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Wasted Words
By AvrgBlkGrl

Is it possible to waste words
To have them fall from the sky
Like gifts
Perfect in their sacred
To feel the weight
Of their intensity
Grab at your heart
Coax tears
Create laughter
Take your hand
Lead you in the slowest of dances
Enlighten you with tales
That are yours
But not you
Give sounds
To the silent spaces
Between thought and action
Allowing you to breathe
While yet drowning
Giving you a dry place
To lay your head
A soft place
To cradle your heart
A giver and taker of time
To look at your life
And finally grasp
What it all means
What you mean
To give you a name
When you were nameless
Is it possible
To witness
Such miracles
And remain
As they melt on your tongue
And drain from this world
Leaving only an echo
Of where
You should have screamed
Of where you once existed
Now gone

©AvrgBlkGrl, 2014. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, or used in any other fashion without the express prior written permission of the owner. This manuscript is specifically written for Stories Space.
? A True Story ?
Consumed Melody
By Elliotlacey31

Steer me through rivers and tunnels,
through the searing heavens to claim you,
inside you as naturally as roots embedded,
speared throughout the earth.

Wind and tangle around this need,
until I have sight for no one else,
until no other longing envelopes me.

Play me just once now as the song you want,
delicate hands plucking notes within,
making a chorus of the air I expel,
keeping this tune jealously to ourselves,
wrapping the music our turbulent hearts
to soothe us when the world dims.

Clasp around me through the dark hours,
make me never forget
the searing bliss inside you.

As naturally as stars flaring,
lightning spearing through the earth.

Ride and clench around me until
the sparks from your eyes leap forth,
until no other sensation owns me.

Claim me now and anytime you wish,
the delicate unending chords plucked
only resonate this way with you.

Wherever you steer me now,
consume me slowly,
consume me jealously,
whatever melody suits you.

Whatever shakes your turbulent core.
Unfaithfully yours

Lying here in the dark
staring up at the ceiling
another sleepless night
tossing and turning
the wedding ring tarnished and worn
my smile no longer bright
Blue skies never looked so grey
the flowers from that day decayed
Now I am lying here, with you next to me
With my thoughts racing, to another love
watching the shadows dance on the walls
wondering just when everything went so wrong
You cant build love around your two storey house
Can't undue whats been broken
You sure as hell can't change who you become as you grow
Another day another fight
the tears they just seem to pour out
but I feel myself turning away and growing cold
now all my love for you is gone and turned to ash
its a bitter sweet symphony here in my dream house on the hill.
Valentine, a few days late..

Waves lapping gently
Of pleasure and pure emotion.
The thunder roaring, shaking the ground.
This is an electronic love affair.

Bytes pouring down like raindrops.
Words drowning the screen in
Waves of pleasure felt by both,
Inflections and tone unknown.

Lovers embracing, loving, hugging.
New worlds chartered and found.
Breathless sighs and deep kisses
Keyboards stuck with anticipation.

Notes and letters sent back and forth,
Love coming straight from the heart.
I love you, sweetheart.
My heart beats fast as I say:

Happy Valentine's Day from me to you.
Questions of Love

Is love but a fleeting feeling?
Or something that is true?
Is it just a passing emotion?
Why is it drawing me to you?

Is love about finding beauty?
Why is there so much pain?
Can it truly mend a broken heart?
Can it make me whole again?

Is it love that bonds us together?
Or desire that controls our minds?
Can my love be a soulful promise?
Or did I just simply waste your time?

Is love like a hidden secret?
One that I am so unaware?
Does it lead to greater purpose?
Do you know how much I care?

Is love about seeking forgiveness?
Will it set aside consuming pride?
Will my selfish will bend to yours?
Or just push yours to the side?

Is love the thing the seals us?
Or am I caught by what you say and do?
Is my heart truly filled with love?
Why can't I stop thinking of you?

Is our love the real question?
Could it ever be defined?
Do you feel my soul touching yours?
Will you forever always be mine?
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Questions of Love

Is love but a fleeting feeling?
Or something that is true?
Is it just a passing emotion?
Why is it drawing me to you?

Is love about finding beauty?
Why is there so much pain?
Can it truly mend a broken heart?
Can it make me whole again?

Is it love that bonds us together?
Or desire that controls our minds?
Can my love be a soulful promise?
Or did I just simply waste your time?

Is love like a hidden secret?
One that I am so unaware?
Does it lead to greater purpose?
Do you know how much I care?

Is love about seeking forgiveness?
Will it set aside consuming pride?
Will my selfish will bend to yours?
Or just push yours to the side?

Is love the thing the seals us?
Or am I caught by what you say and do?
Is my heart truly filled with love?
Why can't I stop thinking of you?

Is our love the real question?
Could it ever be defined?
Do you feel my soul touching yours?
Will you forever always be mine?

Gorgeous, my
In the heat of a late afternoon,
rich golden light illuminated our room,
You leaned against the window frame,
naked, your long brown hair humidly hanging down.

Your skin glowed like warm honey,
filling with me unoriginal sin.
I softly tread across the floor, discarding my scant clothing as I came closer,
your body to adore.
Sweat tricked down your spine
I had to touch your skin, with it's velvet sheen.

Your body trembled as my finger tips made you utter a silent scream,
I turned you around, and my lips found yours,
our hearts began to pound, as we made love in the later afternoon,
moist and sweet, sweat coated skin, I could die,
I won't though, because of tomorrow is before my eye,
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
Something published a while ago:

Where Does a Poem Begin

Where does a poem begin
And where does it end?

Does it swoop down like a breeze
To swirl around the ankles
Of a pubescent girl
With knock knees?

Is it there the seed begins?

Does it shiver
In the pit of her groin
At the whisper of him near?

