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My Special Love (Happy Valentine's Day)

Sitting with you right next to me,
Nowhere in the world I’d rather be,
Your every move brings a smile to my face,
With your awesome beauty and natural grace,
I enjoy being with you day and night,
Being with you just feels so right.

Of all the loves I have known,
None have the kindness you have shown,
None have the charms that you possess,
None can match your soft caress,
None can match the joy you bring,
None can cause my heart to sing.

Of all the loves who have come my way,
None can match the passion you display,
None can speak the words that always sound right,
None can match the feeling when you hold me tight,
None can match your special charms,
When you hold me tight in your arms.

That’s why I know I have found the one,
A special love that is second to none,
I know in my heart that you feel it too,
That’s why my heart is my gift to you,
I just need to write this so I can say,
To my special love, Happy Valentine’s Day.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I might post this...

Happy Anniversary Day (Our special day)

Of all the things we celebrate,
There is one very special date,
That special day when vows were said,
Our special day when we were wed.

Of you my love, I was so fond,
To want to start a lasting bond,
It was a sunny Saturday in May,
That day we call our special day.

I still recall your walk up the aisle,
As you gave to me a secret smile,
I could not help but feel so proud,
The luckiest man in the crowd.

As I stood and held your hand,
I really began to understand,
For when us two were joined as one,
A whole new life had just begun.

And when they said to kiss the bride,
I felt so very proud deep inside,
Knowing that we’d be sharing a life,
You and me as man and wife.

And looking back upon it all,
It’s the good times I recall,
And if you asked me to do it again,
You’d just have to tell me when.

So now that it’s our anniversary day,
There’s just some words I’d like to say,
Everyday my love grows more and more,
Even more today than the day before.

And since I am so very blessed,
To be with the girl who is the best,
Once again I’d like to say,
Happy Anniversary Day.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Leave Me Hanging

I started a chat with a girl online,
Hoping to have me a really good time,
Things started out pretty slow,
Just some small talk after we said Hello,'
After a while we picked up the pace,
After my thoughts started to race,
I started asking stuff like What you got on?'
Did you say panties or was that a thong?
I told the girl if she would give me head,
I could sure find a place for her in my bed.
The conversation went from How you doing?'
To you're the one I'd like to be screwing,
As we really started to turn up the heat,
I could not help start stroking' my meat,
She said she was so wet she was starting to drip,
I tell you people my mind was starting to flip,
It got past the point of no return,
Something inside was starting to burn,
I said Hey girl there's no turning back,'
You and me should be in the sack,
I suggested we should get together,
You know I'd come out in any weather,
Just when I thought there was a chance,
And I should get up and put on my pants,
The girl told me she had to book,
Her husband came home and she has to cook,
So instead of the one that I'd be banging,
She turned out to be the one to leave me hanging.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
St. Pat’s Surprise

I went out to an Irish bar,
No big deal, it wasn't far,
To see if I could get a lay,
A little something for St. Patrick's day,
A spotted a fine lass drinking green beer,
So I leaned and whispered in her ear,
Something about how I liked her face,
And would she come back to my place,
She was so drunk she actually agreed,
To follow me home and fill my need,
I was so excited as we started to strip,
My head in a whirl, my mind starting to flip,
But when I saw her naked I started to blink,
Should I believe my eyes I started to think,
I stared at the strangest sight I have seen,
For St. Pat's she had dyed her hair green,
Though what she did seemed beyond belief,
I did end up that night having green teeth.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Does anyone like this poem? Still not sure if I should post it...

Truly A Find

I have met so many women,
Some with model looks.
Others were so very bright,
Had knowledge found in books.

So many times a woman,
Has stood out from the crowd.
Hanging on my arm,
She really made me proud.

But over the years, as time has passed,
I’ve come to understand.
Most of those relationships,
Did not work as planned.

But now that I am older,
And somewhat more mature.
I have a greater understanding,
Of what it takes to endure.

And while a pretty face may tempt me,
Just like in the past.
I now look for something deeper,
Something that will last.

Though many a beauty has passed on through,
Like members of a passing parade.
I now long for that beauty,
Something that won’t fade.

