to meet someone else and get it. See it's not a matter of not liking one another or disrespect, it's about needs that have to be met one way or another. I've come to the conclusion that him giving me the privilege to be who I am has brought him closer to me.

Before I've been in relationships where I have used other men on the side, without them knowing, to keep the relation working. With a very good result.

If you really want her, and love her as you claim. Consider if you care about her being with others as long as she likes you. If you come to the conclusion that it's just a norm telling you that being with other men is bad, well then why not let her have her fun?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Catnip
If you're willing to share this woman with other men, go ahead and do it. If you're not, then tell her that if she wants to be with you she has to be honest and not go with other guys.

I have a man in Australia, we've been together for a bit more than two years and we've still not met each other due to different personal reasons. I'm a woman who do need a lot of attention, sexual and otherwise. He's not been able to fulfil my needs when they're at their worst during summertime.
So we decided that if I really needed it, it'd be okay for me to meet someone else and get it. See it's not a matter of not liking one another or disrespect, it's about needs that have to be met one way or another. I've come to the conclusion that him giving me the privilege to be who I am has brought him closer to me.

Before I've been in relationships where I have used other men on the side, without them knowing, to keep the relation working. With a very good result.

If you really want her, and love her as you claim. Consider if you care about her being with others as long as she likes you. If you come to the conclusion that it's just a norm telling you that being with other men is bad, well then why not let her have her fun?

Thing is she wouldnt or doesent want me with others ether fun with them she gets jelous
Internet Sensation
Well, do you have the need to be with others?
Internet Sensation
On another note. To me it seems like this is really a hard thing for her. She doesn't trust herself with other men. I've had that problem too, not being able to say no. It can really eat a woman's heart out not being able to resist a situation. Rejecting people is something we learn as we get older.

Maybe you just have to make her feel that she's strong enough to say no to those other men.
Active Ink Slinger
I have thoughts bu i can easily control them im loyal she on the other hand just htinks she cant but does anyway.

How can i make her know that she can. Even thi she said she wants to? or is a weak person
Active Ink Slinger
yeah im good at rejecting people... and saying no
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes I think cause it arouses her and she likes it makes, it harder for her to reject =/. We are all different and she often goes on on that i have more people that care for me and others who want me -_- But i dont really care about that, she once said she was jealous of me for that -=/
Internet Sensation
Well the easiest way to do it would be to be with her. But I assume that is not a possibility right now.
You just have to work on her confidence, make her realise that she's more than she thinks she is. Make her want to stand up for who she is and what she wants.
First of all you should clear her from feeling guilty. She is who she is and she can't help it. A change doesn't come over night. She should feel she can talk to you about her doubts without you jumping to conclusions(no matter the conclusion she will think it doesn't fit with how she feels, if she's ever slightly close to how I have been). And so on.. It takes time to get along with yourself as a woman.
Active Ink Slinger
Ok thank you very much catnip smile I realise I shouldnt jugde her and shout and be mad like she has done anything cant how one feels or thinks soemtimes. thx alot gives me a little more insight on how to deal with talking about these things with her.
Internet Sensation
Quote by Markie
Sometimes I think cause it arouses her and she likes it makes, it harder for her to reject =/. We are all different and she often goes on on that i have more people that care for me and others who want me -_- But i dont really care about that, she once said she was jealous of me for that -=/

Of course, it's harder to reject the further you go with a friendly flirt. After a while you feel like you've led the other one astray and no matter what you do it will be "wrong." If you go to bed with him/her you've done wrong to your partner. If you don't you've done wrong to the person in front of you(and at times even yourself). Guilt trips are the worst things ever, no matter what you do. I used to go for the first option. At least that one you can (unless the partner in crime is evil) keep secret...
Internet Sensation
No worries.