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Do people believe in Destiny?

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Wild at Heart
Yeah, she charges 20 bucks a song, 60 bucks for a private and 300 for a blowjob.

Just don't ask if Destiny is her real name.
The Linebacker
Quote by Magical_felix
Yeah, she charges 20 bucks a song, 60 bucks for a private and 300 for a blowjob.

Just don't ask if Destiny is her real name.

Yep, that's the Destiny I know. Now I know why she's sporting a new Felix the Cat tattoo on her ankle.
Wild at Heart
Quote by Buz

Yep, that's the Destiny I know. Now I know why she's sporting a new Felix the Cat tattoo on her ankle.

That must be Chastity, Destiny has matching Felix paws on the tittays.
Rookie Scribe
I would like to think that Destiny would present us possible "true loves" and the final decision is upon us.

Would we act on it or not? If we let the true love pass, destiny would still draw from her cards another suitable "true love" for us to act on. And so on. So in my opinion, although there's destiny, the final choice is within us.
Active Ink Slinger
If I may quote from HIMYM

Klaus: Victoria is wunderbar, but she is not my Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz. She is my means the thing that is almost the thing you want but not quite. That is Victoria for me.

Ted: How do you know she's not Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz? Maybe as the years go by she'll get Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz-ier?

Klaus: Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz is not something that develops overtime. It's something that happens instantaneously. It courses through you like the water of a river after a storm; filling you and emptying you all at once. You feel it throughout your body - in your hands, in your heart, in your stomach, in your skin. Have you ever felt this way about someone?

Ted: ..I think so

Klaus: If you have to think about it, you have not felt it.

Ted: And you're absolutely sure you'll find that someday?

Klaus: Of course. Everyone does just never know when or where
Active Ink Slinger
The only true destiny is death. Nobody gets out of this world alive.
Quote by noll

I'm not sure if I understand.

Are people destined to have a certain fate? If not, then what does it mean to believe in fate?
I read 'having a destiny' as 'being predestined'. Maybe that's incorrect, but I don't see what it would mean to believe in destiny if that's the case.

Am I correct to conclude that, according to you, fate is the path/route (of which there might be multiple options) towards one's destiny? And also that if one's (unexpected) death is merely fate, not destiny, that you believe that death is not the end?

Have you tried google for some indepth answers?
As an external force directing our lives to a particular goal(s)? Not really. We are certainly affected by external forces in many ways (to the point where free will becomes somewhat questionable) but those forces don't have a particular, precise destination.

That said, my own life story has one example of why people believe in it. My wife and I were born on opposite sides of the planet, me in a relatively stable world, her in one of her country's most turbulent periods. Somehow, we ended up doing graduate degrees in the same program at the same university. If I had chosen a different program (I had two options) or she hadn't been allowed to go overseas to study, it might have all ended right there, but everything aligned and we met and ... to go further would be TMI.
Quote by Jacknife
Do people here believe they are destined to fall in love with someone specific in their lives?

I didn't used to, but I had an experience that made me question it. I don't think it's the Disney ending all the time though. Maybe sometimes you're just meant to experience a great love, whether or not it works out. What can I say, the romantic in me shows its face sometimes. smile
Raised on Blackroot
I have inherent problems with the concept of "destiny" and for that matter "soul mates."

On the one hand, I suppose it's easy to just follow destiny. It takes the control out of your hands. It's a nice sentiment to believe there's someone out there "just for you," or things happen for a "reason."

I'm not sure I like surrendering that much control.

And as for the soul mate equation you may be speaking on indirectly, no. I think the Hollywood concept outs too much stress and expectation on love.

You have to feel a certain way.
Things should be magical.
There's that "one person" out there just for you.
If you don't find that person, you're fucked.
It's idyllic and easy.

And human's concept of love isn't really any of those things. You have many mutually compatible souls and the notion of finding a soulmate isn't right. It's more accurate to say you build that with someone.
Rainbow Warrior
I believe in paradox. I've never believed in destiny, but destiny seems to believe in me.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by trinket
Have you tried google for some indepth answers?

To be honest I haven't, because even though Google knows too much about each one of us, it just seemed more sensible to ask Warlock what he meant than to ask Google what Warlock meant.


Active Ink Slinger
I chatted with an ex the other day and it seems as if time stopped to wait for us again.....she stated that 32 years ago she loved me and after more than 20 years now she stills hopes for the day we will be together. Destiny or not that's committed to a deep feeling.
Active Ink Slinger
I do believe in destiny, I truly believe that there is always someone out there that is meant to be with you, may take awhile for it to happen but in the long run I think it will happen....