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Dating younger woman

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(I've developed a very close friendship with a much younger woman. I'm 68 she's 41 I think we both want to take it to the next level. Without ruining our friendship how do I move forward.
I am not answering the poll because I don't know you two. I would say that if you are sure you are reading the situation correctly, that there is interest on her side, then make the move. Yes, that's a huge age gap, but your age is not everything. Sometimes your personality may make a younger/older person a better fit than someone of your own generation. However, the age gap also means you grew up in rather different worlds culturally. You grew up before the Internet, computers, etc. and with some very different music, movies, etc. You need to ask if your values are compatible because you would have grown with different societal values than her, quite likely. Do you or her have family from previous relationships or living parents/siblings? Because their perception of the age issue could be more important than yours if you expect them to accept the relationship (should it happen). So, I don't think that age gap NEEDS to be a barrier, but you need to see if it could be as you delve into this.

My wife and I are only 9 years apart age-wise. Our biggest gap is cultural. She grew up in China in the fifties through to the seventies, I grew up in Canada in the sixties to the eighties. Very, very different cultures and values. But we made it work (been dating for 31 years, married for 27).

Good luck. It's a tough call, I think.
Easy for me to say from the cheep seats, but I think you should make a move. Life's too short, regret the things you do rather than the things you don't, or whatever other cliché you like.

As for how, treat her with respect and just be honest with her about how you feel. At 41, she's got enough miles on the clock to take it in stride and respond appropriately.

I know it's not the best time of year for you up there, but if you can go for a walk or a drive or some other activity where you're side by side, rather than face to face. That open body language positioning will put less pressure on her, as too the mild distraction of being somewhere doing something.

In your own words, tell her how much your friendship means to you, how much you like her, and that you're interested in taking things further. Be direct, don't play games or beat around the bush.

Be very careful about touch. Don't touch her beyond anything you would already do in your current relationship in that same situation, i.e. going for a walk. One exception, if you pick your moment right, a light touch on her forearm with your fingers can be grounding for her and add some sincere, non-threatening emphasis to what you're saying.

Then pay close attention to her reaction. Of course, right? But the number of men who don't would blow your mind.

If it doesn't go how you want, dig deep and be gracious. At least you tried, and at least you know. Tell her you understand, you hope you haven't made her feel uncomfortable and you truly want to continue being her friend. Then most importantly, get over it and move on. If there's any lingering tension, you risk eroding your relationship.

But here's the kicker, the absolute best thing that could happen is she'll reciprocate and you're off at the races. I wish you all the very best, old mate. Good luck and godspeed.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
"Dating Younger Women"?...As a title thread?
Ist she 1 year younger? Ist she 10 years younger? Ist she 25 years younger?
If she ist 25 years younger? Then good for you.
You must an older hottie I would yummy all over...giggles
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It is never about the age gap it should be about the two people involved and their personalities and social/cultural maturity. If you are both attracted to one another and are prepared to work at the relationship there is no reason not to. As in all relationships there will be bumps in the road and in this case the difference in age might throw up a few but always confront them and work them out together.
Age is not really a hindrance to any relationship. Ask her if she wants to move on as much as you do.
You can move on to the next stage of the relationship without losing the friendship as such. I believe that your partner should first of all be your friend.
Indeed, Age is not a hindrance. If there is a desire on both sides, of course
Go for it. Otherwise you'll never know what could have been. She maybe shy and hoping you make the first move.

The worst that can happen is she says sorry I’m not interested and then you let it go. Age is just a number to me it’s more about how you two get along and enjoy each other.

I think it’s up to you in this case. The gap is not important for you because people after 40 don’t differ much. It’s not like she’s 20 or something.

The most important thing is that you find her attractive and she finds you too. If the feelings are mutual, then why not give it a try? You lose nothing but you will probably regret not trying later. Some women just hope you make the first move and who knows, maybe she likes you too.

Even if she tells you she does not like you, nothing bad happens, and you can go to to find another partner.

Worse case scenario she will say no.Go for it!

I suggest your "move" is to be honest and let her know you are interested in more with her, and tell her if she is also interested to let you know. Then leave it with her -if she is interested, you will find out shortly - and if she's not, leave it at that and accept the friendship as it is.

If you can’t make a decision yourself, then move on. Life is not a poll of others' opinions!

LOL that this thread got necro'd after 3 years. Surely something has happened in that time. But 68 to 41 is actually not bad. At least both are middle-aged+. I think the gap would be worse if it was 46 to 19 (trying to keep the same 27 year difference) or something.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago