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Ever fallen in love with someone you can't have?

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Quite often
Yes just a couple of times
Yes, I aunt by marriage...she was not a blood relative. She was married to my uncle, my father's brother, and she was on the younger side, 34. My uncle was a combat marine officer, a hero of the Afghanistan war. She and my uncle had a ranch on the outskirts of town and when he went to fight, she could not take care of the ranch alone, so my parents sent me there the summer after I graduated from high school.

She taught me everything I know today about lust, love and passion, teaching me how to treat a woman, what a woman loves most, guiding me, and allowing us to take each other in every possible way. We, essentially, lived together as man and wife for the entire summer, three lovely, romantic months filled with the sweetest love and passion any two people could ever have. I slept with her in her bed, on the same side as my uncle slept, that is how close we were. Our first few times together, we made love in the guest room where I initially slept, but our love became so involved, she invited me to stay with her, and I did so eagerly. Most nights, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

At the end of summer I left for college. She visited me several times and we stayed in a hotel. When I went home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we spent as much time as possible together, renewing our love over and over, we had missed each other so much. In the spring of the following year, my uncle returned and our trysts came to a halt.

Over the past 10 years since that eventful time in my life, she and I have remained lovers, getting together as frequently as possible and enjoying each other as much as our very first time together. But, she will never be all mine, only once in awhile, and I can settle for that..!! My very best to all, Jerry..!!
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have
Rookie Scribe
I am utterly n love with my mother in law , we share caresses and soft (oops we didnt mean to) kisses on the lips. I love spending time with her and cannot stop fantasizing about her. I hthis occupies every second of my day.I've told her i love her and she has told me if I wasnt married to her daughter , well ... I am and feel guilty but I know eventually the love and desire are going to reach critical point. I even think of her when i am having sex with her daughter. sometimes i think i am just a perverted idiot but when I am hanging out with her i am in heaven.
Advanced Wordsmith
Did it, still am in love with her. Nothing's happened and nothing probably will. Being in love with someone who is over 4,000 miles away tends to.... complicate things.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh Yes!!! Reading this thread brought back fond memories and sad memories. Let me grab a tissue?
Active Ink Slinger
An old topic but a good one as well. I fell in love with my next door neighbor when in the 5th grade. Silly but true, I know. She was a long legged filly of a girl, all knees and elbows, straight as a stick and possessed of the most amazing ability to be vibrantly alive I've ever seen in my life. I was not her choice however, and as we grew I was an observer as she dated many of my friends, but never me. It ripped at me that I was never, could never be her choice. I always knew inside that being with her would either be paradise or lead to my utter destruction. I had a couple opportunities after graduation, but either I or she was involved to some extent with other relationships, so once again a near miss. She is the one person outside of family I would rush to if she ever needed assistance. I know now that it simply will never be, and I'm good with that. I wish her well, to be happy every day in every way.
Advanced Wordsmith
yes, it's been over a year and i still love them.
Oh, very much so.

It took a while, but when I realized she wasn't the person she represented herself to be,
painful as it was, not being able to trust that person killed the love, and the relationship.
I thought it was the distance, but it was her lies and cheating. And her guilt. Upon
reflection, she knew exactly what she was doing, and couldn't stop herself. The signs were there.

I will always love the 'dream' of what we could have had. I thought we shared that dream, both
smitten, both trying to make it our reality. Truth is, it was just me, and I could never have had her as my own.
We were each other's escape from our reality. We were trying to save one another. It was our fantasy.

Reality now tells me she is incapable of real love. That's the worst part. She doesn't know how to deal with
someone who truly loves her, and that is why she is unable to be in that type of loving relationship. She knows
how to attract someone, but does not know how to keep them, making her unattainable.

What scares me is that I still love her, always will. Life gave me a second chance at the one, and she was it.
She didn't believe it. Or refused to. We just needed a little more time, but she couldn't wait.

I said things that I did not mean, nor would I ever act on. I did so because I knew they would hurt her,
and I would get my much needed closure, once I baited her to get the response I needed. I hope she knows that.

If I could, I would take her back in a second. But I also know that I cannot trust her. I must remember that.
If I forget, she will break my heart again, if I ever let her back inside my heart, my soul, and my life.

