Dear lushees,
I've been dating a girl I met in Uni for a short period of time now. And she is só damn sweet and she loves me so damn much.
I really like her, but I guess I'm not in love with her. Now that things got serious, I am doubting this.
How can I split up with her, without hurting her too bad?
breaking ones heart for what ever nice words you give in still get hurt because at the end she feel you don't love her
Best time to do it would be NOW! Only cause you would be leading her on to more and more. And it will crush her even harder if you lead her on more.. I agree with the other lushes. DON'T do it over the phone, nor over the net!! Or texting 0.0!!! Face to face is the best way too go if you still wanna keep the friendship. Sweet girls tend to fall hard and when they get broken they go crazy! So please be careful! xoxox - Bella.
The thing is, we both have a super important exam coming up this week. And I don't want her to ruin this test because of me.
Should I wait?
She called me, 'cause I didn't send her a message since 3PM, it now is near 00:30 over here.
Telling me she was dissapointed and a little mad, for not sending her messages all day. I'm just not like that!
I want to tell her so bad, but I can't ruin her test.
in this last one imma take a wild geuss here but if u stopped talking for just a day and she already upset bout that im curious do you two talk like everyday???
I really like the responses from silky and dancing doll......stand up, be honest, respectful and compassionate but don't wimp out and do it in some washed out unclear, give her false hope kind of way....having being dumped on numerous occassions (I know you are all stunned...) I always prefer honest The last one dumped me with a phone call after nearly 4 years...I'm still so stunned at how she did it I never did get to why....