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Ever fallen in love with someone you can't have?

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I think with the internet activity, that is easy for most to fall in love with someone they cannot have.... thank goodness for distances, lol
In a way. But if you can't have someone, is it real love?
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Delphi
In a way. But if you can't have someone, is it real love?

i told you that you could have me, but only every other weekend.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Fancy Schmancy
Quote by Delphi
In a way. But if you can't have someone, is it real love?

Such an interesting question. A parade of answers is marching through my head, but I think I will just watch the parade for a while.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Yes. I think nearly everyone has. At least infatuation. I know I have, more than once.

And yes, I think it can be real love. For me (and me only), I think drawing a line between what is truly love and what is not live is a little presumptuous. Who is to say whether what someone is feeling is or isn't love?
Quote by Verbal
Yes. I think nearly everyone has. At least infatuation. I know I have, more than once.

And yes, I think it can be real love. For me (and me only), I think drawing a line between what is truly love and what is not live is a little presumptuous. Who is to say whether what someone is feeling is or isn't love?

WHO wouldn't LOVE YOU, you smoky voiced CUNT!

xx SF

(I don't think he EVEN fucking smokes...)

Normal Adjacent
To answer that, one has to define love first. Everyone has a different one. Under my definition yes I have. Again it begs the question.

"What is love?" It is whatever you want it to be to you.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by stephanie

WHO wouldn't LOVE YOU, you smoky voiced CUNT!

xx SF

(I don't think he EVEN fucking smokes...)


The FIRST time I've even been complimented...using the words CUNT! And BASTARD!

I am...SINCERELY...FLATTERED!!! Flattery will get you everywhere, you jug-headed scalliwag (I got called that for the FIRST TIME RIGHT HERE ON THESE VERY PAGES)!!!

xx VI
If love is something that becomes boredom or indifference, no, I have never loved.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes,a few times.But as an old romantic what else would you expect of me.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes smile
I think most of us have at some point. I did. It was not easy, but eventually I got over him. It was hard because I enjoyed our conversations & he could make me laugh. It took time, but it is now in the past. Now I have met a nice man & hope things go forward with him. smile
Active Ink Slinger
It depends what you mean by "couldn't have". If you mean sexually, no, I don't think so, but if you mean being loved in return, then yes. He was, and remains the love of my life. We had sex many times, and were good friends, but he never pretended to love me. I'm not sure he knew how much I loved him. In fact, I don't think at that time even I knew how deep my love was. It was a long time ago, and I think of him often, with love.
Quote by LaylaJune

Such an interesting question. A parade of answers is marching through my head, but I think I will just watch the parade for a while.


"My love is a charade, a bill I never paid... And I was so beguiled...

I think I will just watch the parade for a while.

I wonder if he knew? Just that I thought it was true? But he lied when he smiled...

I think I will just watch the parade for a while.

I wipe away the tears, I cry away the fears, but crying's not my style.

I think I will just watch the parade for a while.

And the funniest thing is I was so careful. I gave an inch,

He took a mile... Note it down, press Print and File...

I think I will just watch the parade for a while."

xx SF

(You can HAVE that one JUST for YOU!!!)
I suggest if these somehow happen to you then, better go off from her/him... There are lots of worthy ones for you, then. Why wasting time to get rid of her/him when there's worth'd...Right?
Active Ink Slinger
Active Ink Slinger
Like catching and keeping a snowflake, many have melted away over the years leaving me trying to catch the next one....
Fancy Schmancy
Quote by stephanie


"My love is a charade, a bill I never paid... And I was so beguiled...

I think I will just watch the parade for a while.

I wonder if he knew? Just that I thought it was true? But he lied when he smiled...

I think I will just watch the parade for a while.

I wipe away the tears, I cry away the fears, but crying's not my style.

I think I will just watch the parade for a while.

And the funniest thing is I was so careful. I gave an inch,

He took a mile... Note it down, press Print and File...

I think I will just watch the parade for a while."

xx SF

(You can HAVE that one JUST for YOU!!!)

I see this post

And thinking back

I saw it in December

But sadly, as I sit here now

I really can't remember

I do know that I blushed with pleasure

At this lovely gift

But did I thank you

As I should

Or was I remiss?

So three months past

I'm saying thanks

For your poem, my friend

And you can say

I'm grateful late

Or just grateful again.
Yeah, Mrs. Handson my neighbor when I was 16. She was actually my first, showing me the way of making love. My heart was broken after a ten month affair, when her husband was transferred and they moved away. She was 33 with two kids and I was a voice changing pubescent kid that never dreamed sex was so incredible. She was a masterful teacher and I was as eager a student as ever lived. What she showed me was so benifical for the rest of my life. I had no fear of girls realizing they had all the hormone driven uncertaiinity about themselves as I did. No longer awkward around women served me well. I am thinking of writing a story about that time of my life.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Yeah, Mrs. Handson my neighbor when I was 16. She was actually my first, showing me the way of making love. My heart was broken after a ten month affair, when her husband was transferred and they moved away. She was 33 with two kids and I was a voice changing pubescent kid that never dreamed sex was so incredible. She was a masterful teacher and I was as eager a student as ever lived. What she showed me was so benifical for the rest of my life. I had no fear of girls realizing they had all the hormone driven uncertaiinity about themselves as I did. No longer awkward around women served me well. I am thinking of writing a story about that time of my life.

I'd read that story.
Quote by Verbal

I'd read that story.

It was more than sex she taught me. She taught me dance. How to be a gentleman. Dress properly. Hold chairs, open doors, speak confidently with the focus on her and not me. It translated into all aspects of my life. Confidence goes far in sports, school, and work.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Yeah, Mrs. Handson my neighbor when I was 16. She was actually my first, showing me the way of making love. My heart was broken after a ten month affair, when her husband was transferred and they moved away. She was 33 with two kids and I was a voice changing pubescent kid that never dreamed sex was so incredible. She was a masterful teacher and I was as eager a student as ever lived. What she showed me was so benifical for the rest of my life. I had no fear of girls realizing they had all the hormone driven uncertaiinity about themselves as I did. No longer awkward around women served me well. I am thinking of writing a story about that time of my life.

As verbal says, I'd read that story too.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by ChuckEPoo

It was more than sex she taught me. She taught me dance. How to be a gentleman. Dress properly. Hold chairs, open doors, speak confidently with the focus on her and not me. It translated into all aspects of my life. Confidence goes far in sports, school, and work.

Makes me want to read the story even more.
Active Ink Slinger
story of my life..
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire. ~ Charles Bukowski
Active Ink Slinger
Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. Yes I have.