So, yes. I fell in love with someone I could never have. And then, fell out of it as fast as I could. Well, I'm trying.
Lady GlitterGiggles
Wild at Heart
Quote by adi_me33

I've told you, all you need is 2,000 bucks, a car service (for me) and a fancy steak dinner... For the first 1/2 hour that is.
I suspect most have. It ended suddenly with a few attempts from both of us to try and reconnect.
I still think about him, more often than I want to admit.
I think he still thinks about me. Of course that may be wishful thinking on my part.

You just have to feel that space up with other things or give it a good attempt.

Lady GlitterGiggles
Quote by Magical_felix

I've told you, all you need is a 2,000 bucks, a car service (for me) and a fancy steak dinner... For the first 1/2 hour that is.

I'm not falling for that shit again! Wasted a good steak sad
Site administrator
Quote by Magical_felix

I've told you, all you need is a 2,000 bucks, a car service (for me) and a fancy steak dinner... For the first 1/2 hour that is.

The meal sounds just great but not the rest!.

Short Arse Brit
A boy named Steven in Infant school, right through to Junior school. He never loved me back and I wanted to marry him. I am glad he didn't now though because he went bald in his early 20's. He also got a girl pregnant with twins, I would have killed him for that.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Forum Kan-Guru
I made rather a habit of falling for unavailable women in my teens and early twenties. I also made a bit of a habit of having sex with available women who I hadn't fallen for. This was absolutely fine when they also hadn't fallen for me, and it was just about sex for both of us. But it wasn't fine at all when they thought I was falling for them, and I didn't quite correct their misapprehension

I did eventually figure out that part of the reason it was happening, was that I was trying to stop anyone from getting too close to me. I don't think we have much control over who we're attracted to, but we do have some control over how much time we spend pining over them when we could be going out and seeing if we could meet someone else. And we do have some control over whether we look at the good points of someone we meet, rather than automatically thinking "not as wonderful as x". Not total control...our thoughts run off in their own direction sometimes, but some control.

And then I met and fell for someone who was available...and it ended really badly, so I'm not sure if anyone should listen to me.

Oh, and I still do pine a little for a friend who was going out with a mate of mine when we met (and then married and had children with him). But that's at least partly because we never had the opportunity to drive each other mad with our annoying habits!
Princess Popsicle
Most of the men I have fallen for have been people I can't have. Or you get with them for a bit and find out they're married etc. It takes time (maybe a month, maybe a few years, maybe more, depends on the situation and the person) and tears, but you're always okay in the end.
If you like first time, bisexual or teen then please read this and help make it famous!

My First Time With a Girl
Person of Interest
Yup, twice. The first time was a married woman at work. After a year and a half of drooling over her i finally told her how I feel. She was super sweet, very flattered, wanted to think about it. Then she let me know, on voice mail, that she wasn't going to leave her husband. I made two career changes because of her; one to be near her, another one to get away because I thought that would help lessen the feelings. It didn't.

This was 25 years ago. We're still friends, have lunch 2-3 times a year. I got over her, eventually. Took years. Now she's just a wonderful friend to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Unavailable people are my sexual orientation.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PrincessC

Unavailable people are my sexual orientation.

Hahahaha! I like the way you put it! Me too Princess.
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah I quite often felt in love with people who didn't reciprocate my feelings...sad experiences.

And that comment below hits the nail on the head...;)

Quote by PrincessC

Unavailable people are my sexual orientation.
Wild at Heart
Quote by simplyjohn

The meal sounds just great but not the rest!.

It's a lot more fun when you reply to me when I'm not suspended, creepo.
Lady GlitterGiggles
Quote by Magical_felix

It's a lot more fun when you reply to me when I'm not suspended, creepo.

Are you still free or am I responding while you are suspended? Honestly, how is one to know?
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Magical_felix

It's a lot more fun when you reply to me when I'm not suspended, creepo.

so, don't get yourself suspended. i mean, seriously, not like we keep tabs, especially with you - you're like a revolving door around here, creepo.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by adi_me33

Are you still free or am I responding while you are suspended? Honestly, how is one to know?

exactly my point.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Somewhat with the father of my expected baby who is married.
Wild at Heart
Quote by adi_me33

Are you still free or am I responding while you are suspended? Honestly, how is one to know?

Well, you wouldn't know. But a moderator like simplyjohn does know. Just saying, the timing of his balls growing is suspect.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Jen18
Somewhat with the father of my expected baby who is married.

well that's understandable.