Because smarts and a pretty face,
May make for a wonderful start.
But for a lasting finish,
One has to look to the heart.

For to find a love that will truly last,
Through both thick and thin.
One that will survive the good and the bad,
It must come from deep within.

For when you meet that certain someone,
Whose heart is loving and kind.
And experience a love so deep and true,
That love is truly a find.


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Active Ink Slinger
The Final Bow

I step on the stage
With the blinding lights
Look into the crowd
And erase all my frights

The audience is waiting
For me to begin
This is my chance
Do I sink? Or do I swim?

My stomach is flying
Butterflies taking me high
I start to sing
And now I remember why

This is for all the people
Who judged me at first look
But don't they know?
The cover isn't quite like the book

I see all their faces
With disbeleif and shock
Now my confidence takes over
This is my time to rock

I sing the final note
And take that final bow
The moment of truth
Begins right now

Glady the audience
Screams my name and cheers
And somehow my smile
Now stretches from ear to ear
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Should I post this one??? It's an oldie...sort of...I always ask, but I'll probably post it anyway...

My Girlfriend Told Me She's Gay

I had a girlfriend who told me she's gay,
My first reaction was to say "No way."
I gave this situation some heavy thought,
It seemed so against everything I was taught,
I told her she just had to go,
Who it was I didn't want to know,
I told her she could do what she like,
I didn't want to meet this other ,
Then in a while instead of being furious,
I found myself becoming a bit curious,
What she told me nearly put me in shock,
She’d been dating the girl down the block,
The one who lives just down the street,
The one I’ve really been wanting to meet,
I told her to ignore what I said before,
That we can talk this over some more,
Maybe if she could bring her by,
I would start to understand why,
No use in her sneaking around,
When we could all be getting down,
If she has a hot looking mother,
She can do one, I'll do the other,
We could even make a flick,
Her, me and this other chick,
Hey, I'm just a modern guy,
I'm willing to give this thing a try,
As long as I can watch and learn,
And maybe even get my turn,
Her being gay might not be so bad,
In fact I might even be very glad,
So when your girl says she's a carpet muncher,
Think this out, don’t try to punch her,
Find out if her partner's hot,
You can get rid of her if she's not,
But this could be the best thing that could be,
As long as the bed's big enough for three.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I don't think I posted this...did I??? I have so many damn poems I can't remember...

Peg Leg Peg

There was a girl named Peg Leg Peg,
Called her that because of her wooden leg,
She was known as the best in town,
Guys would come from miles around,
You see, Peg’s leg could detach,
For better access to her snatch,
And though it wasn’t crabs that bite,
There was the occasional termite,
But this did not seem to deter,
All the guys who called on her,
And though there were occasional cracks,
About how she held her stockings up with tacks,
All the guys would practically beg,
To put another notch in Peggy’s leg.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Here is a poem I can't submit to is not a love and/or erotic poem...I have a bunch of poems on Poetry Craze...
I write a lot of poems...but, don't tell anyone...

Cannot Reach Me

All the strife and pending doom,
A world outside filled with gloom,
Cannot reach me in my room.
People I meet are so unkind,
They try to sever the ties that bind,
But none can reach me in my mind.
So much pain, trouble and woe,
No escape, nowhere to go,
They cannot reach into my soul.
Pain that sears like a poison dart,
Lovers that try to tear us apart,
None can reach into my heart.
From a world of jealousy and pride,
I shield myself and try to hide,
Never letting anyone see inside.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
This was one I had written last the time I didn't think it appropriate to post love poems on Lush, I was really only submitting erotic poems, not realizing love poems and romance stuff does really, I put this one and two others in my story "Merry Christmas, Baby"...

You Can Believe

When something deep inside you dies,
When people around don’t hear your cries,
When sadness starts to fill your dreams,
When something deep inside you screams,
When loneliness overtakes your heart,
And anger starts to tear you apart,
That’s when I’ll be by your side,
To make your fears run and hide,
To help you make it through the night,
To tell you everything will be alright,
To be there for you night and day,
Driving all your worries away,
To hold you tight and keep you warm,
To guide you through that raging storm,
I’ll be there always and never leave,
For in my love you can believe.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Here is something I wrote for the story of the same is supposed to be a song in the story, but I never really put it to music...a very well-liked story, btw...

