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This was rejected because it wasn't a "Romantic" love poem...The category is just list

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Wild at Heart
Quote by stephanie

"I knew it was you, Fredo..."

xx SF

"Sprite can handle things! She's smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... She's smart and she wants respect!"
Wild at Heart
Quote by clum

Not every single time, just to every single mod. Who knows who will pick up your next story?

...I'll be checking to make sure it's well past 2 am in the UK from now on.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Magical_felix

"Sprite can handle things! She's smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... She's smart and she wants respect!"

now you're just making fun of me. that's it, motherfucker! i declare BLOOD FUED!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Magical_felix
...I'll be checking to make sure it's well past 2 am in the UK from now on.

Good call. You might traumatise Liz.
Wild at Heart
Quote by sprite

now you're just making fun of me. that's it, motherfucker! i declare BLOOD FUED!

Wild at Heart
Quote by clum

Good call. You might traumatise Liz.

Quote by chris_brown

Here's an opinion that isn't easily rejected. You can't tell me,(and I'm sure a handful of other Lushies out there who possibly feel the same way,) that ego among the moderators looking over the stories doesn't let that creep into their decision-making when it comes to accepting poems/stories on something that has no clear definition among the other categories. If that's the case,then somebody needs to put their foot down and put a stop to it.

All joking aside, (REALLY!) that DOES NOT HAPPEN... (I mean, Moderators TRULY DON'T allow ego/personal preference/or anything else, indeed,) PREJUDICE the approval/rejection process.

Think about it... They COULDN'T do since all decisions are reviewed by senior mods where there is any HINT of controversy and approval/rejection decisions are PUBLIC to the wider moderating team on a moderator forum created SPECIFICALLY to monitor the process.

Mistakes ARE made, but usually because a moderator has MISUNDERSTOOD a guideline and when that happens, believe me, A FOOT IS PUT DOWN and no mistake. (Several people who have posted on this topic did, in my time as a mod, receive apologies from me for errors of judgement which I was INSTRUCTED to correct and subsequently did.) In addition to this, Moderators are EXPECTED both in public and private forum to REPRESENT THE BEST OF THE SITE in terms of polite, mannered, intelligent and non-confrontational behavior in terms of comments etc. (You can IMAGINE the shit I got in over THAT rule!)

MODERATORS GET ASKED TO STEP DOWN!!! Not EVERYBODY is up to the task. I WASN"T and I freely admit it!!! (I'm VERY PROUD of the things I was GOOD AT, but WHEN the stress of it got to me, WHEN I started to screw it up, A FUCKING FOOT WAS PUT DOWN!!!)

SO, I'm telling you HOW IT IS!!!

(Now, as it happens, WHEN THAT HAPPENS, (and I'm not the only one...) a kind of support is offered from colleagues, site owners/governors and indeed other members. It's NOT NICE to be dismissed and for some time I felt REALLY BAD about my own FIRING!!! (But you know, I've NEVER been made feel EXCLUDED, my advice on CERTAIN things is still sought from time to time and I KNOW my talents (while they lasted!!!) were valued and appreciated.

I believe they still are, albeit FOREVER off-team, as it were. (And rightly so, just to be clear...)

If the Mod Team who police submissions are governed by guidelines, those guidelines are NOWHERE NEAR AS STRICT as the guidelines that govern the Mod Team.

And THAT is the truth.

xx Stephen

Just a thought... I was a Mod for ALMOST four years (I Think?) and a Senior Mod for half that time. I was VERY INVOLVED. So really, I DO know what I'm talking about, HONEST!)
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by chris_brown
heres an opinion that isnt easily rejected,u cant tell me,and im sure a handful of other Lushies out there who possibly feel the same way,that ego among the moderators looking over the stories dont let that creep into thier decision-making when it comes to accepting poems/stories,on something that has no clear definition among the other categories,if thats the case,then somebody needs to put thier foot down and put a stop to it.

I really hope you don't believe this. Moderators are volunteers. They are real people, with real lives, jobs, families, and such. They have good and bad days. They have made mistakes. They have also seen things that never make it to the home page and often upset them to the point of, "I'm taking a time-out." They do this with little gratitude (however, some member are really good about showing their appreciation.) They make edits for Gold Members (within reason & the only exception is Comp Entries), and if there is a question, they ask for help. Some questions can be answered quickly... others as was stated earlier can take 2-3 pages of dialogue and discussion.

Members bring issues up to Mods all the time. Some are minor (i.e.: a bug affecting the site) and some are major (i.e.: plagiarism). All of these issues are taken seriously and looked into. Minor issues are often fixed so fast that maybe one or two mods even knew of the issue... major issues might involve more Mods.

Of all the stories I've ever submitted, the ones that went through without a hitch and the ones that were rejected, I never felt the Mod's ego was crept into their decision. I always felt they had valid reasons for their decision... even if I didn't fully agree (which was really rare.)
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by clum
Good call. You might traumatise Liz.

