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Age,does it matter?

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Yes, as a black guy you go to jail if they are too young
Age does not matters if both are mature enough for this relation.
no but mature works for me
Not at all. I like younger and older. But they need to be romantics.
In a relationship, age does not matter as such. I would prefer the minimum legal age for consensual sex to be 18 as it is in many countries, but I could accept 16 as a bare minimum. Any younger is definitely out of limits.

I am 48, my husband is 55 and we share a bed with a young woman who has just turned 20. Age is no barrier with us; in fact, since we have been in a threesome, my husband has almost regressed back to a teenager himself. He has wound back the clock 28 years. If all parties are agreeable and find enjoyment, then age is no barrier at all.
I'd say that an age gap can matter but shouldn't, or at least doesn't have to.

I'm at the young end of a 9 (well, 8 1/2 rounded up) year age gap. We've managed to keep things going for 23 years. It's far from a perfect relationship but I don't see that age is the biggest source of problems. We have rather different personalities (I'm more laidback, she's very focussed) and come from rather different historical and cultural circumstances (she's Chinese and went through the the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution while I grew up in the fairly stable Canada of the 70s and 80s). The age gap is minor when you consider those potential issues.

That said, I can see where a big age gap (say a college student with a guy in his late thirties or his forties) could be problematic given that they are at different stages in life, career, education, etc. Doesn't have to be a problem, but could be if they aren't up to dealing with that generation gap.
I don't think it HAS to matter. It really depends on what each of you want. If it's just a romp in the sack and you have the same libido, awesome. If one of you is thinking of marriage and kids and more domestic stuff, it may be an issue. At the end of the day, if you're legal, if the relationship/encounter is concensual and you're able to communicate your expectations, none it should matter at all
I always try to tell ppl not to date someone more than 10 yrs older than then b/c I just don't think it will work. Grew up in different time periods..probably think very differently on certain topics. But it also depends on what type of relationship it is. Do u want to have just sexual? Then I think age really isn't that big of a deal as long as yall are compatible sexually. BUT if this is a commited relationship that you want to be in for a long time....then IDK. There are NUMEROUS factors to go into it. Would you like to be married one day? Have children?
A few months ago I was lucky enough to meet an amazing man, we connect on every level and are head over heels in love with each other, he's everything I ever wanted. He's also 17 years older than me.

The age difference isn't important, everything else is.
The older you get, the less it matters. For instance, if one party is 35 and the other 25, there will be a definite maturity difference, however, add another 10 years to both parties and that is no longer an issue.
I have a brother that is maried to a much older woman. He was real nervous when he brought her Home to meet the family. I told him this, does she make you happy? Do you make her happy? Then who cares what everybody else thinks.
Go be.happy.
it is down to how you get on not your ages
The only time when age should matter is legal wise. Other than that, if there's a strong connection, you can still be friends whether there's sex or not, and you can be yourself around one another, there should be no problem with age differences.

Personally, when I was 17 I had a fling with a 54 year old man. We had some fun times, and we're still good friends. The only reason it didn't go anywhere was because he started getting ill and moved in with his son, who lives in another state. Obviously i wasn't able to go because I was still in high school, but if there weren't any restrictions, I would have went with him and stayed with him. We got along great, nothing was ever awkward and we accepted each other as we were, and I loved the reaction from him when I would joke and play around with him. I was always able to make him blush and he was great at getting me to smile, no matter how bad of a mood I was in. There was an attraction between us, both physically and emotionally, and that's all that mattered.

Obviously there was a big generation gap between us, but it didn't matter because of how we felt about each other. We supported each other emotionally when either of us was stressing out. Don't let an age difference ruin a good thing.
to me age isn't an issue long as she is of legal age.
I am 63 my girlfriend is 47 I have a life where much of occured before she was born;but I learn from her and she learns from me which is perfect
I have dated men 30 years older...Just go with it. Enjoy the person, not the age. Widen the net...Of course I am not pushing any have to be in shape and have your faculties.
no, it doesn't matter. As long as your of age and it's mutual.
If both parties are consenting then no. I think what should matter is the maturity level of the two people, not their actual age.
You seem sweet, mind if I lick you to make sure?
Age doesn't matter. I agree, it is all about feeling a connection between 2 people. (or more in some cases)
I've always seemed to be attracted to older women. I was married to a women 7 years older. Unfortunately that didn't work out, it wasn't the age gap ,it was the way we felt about each other.
I have now found the true love of my life, and the wonderful women is again 7 years older, this wasn't by choice, its just the way it has worked out.
If anything, at times she feels she is too old for me, I re-assure her all the time it really doesn't matter, I've never loved woman as much as I love her.
In other relationships, I've needed to make an effort for them to work. With this wonderful woman its completely effortless. Sad to say, I honestly don't think I've ever been in love until I met this awesome women, and I'm now 43. She is my the love of my life, and my soulmate.
Not really - when I was younger, I dated a gal who was twice my age, a bit after I hit 40, I was with a gal half my age.

If the connection happens and you enjoy each others company out of bed as well as in it, then the hell with the age difference.
age doesn't matter in love as well as sex .... !!!
no - i adore fucking younger girls and they seem to like me being is the way to go - or sho9uld that be the way to cum?
Quote by Donte
Yes, as a black guy you go to jail if they are too young

I think anyone having sex with an underage person should go to jail. IMHO.
Age is not as important as other factors such as compatibility and chemistry.

Quote by Marinepilot
Age is not as important as other factors such as compatibility and chemistry.

I couldn't have said it better, myself.
i think age is a problem only if you have a problem with it. i try to look at the person
I think a large age difference can be work very well in a complementary sense. Sometimes the larger the difference the more each has to offer the other. I know in my own experience it can lead to a wonderful things. For the rest it is just a number.
Age only makes a difference if it is allowed to.
depends. think about it - if it's a small gap, no. but if it's a large gap, think about what happens when you're 50 and s/he's 80? you're not ready to slow down but s/he's not able to keep up? then it's going to matter, no matter what you might think now. just a little reality check here.

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