Your Eyes.

All that we have been through,
All the time we shared.
The good times and the bad,
It always seemed you cared.
Now you’re growing distant,
Starting to tell lies.
You’re starting to go away from me,
I can see it in your eyes.

We used to love together,
Love like we were one.
Now we are apart,
Our love has come undone.
I thought we’d be together,
Make the perfect pair.
Always thought you’d be there,
Always thought you’d care.
Now I’m left with questions,
A thousand whats and whys,
You are no longer mine,
I can see it in your eyes.

I’m left with only memories,
Of good times that used to be.
A thousand laughs and smiles,
Will always stay with me.
But never again will I feel your arms,
Holding me at night.
Or experience your charms,
Or savor your delight.
You walk away and leave me,
We say our sad goodbyes,
Never to come back,
I can see it in your eyes.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
This is actually my most viewed poem on Poetry Craze...not sure why, I don't think it's that good, really...

Under Darkness Of Night

Sounds of yelling from a row house blare,
No one hears, does anyone care?
The yelling soon turns into a fight,
But no one hears under darkness of night.

A teenage girl works the street,
Hoping to pay for something to eat,
She knows in her heart it just ain’t right,
But no one notices under darkness of night.

A young man sits on a bench all alone,
His clothes are all he can call his own,
He can’t find work and money is tight,
But no one sees under darkness of night.

So many people, so many fears,
So much sorrow, too many tears,
Happiness long ago gave way to plight,
But no one cares under darkness of night.


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Active Ink Slinger
Joe is a strong man, a big man

Life had a cruel way

Always giving and then taking away the important things

Their days were harder than ever

Joe took on what he could

He didn't touch her much

She needed it

His mind was somewhere else

She pouted and made things worse

He blamed himself

Remembering who he was

She gave up the fight and held on to him tight
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
I sit here thinking, contemplating, reflecting
Angry and alone, no way I'm connecting

Deep in the bowels of desolation and despair
My soul reaches up for nourishment and care

I pay it no heed, it is of no import
"But I AM worthy!" is its angry retort

Misfortune aside, I plod on ever stoic
My actions, some say, are damn near heroic

I brush them aside, they know nothing of me
My true persona is something no one will ever see

Unworthy, unloved, uncaring and cold
My heart lies in ruin, no truth to be told

And yet still I hope though I know it is foolish
My wants are passe, my life almost ghoulish

If ever a time for an epiphany to come
You would think it was now, as I am so numb

But words fill my head, no hope of escape
There is no trap door, no gate stands agape

Inside is only isolation and doom
For this is my prison, my solace, my tomb

A sliver of light from above I behold
I cannot resist, my walls start to fold

I don't want to think that help has arrived
Cynicism and derision are how I've survived

I have no defenses, the next volley, I'm through
In the end, all is well, the light shining...
is you
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I have no idea where the inspiration for this one came from...

Ode To The Drama Lama

The Drama Llama sits at home,
At the table, she‘s all alone,
Her head pounding she can’t even think,
As she pours herself another drink,
Another rough day at work,
She feels like such a jerk,
She should have listened to her mama,
Who told her not to be a Drama Llama,
Who warned her people can be mean,
To the little drama queen.

So she picks up the phone and calls her mama,
After a rough day of dealing with drama,
Her mother tells her “I told you so.”
You really should be old enough to know,
You could have a nice job in a petting zoo,
Or join the circus like your brother Lou,
You could have married a president, like Michele Obama,
But no, you had to be the Drama Llama,
Can’t find a nice job like your brother,
Instead you worry your poor old mother.

So Drama Llama gets off the phone,
Thinking she’ll always be alone,
Never be someone’s wife,
With so much drama in her life,
No respect for Drama Llamas,
So she goes and puts on her pajamas,
So much drama she has to watch,
So she pours herself another scotch,
Thinks she needs a trip to the Bahamas,
Yes, life is tough for Drama Llamas.


