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Put one of yours here...

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Im bad at gentle...
so let me just sit here and purr as I reed it for a second time.

And Little birdie I'll purr some for you aswell.

(I'll post something aswell though I'm going to wait a tad so people get to really read Ling-lee's poem)
Awwww...Nice kitty.
Quote by Lil_Birdie
Awwww...Nice kitty.

*shows fangs* Mmm bird...
I knew it was a trap!!! *flies away*
Birdie-Buns, did you know Tech was a bird sometimes, too?
So it's not as complicated and hard to understand as my poetry often tend to be.
Plain and simple.
*flexes* it's not even in Swedish.

The Poluted Flower

She's a source to poetry
A key to romance
a loving angel in a maiden dance

She's a hot temptress
A path towards joy
a shadow of a dream for every boy

She's an addictive drug
A pain to loose
a stray cat but the one they choose

She's a runaway bride
a pleasure to see
A poluted flower, that woman is me.
I like it catnip sweet romantic
I swear it's the truth only the truth and somethings about the truth...*ponders* I think I got that right.

We ask which way
we look both ways
we stop and think
we stop to rethink
we ask ourselves
we ask those around
we look to try to find away
we find no answers
we start off down the road
we have made a choice
we really don't know the outcome
we need this to make life fun

Carpe Diem

Red out
Really good one red
I'm not sure if I like cross roads, being forced to pick a way to go...
maybe I'll just sit down here by the side of the road and hope someone drags me down their path instead.

I like the poem.
Simple format, filled with thought.
Thanks Cat
Carpe Diem

Red out
Reminds me of my favorite poem Red...

"The Road Not Taken"

Really cool...

thanks that is one of my favs
Carpe Diem

Red out
Hear the night-train pass
like setteling heartbeats
in the wake of love
There you go, Red. We all face crossroads sometimes.
Quote by techgoddess
It has taken me awhile to get brave...but here goes nothing:


Walking along an abandoned beach
I feel the cool grains of white sand.
They seem to melt beneath my feet

I watch the ice-cold, rippling water
Slowly wash away the shore;
Bits of shells roll back and forth
As the tide rushes in and out again.

From time to time the seagulls cry out,
As if to say, “This is our home!”

The sun shines yellow with a touch of red,
But still is not yet overhead.
The birds make faint shadows on the beach
As they glide through the aquamarine sky.

I extend my glance from shore to horizon
And catch a glimpse of a foam-capped wave.
The gulf air is strong, yet warm and misty,
With an ever-present scent of salt and sand,
While the waves continue to crash upon the shore.

As I walk towards you
I can almost see the sun
Burning away the mist and
Creating a blinding reflection on
The snow white sand.

Cold water splashes at my ankles now
While small abrasions experience a slight unpleasant burning.
I cannot help but let my body fall against you
And into this dark blue-green gulf water.

As we embrace and become one again,
I dream of staying with you
And never going home.

That is really nice Tech, really gentle and I love the last line so much Hb xx
I came across a poem this week. I was on youtube and an Astrology teacher I used to know was on there. She's called Joyve Hopewell She read this poem out on Youtube called 'Risk Taking is free' Unknown Author or Authoress if she was female haha. I'd just like to share it with you It certainly does make you think.


To laugh is to risk appearing the fool;
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental;
To reach out for another is to risk involvement
To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self.

To place your ideas and your dreams
before the crowd is to risk their loss
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To live is to risk dying
To hope is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure.

But risk must be taken,
because the greatest hazard in life
is to risk nothing
The person who risks nothing, does nothing,
has nothing and is nothing;
They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
but they simply cannot learn,
feel change, grow, love, Live
Chained by their certitude, they are a slave,
they have forfeited freedom;
Only the person who risks is free.

~~ Author Unknown ~~
Quote by Redwolf


We ask which way
we look both ways
we stop and think
we stop to rethink
we ask ourselves
we ask those around
we look to try to find away
we find no answers
we start off down the road
we have made a choice
we really don't know the outcome
we need this to make life fun


Yeah I agree with rocco Makes me think a lot reading that poem very good I'd score that a 5 or 10 if there was a 10
Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by techgoddess
It has taken me awhile to get brave...but here goes nothing:


Walking along an abandoned beach
I feel the cool grains of white sand.
They seem to melt beneath my feet

I watch the ice-cold, rippling water
Slowly wash away the shore;
Bits of shells roll back and forth
As the tide rushes in and out again.

From time to time the seagulls cry out,
As if to say, “This is our home!”

The sun shines yellow with a touch of red,
But still is not yet overhead.
The birds make faint shadows on the beach
As they glide through the aquamarine sky.

I extend my glance from shore to horizon
And catch a glimpse of a foam-capped wave.
The gulf air is strong, yet warm and misty,
With an ever-present scent of salt and sand,
While the waves continue to crash upon the shore.

As I walk towards you
I can almost see the sun
Burning away the mist and
Creating a blinding reflection on
The snow white sand.

Cold water splashes at my ankles now
While small abrasions experience a slight unpleasant burning.
I cannot help but let my body fall against you
And into this dark blue-green gulf water.

As we embrace and become one again,
I dream of staying with you
And never going home.

That is really nice Tech, really gentle and I love the last line so much Hb xx

Thanks Honey...I eventually posted it in the Love Poems section...risk taking is indeed free!

