i met a man online
i thought everything was going wonderfully with him
we were getting to know each other and played a few times.
Then all of a sudden, he is gone and i havent heard a word from him in months.
did he use me?
Quote by AudriNichols
A lot of guys will string a girl along, pretending to be more interested than they actually are, until one of two things happens.
1. They gave them what they wanted all along. Usually a cyber session.
2. You set a boundary with them and they don't like it.
Most men see women as something of a challenge they must conquer in some way. When you make it clear to them that you aren't that "easy" or they think they already have, they will either do the "slow fade" or disappear completely. Yes, it sounds as if he used you. Not a lot of guys have the balls to actually "break up" in person. When everything is done online, they don't even send an email to explain themselves. It's easier for them not to, so they don't bother. They don't see it as a real relationship, so they just disappear.
Quote by AudriNichols
A lot of guys will string a girl along, pretending to be more interested than they actually are, until one of two things happens.
1. They gave them what they wanted all along. Usually a cyber session.
2. You set a boundary with them and they don't like it.
Most men see women as something of a challenge they must conquer in some way. When you make it clear to them that you aren't that "easy" or they think they already have, they will either do the "slow fade" or disappear completely. Yes, it sounds as if he used you. Not a lot of guys have the balls to actually "break up" in person. When everything is done online, they don't even send an email to explain themselves. It's easier for them not to, so they don't bother. They don't see it as a real relationship, so they just disappear.
Quote by dpw
And this never happens the other way round?
It's a byproduct of the transient nature of online relationships. There is rarely any foundation to them, they are built on sand. Both parties are using each other to fill a void in their real life.
With the rise in cyber stalking, it's often safer to disappear. I'd like to think that I wouldn't do it, but I've never had anything bad happen to me online.
There's too little information to give a definitive answer, we can merely give suppositions
Quote by Dancing_Doll
It might be that things were getting deeper than he wanted (or not deep enough, or quickly enough if he was pressing for real-life contact). It might be that he was just looking for a little online distraction during a rough patch with a wife or girlfriend and things cleared up so he went back to regular life. He might have gotten bored or he might have been chatting with multiple people at the same time and as one took off, others got left behind. It's impossible to say, but as dpw said - online stuff can be very transient - especially in the early stages of getting to know someone. I wouldn't take it personally at it.
Everyone has different motivations for getting to know people in cyberspace and yours didn't mesh with his. In an ideal world, he should have let you know before disappearing, so that you weren't left wondering 'what happened' but people don't often do this because it's so easy to disappear online and not look back.
Quote by AudriNichols
I never said the same thing doesn't happen the other way around. It does. However, the OP was specifically speaking of a man she had met and felt abandoned by.
Quote by dpw
When you use terms like "most men" and "a lot of guys", you sound as if you're blaming males for the ills of the world. I was merely pointing out that it can happen both ways.
If you had said "perhaps he didn't have the balls to break up", that would be fine, instead you chose to say "not a lot of guys have the balls to break up"! A touch anti male, don't you think?
Quote by AudriNichols
And you said that it's "often easier to disappear" which only supports my point. Even you, a man who claims you've never had a bad experience online, admits that it's easier to not say anything at all. It's easier to disappear. Easier for who exactly? Where does that mentality come from?
Break ups are hard, whether it is in person or online. What makes it worse is just disappearing without a word. Not saying anything at all is just lazy and cowardly. How hard is it to write a 30 second email and say "It's not working out. I want to break up. Goodbye." It's a whole ten words. Not every woman is a crazy stalker either, so that is no excuse.
Whether you want to admit it or not, a lot of men DO treat women like that, especially online. By the way, I'm not "anti-male". I actually have a lot of respect for men. I have even more respect for the ones who have the balls to communicate like adults.
Quote by dpw
I've never disappeared, although some wish I would, lol.
It is easier, cowardly but easier to just disappear. For both men and women!
Why would you say "not every woman is a crazy stalker", who said they were?
Again, you mention "a lot of men", how do you quantify that? Some men, yes. So are some women.
Quote by AudriNichols
I suggest you go back and read your own comments. You were the one who implied that women online are stalkers, and somehow that is what makes it okay for men to just disappear without explanation.
I actually wrote a psychology paper on the phenomena of internet relationships about twelve years ago. I based my paper on my own personal experiences, the experiences of almost all of my friends and family, and the thousands of men and women I've talked to online all over the world. More than half the men I've asked admit to doing the "slow fade" or disappearing all together as their preferred method of internet "breakup". When I asked guys at my college, they admitted to doing in IRL too. Hundreds and probably thousands of men admitted it. I'd say that qualifies as "a lot". I've lost count of how many over the years, but since more and more people are dating online these days, it's safe to say it's probably happening more frequently than ever before. When I ask them why, the majority of them basically said something along the lines of "I didn't want to deal with her emotions." or "What's the point? It's not real anyway."
I don't know why you are continuing to make an issue of this. The OP asked if a man used her. Given her description of the events, I answered her question with my personal opinion, which has nothing to do with you. My opinions aren't going to change just because you choose to be offended. Get over it. I will not debate this any further.
Quote by Dirty_D
*scratches head and tries to decide if any paper on the Internet ten years ago could possibly be relevant today*
Per my grad school thesis requirements, nope.
Quote by AudriNichols
Yes, I know the paper I wrote is outdated. But I guess you all conveniently missed the part of my post when I said
Since more and more people are dating online these days, it's safe to say it's probably happening more frequently than ever before.
Seriously people, I gave an opinion. That's it. Don't like it? Get over it.
Quote by AudriNichols
Yes, I know the paper I wrote is outdated. But I guess you all conveniently missed the part of my post when I said
Since more and more people are dating online these days, it's safe to say it's probably happening more frequently than ever before.
Seriously people, I gave an opinion. That's it. Don't like it? Get over it.
Quote by Unlaw
I love the great debate between dpw and Audri... It was very articulate and intelligent with two opposing sides. I was really enjoying it...dpw, you really crack me up in the forums. I have to say you won this debate hands down. Audri...you were doing well until you used the ``don`t like it, get over it defense`` it didn`t work and it cheapened your debate...
As for my opinion, because I do have one...I use everyone on this site and any others I frequent, just as I am used...until I meet an actual live person in the flesh, how do any of us actually know we are dealing with the very person someone claims to be...I therefore believe we are all used to some extent...
What you lost in being in an online relationship with this male (if in fact the person was a male) was any emotional value you put in as well as your time given to pursue the relationship.
Take it as a lesson learned, time to move on because your online `friend`has...
Quote by RainyDaze
I have felt this way myself: the conversation and sharing was going well when *poof* he's gone. I wondered what happened; even going to the extreme believing that something bad occurred.
Quote by AudriNichols
LOL I haven't "lost" anything. I am simply choosing to ignore the childish name calling and tired insults. Bullying doesn't work on me.
I've got better things to do with my life than entertain fools who have nothing better to do than to troll forums trying to pick fights.