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Single again

Hot piece of ass I don't know what to say
what do I do to make you look this way
hold the cue and sip my drink just right
you swoon and we mess up my sheets for the night
You scream while I hit it and we move in sync
my friend says "Dude", and I go back to my drink
My mind swims for a moment when she walks by
inebriated stall keeps me from giving it a try
eh, probably to tall, or short I don't know
self analyzing prick, why not just give it a go
"Hey, how are are you", shit, is that the best you could do
Standing with my dick in my hand and eyes on my shoes
Out the door with a swagger, alcohol messing with my head
Get to the house and hit my bed
I remember the glance, with that body so tight
so I take care of business and go to bed for the night
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
My poems lately are not always cheerful...I think I'm a bit love-poemed out...but, this is definitely a love poem, about someone who is dying and hopes there significant other finds happiness after they are gone...
I don't think I'll submit it though...

Life Is But A Journey

You know that I must leave you,
The end is surely near,
We both knew this day would come,
Please don't shed a tear.

Life is but a journey,
Beginning with our birth,
I'd like to think it continues on,
After we leave this earth.

But I do have one big fear,
And it's not of the unknown,
But rather that my leaving here,
May find you left alone.

So, until we meet again someday,
I hope that you may find,
Someone who will share your life,
Someone sweet and kind.

But your happiness means more to me,
Than you will ever know,
And though I wish there were another way,
For now I have to go.

My only hope is you find the strength,
That you need to move on,
And may you once again find love,
After I am gone.

For, I know there must be a Heaven,
I've seen it in your face,
And someday we will meet again,
And once again embrace.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I wrote this one this morning about my neighbors, and I don't really care if they see it...
Heck, they probably can't read anyway...

Trash Talk

They hang out all day,
Ain't got no plans,
With nothing to do,
And time on their hands.

In everyone's business,
All over town,
Just talking trash,
To bring them down.

Talk more trash,
Later on the phone,
When they should be out,
Takin' care of their own.

They only go out,
For a free meal,
Too damn lazy,
To go out and steal.

Ain't got no job,
Ain't got no pay,
They just keep talkin',
With nothin' to say.

People so petty,
It's hard to believe,
That they actually,
Live and breed.

Sitting on the steps,
With nothing better to do,
But you better watch out,
They're talkin' about you.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Hey...I know this is about two weeks late, but I thought I'd post it on Lush first to get some feedback...hint, hint...

We Shall Never Forget (9-11 Tribute)

Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duties call,
Should be remembered by us all.

Who left the comfort of their home,
To face perils as yet unknown,
An embodiment of goodness on a day,
When men's hearts had gone astray.

Sons and daughters like me and you,
Who never questioned what they had to do,
Who by example, were a source of hope,
And strength to others who could not cope.

Heroes that would not turn their back,
With determination that would not crack,
Who bound together in their ranks,
And asking not a word of thanks.

Men who bravely gave their lives,
Whose orphaned kids and widowed wives,
Can proudly look back on their dad,
Who gave this country all they had.

Actions taken without regret,
Heroisms we shall never forget,
The ones who paid the ultimate price,
Let's never forget their sacrifice.

And never forget the ones no longer here,
Who fought for the freedoms we all hold dear,
And may their memory never wane,
Lest their sacrifices be in vain.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
What A Difference A Year Can Make

Nothing in life is guaranteed,
Of this lesson I should take heed,
For what life gives it can surely take,
What a difference a year can make.

A year ago I was standing tall,
It seemed as though I had it all,
Somehow though my luck had turned,
I consider it a lesson learned.

Failure is hard, but so is success,
Too many drown in their own excess,
But no matter what, my spirit won't break,
What a difference a year can make.


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Just my thoughts last Friday nite!

Mr Right By HoneyBee000

The right man?

Is there ever the right man?

Is that a girly notion from our childhood?

Have our parents told us a lie - when all the while they said it’s wrong to lie!

Can I ever get this idea out of my mind that he must be at least half way perfect!

And what does perfect mean to you or I?

What makes a relationship perfect to us human beings?

Is it meant to be perfect anyway?

Don’t they say two wrongs make a right!

Maybe I should start looking for Mr Wrong instead of Mr Right.

And maybe then we’ll both make a right…
Cautious in Love - By HoneyBee000
A quick poem I wrote last Friday!