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Quote by Redwolf


We ask which way
we look both ways
we stop and think
we stop to rethink
we ask ourselves
we ask those around
we look to try to find away
we find no answers
we start off down the road
we have made a choice
we really don't know the outcome
we need this to make life fun


Thought-provoking and wonderful!

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

So in the Mood
Don Abdul © 2006

The sexy soulful depth of your eyes
The radiance, the warmth
Reaching into my soul, kindling fires

The promise of your luscious lips
The softness, the feel
Growing my passion in bounds and leaps

The seduction in your tits
The rock hard nipples
Tripping the man in me to bits

The delicious roundness of your booty
So succulent, so full
Makes caressing you a duty

The maturity of your years
The patience in your ways
Calming my fears

Making me want to drink of your fountain
Your womanhood
To quench my thirst
Our hunger, sweet sex our food
Melding of our lust, our passion, old and new
Aagh! I’m oh so in the mood
Please baby, let flow, the honeydew
From your temple of life, down within
Life is too short to waste it on drama. Have fun while you still can.

it 's so unfair
it comes and goes
it can make you
it can break you
it can make you happy
it can bring you pleasure
it can bring you pain
it's so fair

is when you can reign
is when you can be blown away
is when you can be
is when you can not be
is when you can see
is when you can be seen
is when you can be in control
is when you can be in the mercy of others

it is so fair
it is so unfair

Your choice

Carpe Diem

Red out

of the mountain top
of the sun set
of the water running by
of the rain hitting your face
of the hand of the one you care about
of the JOY
of the peace you partner bring into your life
of the mountain top
of the valley that life brings us back too
of the Joy it can hold


The Heart

is a incrediable thing
it breaks
it heals
it ackes
it pines
it brims with joy
it sinks with pain
it leaps when the phone rings
it shakes when its not you
it scream when it is you
it only wants one thing

Carpe Diem

Red out
When it scares you to the core. Then at that moment you have to decide what you will do. Even if its a life altering thing.
Carp a Diem
To seize the day or grab what is in front of you.
The choice is yours!
I know where life is taking me.

So the choice is yours?
Carpe Diem

Red out
on life
on things
on self
on others
on love
on the right one
on damn near everything
on what
on who
on and on

Carpe Diem

Red out
Here's one I never posted on Lush, because it really didn't do all that well where it posted originally...

What Might Have Been

I see you alone at the end of the bar,
I give you a glance, a signal from afar.
Our glances linger as you give me the eye,
The excitement is building, for one middle age guy,
The tension is growing from your seductive glance,
My arousal is increasing, I feel it in my pants.
Your beauty is awesome, for a taste some would die,
But I know it is wrong, to go over and say 'hi'.
I sit there and ponder as I play with my drink,
Should I or shouldn't I, I am starting to think.
Just when I am about to go over and tell you you're so fine,
My wife returns from the bathroom and takes the seat next to mine.
She stares me down like she knows my every thought,
I feel like a kid who was naughty and caught.
I'm thinking of later, thoughts running through my head,
I'll be sleeping on the sofa, you comfortable in our bed.
Your punishment is severe, though fair and just,
I mentally violated our marital trust.
The long ride home had an unsettling quiet,
I'd rather be in the middle of a heated riot.
When we get back I say sorry and she gives me a hug,
I'm hoping to sweep this whole thing, under the rug.
I get in my car and go out for a spin,
Still thinking about, what might have been.


It was inspired by another poem on another site, which pretty much all mine are...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Of This You Can Be Sure

The summer sun rises over the hills,
With a beauty and certain grace,
But it cannot compete with the beauty of you,
Or the beauty of your face.

The falling snow in wintertime,
Makes everything look so new,
But it cannot compare with the beauty,
The beauty that is you.

The birds in springtime sing their song,
So sweetly and so pure,
But they cannot compare with your sweet words,
Of this you can be sure.

The colorful leaves on autumn trees,
All covered with morning dew,
May be glorious in their beauty,
But are nothing compared to you.

All the wonders on this fine earth,
And the glory of up above,
Are nothing compared to your sweet charms,
Or the beauty of your love.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Here's a love poem...I write too many of these for some reason...

I Often Wonder

I often wonder if what I feel,
Is just an illusion or something real,
For when these feelings begin to start,
I wonder if they’ll break my heart,
Or will they stoke the burning fires,
That masquerade as my desires,
And turn my inner burning lust,
Into something built on trust,
Because these fires always burn,
And so it seems I’ll never learn,
For when these feelings do begin,
I always seem to dive right in,
Again I’ll get my just desserts,
All the heartbreaks and the hurts,
Again I’ll heed this passion call,
And again in love I will fall,
And should this love come to an end,
I hope my heart will somehow mend,
So I can pick myself up off the floor,
And fall in love, again once more.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Master At Your Craft

You’re truly a master at your craft,
The way you hold and stroke my shaft,
The way your tongue starts to glide,
Along my sensitive underside,
The way you look up with your big, dark eyes,
As your head is bobbing between my thighs,
The way you gently massage the tip,
With your soft tongue and lower lip,
Girl, you make me want to scream,
As you start to lap up all my cream,
I don’t want you to ever stop,
Till you lap up every single drop,
Girl, I’m glad it’s you I know,
A girl who knows how to blow.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories