I'd suggest finding someone who writes poetry and sending your work to them. Yes they may be brutal but you need that kind of feedback if you're going to improve your skills.
I had a poem rejected for not being right, I hadn't added enough of a sense of loss or pining for something that once was. So I could rework it, send it to blue or put it back in the drawer.
I reworked it and added about 60 extra words and that was enough to make it work much better.
Separate your ego from the work and look at what you're trying to convey. Sometimes we don't pick the right words or don't include enough of them to carry the reader along.
Poetry is much harder than it looks and it feels much more personal, well at least to this rookie poet it is.
Writing can be hard work, frustrating, painful, Emotionally exhausting and very difficult to explain to someone who doesn't do it why you do it.
Don't give up, Keep writing and be prepared to admit, even if only to yourself, that a piece isn't working out and needs to be put back in the drawer. Sometimes the bones of that work can be recycled and sometimes it's enough to know you reached for the stars and touched a light bulb instead. Such is life and such is art.