Cautious in Love

Am I curious - Yes

Am I a flirt - Yes

Do I want to settle down - Yes

Do I need to settle down - Not really

Am I ready for a man - Absolutely

Am I ready to live with a man - yes - but I’m not really

Is a man ready for me - I doubt it

Will I get cold feet at the start of getting to know someone - Too right

Will I ever get it right - Who knows

Will I ever let someone in again - It’s a slight possibility

Am I cautious in Love - Absofuckinloutly

Am I ready for the next emotional weavings of Love - Not just yet; but I could very well be persuaded if you tick all the my boxes in my head.
Active Ink Slinger
Seperate Roads

Though we go on seperate roads,
we are never really apart.
God gave me the best person he had,
that is you.
You helped me through what I thought
never to get through.
From now until forever you will be
in my heart!


Quote by SilverArdorDragon
Seperat Roads

Though we go on seperat roads,
we are never really apart.
God gave me the best person he had,
that is you.
You helped me through what I thought
never to get through.
From now until forever you will be
in my heart!



Did you mean to write the word "Separate" ?????
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Hey Nicola...if this is too depressing, feel free to remove it...

As if you needed my permission...

Been working on this one for some time, it was one of the unfinished poems I had on my net book when it got stolen that I wanted to finish. Read a review in the paper yesterday of "Breaking Night" by Liz Murray, and it gave me the inspiration I needed to finally finish this thing...

Childhood Lost

What is the price of a childhood lost?
And who is the one to pay the cost?
For the child who's often left alone,
And forced to grow up on their own,
Left at home without a reason why,
While mommy goes out to get high,
For the child who lives in constant fear,
Who wants for love, but none is near,
And left to cry throughout the night,
With no one near to hold her tight,
No sheltering arms to wrap around,
Or childhood comforts to be found,
When compassion is a forgotten word,
And loving thoughts are never heard,
When hopes and dreams have all been tossed,
What is the price of a childhood lost?


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
No, my girlfriend didn't leave me...I just wanted to write a short poem...

Alone Again

As the setting sun denies its light,
And the darkened sky cloaks the night,
As the full moon castes its gentle beams,
I'll be alone again, with my dreams,
And if my dreams shall come true,
I'll be alone again, holding you.


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Lollipop Girl
I wrote this the other night don't have a title for it...Not sure if its really good but decided to post here

journeys ending
lovers meet
touching gently
turning hot

loving always
breaking fences
loudly voicing
filling deep

cocks hard
pussy's wet
pulling out
pushing in

hard rough
soft gentle
passion igniting
touching heaven

need love
only him
embracing once
never ending

special meaning
wonderful love
hearts together
forever memories
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Well I have kinda of lost my creative strike lately, but here is me giving a shot, and attempting to get back into writing, and trusting people with my feelings, and writing again....

I close my eyes
and you appear
I daydream
and you are there

Thoughts of you
Come so easily
Dreaming of you
is all I know how to do

I never want to go back
because I know you are not there
I am only going forward
because going forward, I'm with you.

I think about you
and I think about me
I think about us
and what we will be.

Thoughts of you
Are always pleasant
Dreams of you
Always make me smile

Hopes for our future
brighten up my day
Knowing I have you
Brings a smile to my face.

Before I met you
I never knew what Love was
Now that I have you
I never want to know what its like to love and lost.


This is just a Little something I wrote. if its too much for this site, feel free to delete it.....

Childhood dreams
Never come true.
The feeling of being safe
Was never one I felt
Scared and alone
Was one I knew too well
Wish you were the one to take care of me
But you were too busy drinking, or getting high
To take care of your daughter
I ask myself why did you have to hurt me like that

Mom....Where were you
Mom...why didn't you help me
I was scared and alone
And you were no where around
I now have forgive you
But it was so hard to do it.


Just a little something, after dreams of my childhood last night....
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by SilverArdorDragon
Seperat Roads

Though we go on seperat roads,
we are never really apart.
God gave me the best person he had,
that is you.
You helped me through what I thought
never to get through.
From now until forever you will be
in my heart!



Did you mean to write the word "Separate" ?????

Yeah I did. Thanks for pointing that out. I missed that one on spell check, then again I ignor my spell check alot cause it doesn't like so many words that are spelled corectly. thanks again.