I'll start with one I did some time ago.
You love me this I know
You need me
for companionship
You have no wants no desire
Don't do that
I can tell
You think you're helping
You're not.
Pain in heart
pain inside
Love and need
Hunger and desire
All wrapped up inside
Anger flares
Lies complete
You say to help me
Fire in my soul
What they do is up to them
I'm not there I am here
Love still treads here
You and me
Let it go
Let it be
I'll be ok
You will see
The Gift
What fine gift shall I give to thee?
That thou canst cherish
Thine eyes doth see
Gold and trinkets I give thee not
For shallow gifts
Thou hast got
Tis wordly goods thou dost disdain
To seek instead
A deeper gain
Tis in my soul that thou shalt find
Tribute for thee
And repose of mind
In dutiful homage
On bended knee
Mine eyes castdown
I give to thee
Bounded body and shackled mind
Uncommon love
Thou wilt ne’er find
I pray thee master
as I bend low
In humble curtsey thou shalt know
Mine only gift to thee can be
My body and soul -
I give thee
wow... I like this one ^^^^^
Kiradart, this is a very good poem. Paints pictures in my mind that don't leave very soon at all. Thank you for sharing with us.Qj2WV9i3raoc5sWl
p.s.... welcome to Lush Stories too. Glad you joined us.
Thankyou Curious. I liked your poem too. I love to write erotic poetry, but its not a genre I can share with everybody in my vanilla circles. (smile).
The Collar
She knelt before him
Scarlet cloth
Blood red
Snowy flesh
Pricked and bleeding
Tightened bodice
Breasts bursting
source of natures
she clings
the Black Lord’s
His chalice
His vessel
His wordly
Saphire eyes
Black lashed
Seek his depths
Pale arms
Purple stained
In their binding
In exquisite
Her face
Tortured desire
Narrow necked
Of body
The symbol
In his strong
Braced and ready
And she
In worship
Silently accepting
The bountiful gift
White throat
She gasps
The clasp
No more herself
But for
His acolyte
His adoring slave
Its really nice to be here. Thankyou for your warm welcome and kind words.
Usually BDSM doesn't draw me in poetry. That said, I find the visions released in your words to be breathtaking.
Really? I write lots but don't have too much confidence in my work - its sort of become a secret of mine - lol deep and dark, you can draw the obvious analogies. (wink) I have published a few on Lush in BDSM stories I think. I write better than I drive the computer so I never know quite where I am! You have encouraged my creative juices. I shall write some more. Thankyou.
Maybe I shouldn't read too much into this, but I noticed the capitalizing of your name. Are you more towards Domme, Kira?
Hello Rocco
No i am not dominant i am naturally submissive. The captilization is purely habit. I guess i should change it.
No problem, Kira. I was just wondering. Keep the good writing coming.
Kira -- that is SO true, and from my past that's almost exactly how it happens
gorgeous work hun
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
My Owner
flying high, i reach for you
i can't touch you, though i try
if anything, all i can touch is
your cloak hem. without you
i am nothing,
no movement,
no breath,
no beat.
Walking quickly i reach for you
as you run the rooftops
clattering chimmeny pots
i can but hear you
i was nothing,
no movement,
no breath,
no beat.
crawling for you, save
when you draw near
then reaching and i can
but catch the edge of footprints
i became somthing
loving movement
enjoying breath
relishing beats
But, if it wern't for you
and the way you held me
once. so long ago
it seems so long ago now.
i became somthing
loving movement
enjoying breath
relishing beats
for the Angel,
flying high
running rooftops
walking swiftly
so i run, walk, crawl
for you
*~*xX/ ;) i'm not joking/Xx*~*
Hourglass, I feel deep things in this one. A kind of suspense that creates desires. I like it. Thank you.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
It has taken me awhile to get brave...but here goes nothing:
Walking along an abandoned beach
I feel the cool grains of white sand.
They seem to melt beneath my feet
I watch the ice-cold, rippling water
Slowly wash away the shore;
Bits of shells roll back and forth
As the tide rushes in and out again.
From time to time the seagulls cry out,
As if to say, “This is our home!”
The sun shines yellow with a touch of red,
But still is not yet overhead.
The birds make faint shadows on the beach
As they glide through the aquamarine sky.
I extend my glance from shore to horizon
And catch a glimpse of a foam-capped wave.
The gulf air is strong, yet warm and misty,
With an ever-present scent of salt and sand,
While the waves continue to crash upon the shore.
As I walk towards you
I can almost see the sun
Burning away the mist and
Creating a blinding reflection on
The snow white sand.
Cold water splashes at my ankles now
While small abrasions experience a slight unpleasant burning.
I cannot help but let my body fall against you
And into this dark blue-green gulf water.
As we embrace and become one again,
I dream of staying with you
And never going home.
It's a great thing to feel someone else is your home.
I always felt 'Home is where you hang your hat, cause home is where your love is at.'
You are right, my sweetie is my home.
Love it Tech.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
Thanks Bat...appreciate the nod.
nice poem techgoddess. did you write it at the beach? I love to spend hours by the waterside, wherever that may be. very therapeutic.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
Thanks Rocco. I loved the poems you sent me by the way...
techgoddess, I, for one, am very glad you got brave. A lovely poem and the words drew me in, keeping me in addition to adding visuals too. Thank you for sharing with us.0C5CpWkTOfD3wiVw
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
Time to be brave again...
There’s a hint of a smile on your face
as our eyes make that first connection.
The smile grows until it reaches your eyes,
Contagious…for as soon as I see it, my own expression mirrors yours
while my heart dances.
Our eyes stay locked
and you cannot deny your need to touch me.
The heat of your lips brand mine as we kiss,
Contagious…for as soon as I feel it, the heat envelopes me
with flames of passion.
Our bodies unite in an erotic embrace
as the world around us ceases to exist.
The intensity is searing as we melt into each other
Contagious…for as soon as I taste you,
my body becomes yours.