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Rookie Scribe
Ispy - I feel for you - been there, done that, but my guy did NOT come back - so that is a definite plus on his side, I think. You need to be honest with him - saying you don't want to get hurt again - why has he changed his mind? Did he just get lonely? OR was he lonely for YOU? AND I would ask him the same question you posed here, "what happens when (IF) we get jobs in different cities?" Take you time, if he loves you and truly wants you - he will be patient and wait - there is no rush to answer him. I'm a romantic, though, I am hoping he just realized that he couldn't live without you and came back hoping you would take him back! Good luck - just keep these in mind (two of my favorite quotes): (some risks are worth taking - and I have found that risking my heart - yes, it makes me MORE vulnerable, but it also brings on greater rewards in the end!)

The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all. ~Jawaharlal Nehru

The greatest risk is the risk of riskless living. ~Stephen Covey
Active Ink Slinger
Take him back sweetheart and love him with everything you have. You'll never get back what you've already had with him with anyone else. And if by chance love was not meant for you and him, you will know it then. Why not give the love you feel a chance? : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
I'd say go for it, but have a very deep chat first. Find out why he split up and what made him want you back. Talk about where it will be going and what happens with different scenarios etc.

Good luck, follow your heart. I've been there too.
Active Ink Slinger
Start slow.. i dunno why u should take him that instant after everything..
maybe he does feeling lonely without you, but idk..
i have an ldr before too, din work very well, and after everything he still too possesive..
it's not bcoz i had a bad one, but i'm saying well, if he really loves u, he will understand that u need time, just dun make him wait for eternity if u really feel the same.. trust me, most guys will just leave if u making him waiting too long..
Active Ink Slinger
I would definitely talk to him first. Don't take him back right away. Like u said what happens if you guys have jobs in different cities? Talk all this over with him. If he really loves you, he will wait until you're ready to take him back. Its hard, but you gotta be strong. Think it through carefully and talk to him. Good luck!