Do you think You could let your partner have a "hall pass" And have your relationship/marriage Work?
Not in my marriage. Maybe if I became physically incapable of pleasing her, but not until.
I was offered a "hall pass" once by an ex-girlfriend. Never had to go to the "bathroom" though. I stayed true till the end (she ended it not Me)
It takes a really close and trusting relationship to make it work. If you're in a relationship which is strong there's a better chance that it would work. A shaky relationship would just get weaker. If you're just offering a hall pass because you want one yourself, the odds are your relationship is already in trouble.
[url]http://[/url] Not a chance in hell with my spouse.
I can't get the wife to even consider it, except simple admiration for good looking guys. I will take one on occasion, however. It's just sex to me.
I have been offered a 'hall pass' by my wife and she often encourages me to go for it when she has her blood. Even says that she'll drop me off in the local red light district, but I have passed on it by saying that I will only have sex with another woman IF she is there with us. Also feel that there may have some secret agenda and could throw it back in my face at a future date. It's quite normal here in Thailand for the man to have 'mia nois' [little wives] and the big wife usually turns a blind eye to it as long as she and the kids are taken care of.
see if you need a PASS from me
I need a perm pass from you
when I am in love I only want them
See, "hall pass" to me denotes kind of a one-off thing, not a clearly thought-out, negotiated open relationship. These two things are not, to my eye, the same. Would I give, or even offer, one? Probably not (and she wouldn't take it, I suspect). Would I accept one? I'd want to know why she was offering it first because it would be out of character for her.
I know a few couples that have done the 'hall pass' thing. All of them are broken up at this point. I'm not saying it can't be done, but you have to almost have the mindset from the beginning. If one person is talking the other into it, pushing the agenda or doing it to 'save' a boring/dying relationship, then the relationship is doomed to fail in the long-term.
It adds a lot of complications, so you have to have a strong base to your relationship and be confident in your attitude and outlook on the failures of monogamy. I think doing the swinger thing or threesome/group sex thing is more palatable to most couples. The 'hall pass' idea is very hands-off, so more trust is required.
It's an easy thing to default to if you're no longer sexually interested in your spouse, but still want to stay in the marriage. That's more of a passive version of a 'hall pass' though. You're not emotionally invested in the same way.
I couldn't give my wife one nor would I want one. We have been a couple since Feb 19 1988, when we were 16! All my friends that tried this are divorced. Too much of a good thing going on over here to do something stupid.
Possible for some I suppose, the major problem being that some people have a difficult time separating love and sex and others cannot do that at all. That in turn leads to entirely too many potential "complications" where a "hall pass" is concerned. IF both parties CAN and DO make the distinction both in their hearts as well as their minds it could be "do able".
For me personally, I would NOT be able to provide my partner with that pass nor would I want him to give me one. I'm with TheSexyNun, when I'm with someone, I'm with him and only him and I'm in it with both feet. If I wanted to fuck around just for the sake of sex, I'd stay single. Not sure why people enter into relationships or marriage if they still want to play the field.
The idea of being a cuckold is exciting. Not sure I could ever let it happen