It was a double Polaroid.

Quote by stephanie

*LAUGHS!!!* What's THAT like???

xx SF


Usually I don't bother to re-write it... (AND IN HONESTY, they ALWAYS explain why they BOUNCE it...) Fuck it, I'll just write ANOTHER one!!!

I will NEVER, EVER fault the Mod Team because I KNOW HOW TOUGH THAT JOB IS!!!

(Do they ALWAYS call it right??? Well... NO THEY DON'T!!! But THAT'S just MY OPINION. AS VALID as theirs, if you think about it... WITHOUT their calls the site IS A GARBAGE BAG!!! They work HARD at cost to their own creativity, they take it So Seriously!!! They AGONIZE over calls, they ARE SPOKEN TO if they call it WRONG, (Well, I was... A LOT!) And then LATER as a Senior Mod was obliged to SPEAK TO other colleagues about issues! They are often VILIFIED and INSULTED for their time and considerable effort and VERY SELDOM thanked for the time they give to MAKE US ALL PROUD OF BEING A PART OF LUSH.

Fuck it... Let's BE SPECIFIC.

My LAST rejection, (a prose story) came with a DETAILED suggestion from THE MOD as to how I could FIX it for approval. (Now, I DON'T GENERALLY re-edit...)

So I just KILLED the piece. (And it was FUCKING good!)

Know what I did next?

I just wrote something else.

People ACCUSE mods of being all sorts of power crazy and such bullshit... (I WAS ACCUSED OF THAT!) But I DON'T think I WAS, and I DON'T think the Mod who bounced MY PIECE was, AND I DON'T THINK THEY ARE!!!


(I THANKED the MOD who bounced my piece IN PRIVATE PM, explaining that I DIDN'T THINK I could fit in the changes he suggested into the piece and keep its FLAVOUR... But I thanked him all the same.)


xx Stephen

=d> You're absolutely RIGHT !!
...umm yeah that would be all for comments
Quote by Lunar_and_solar

=d> You're absolutely RIGHT !!
...umm yeah that would be all for comments

What a LOVELY thing to say!!!

But a word of advice. I notice this is your First Forum post... (It doesn't do most people well to like or agree with ANYTHING I say.)

Think about it... What kind of a FUCKING EGOMANIAC starts a post on this thread with the INCREDULOUS declaration that HE TOO GETS REJECTED????? (I know. But I do. It's not a lie. It's just unbelieveable....)

You take my point. (I'm trying to help you make REAL friends here.)

xx SF
Quote by stephanie

What a LOVELY thing to say!!!

But a word of advice. I notice this is your First Forum post... (It doesn't do most people well to like or agree with ANYTHING I say.)

Think about it... What kind of a FUCKING EGOMANIAC starts a post on this thread with the INCREDULOUS declaration that HE TOO GETS REJECTED????? (I know. But I do. It's not a lie. It's just unbelieveable....)

You take my point. (I'm trying to help you make REAL friends here.)

xx SF

Darn It !! I knew it ! I knew that posting on a "rejected poetry forum thread" for my first post wasn't a good idea.
I should have posted first in that "fuck me or fuck me not" thread (I guess it is somewhere in these forums).
I agreed with the FUCKING EGOMANIAC because what he said wasn't a lie...uhhh bah! I don't have any other better explaination for this haha .

I'll take your advice for the future , thanks.
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by Lunar_and_solar
Darn It !! I knew it ! I knew that posting on a "rejected poetry forum thread" for my first post wasn't a good idea.
I should have posted first in that "fuck me or fuck me not" thread (I guess it is somewhere in these forums).
I agreed with the FUCKING EGOMANIAC because what he said wasn't a lie...uhhh bah! I don't have any other better explaination for this haha .

I'll take your advice for the future , thanks.

Anything Steph says... must be taken with a grain (or a pound) of salt. Of course he's a huge EGOMANIAC... that's what makes him such a good writer. I thought what you said was fine... but what do I know... I lack the ego Steph has... but I too have had my share of pieces rejected.

Yeah... Steph has his own unique way to say things... and he's brutally honest... but that's why we love him so.
It wasn't but an antebellum love song,

As she whispered "Old Dixie" to me

Then expired beneath the gazebo

Leaving this old fool in misery

Hammering away as the cottonwoods blow

Deep down in "mici zibi" beneath the catalpa trees

With Spanish moss dripping high humidity

And the cicadas whistling on the bark,

It wasn't but an antebellum love song

Near a town on the Alabama border line,

That the shadow of Caledonia set beside me

Ass I sipped sunshine tea with a sprig of mint

And then put her ass ashes in a Mason jar,

Deep down in "mici zibi" beneath the catalpa trees

While awaiting the coach to Birmingham,

The gentle southern breeze sung "Old Dixie" to me

And now taking my wife home.