After months, just short of nine,
Does it unsheathe its face
And gasp for air
As it cries out
With the induced pain
Of a man’s hand?

How many words does it collect
And discard
The epiphany of voice arrives?

Where does it stand
To claim its ground
Atop the crag
Run to seek shelter?

How long does it haunt
The endless passages of the mind
Or claw its way
Through the muscles
Of the heart?

Tell me
When does a poem begin
And, how does
What trickles
From its immortal sacrifice
Ever end?

? A True Story ?
Love is not a silly game,
Love is not a game that I play.
Love is not just a word I use carelessly.
It's not just a word in the dictionary.

Love can make you feel empty or fill your soul completely,
It can bring you to your knees or fly you higher than the clouds.
It can totally break you or fulfill your whole being,
It can last forever or it can be fleeting.

Love can come when you least expect it,
It can come crashing like waves or thunder.
Or be as silent as something you can barely hear, the softest whisper.
Love can be cruel or kind and drive you out of your mind.

No matter what loves does or doesn't do for you,
My wish is that your heart may be filled with love.
May you have friends who pick you up when you've fallen
When you can't get up on your own, for love has torn you down.

I hope that love visits you and never leaves, making your
Dreams come true, in any form that you wish it to.
May you know the joy and purity of a deepest love,
May it be kind and never backfire, this is my wish for you.
The Fool
You know the old adage is true, everybody plays the fool?
That is certainly true.
I thought I was the fool, a joker, a harlequin.
Now I see it was you all along.
And right now I'm no longer the fool.

I'm no longer your fool, I can see right through you,
Your motives shine brightly, I'm no longer blind.
You're a narcissist and I was only your target.
A victim to your lies and deceit, I played along
Perfectly to your whims, feeding your fire.

I'm no longer your fool, beautiful.
You took my heart and love, ripped them to shreds,
So carelessly, doing what you do naturally.
Find some other victim to prey on, you will never again
Have anything to do with me.

I've become wise to your ways, your tricks.
I'm no longer innocent to your vicious head games,
Where you steal hearts and souls only to crush them.
You only look for new victims as you change your mask,
Hiding your true identity, meeting new girls, new victims.
Surrender the Night

White velvet petals, strewn upon a sea of grass
Inky night sky gives way
to the pale pinks and deep rose of morning.
Dew upon the petals, each drop
A glistening jewel, illuminated by that Golden orb.
Slow heat spreading as the Sun reaches its Peak.
Softly blowing breeze moans thru the trees
Volume increases, the crisis now past.
Evening Sky Surrenders to Dark
Crushed velvet petals softly perfume the night.

This is the 2nd poem I had submitted...
Quote by avrgblkgrl
Something published a while ago:

Where Does a Poem Begin

Where does a poem begin
And where does it end?

Does it swoop down like a breeze
To swirl around the ankles
Of a pubescent girl
With knock knees?

Is it there the seed begins?

Does it shiver
In the pit of her groin
At the whisper of him near?

After months, just short of nine,
Does it unsheathe its face
And gasp for air
As it cries out
With the induced pain
Of a man’s hand?

How many words does it collect
And discard
The epiphany of voice arrives?

Where does it stand
To claim its ground
Atop the crag
Run to seek shelter?

How long does it haunt
The endless passages of the mind
Or claw its way
Through the muscles
Of the heart?

Tell me
When does a poem begin
And, how does
What trickles
From its immortal sacrifice
Ever end?

This is what I was trying to acheive with my questions of Love. This was magnificent. I believe it to be a classic. Every time I read one of your creattions, it screams at me how far I have to go. Miles and miles.
Winters Day

That winter's day was pure and white,

A nip of cold in morning’s light.
The chimney’s smoke was twisting high,

Reaching up into the grey blue sky.

It took me back to our faded youth,

A less complex time of trust and truth.

The days were long and filled with joy,

Our love was fresh, not brash and coy.

The still air was broken by icy chill,

Snowflakes falling on the window sill.
The journey was long, my trek complete,

It was now time to rest my weary feet.

I saw your cabin just up ahead.

A place of warmth to lay my head.

Now I was finally standing at your door.

My heart was full, but my love was more.

You welcomed me with glowing smile,

 And invited me to stay awhile.

I lay with you, sprawled by the fire,

Your sensual touch ignited my desire.

Our bodies burning from lust and flame,

This union removed all the past and pain.

You moaned your pleasures in my ears.

Our song was sung through joyful tears.

We laughed and played like no time had past.

But our history showed we could never last.

My time was up and we knew I could not stay,

But I would always cherish this cold winter's day.
Quote by ChuckEPoo

This is what I was trying to acheive with my questions of Love. This was magnificent. I believe it to be a classic. Every time I read one of your creattions, it screams at me how far I have to go. Miles and miles.

Ah Chuck-E-Poo, you are such a sweetheart. Thank you.
? A True Story ?
I Know Why The Caged Bird...

By AvrgBlkGrl

You are not a caged bird.
Your words are not its song.
There is no beauty in being pain.
There is no glory in captivity.
You are not a poem.
Your life is not poetry.
Stop with the poetic words.
The truth is simple,
It requires less.
You are a woman.
You are a man.
Open your own cage.
Claim your own power.
Claim yourself.
Then you will be free.
Then you can be with me.

? A True Story ?
The Reunion

I was restless all night in anticipation
of our long awaited first reunion.

Was it possible to try and recapture
the very first love of my youth?

My memories were flooded with our
glorious but tumultuous relationship.

How I would sit in class daydreaming
of your inviting enticing, captivating form.

Now we finally meet at the break of dawn,
Just like we have so many times before.

Finally, I stood before your magnificence.
In awe of you and the pleasure awaiting.

The breaking sun silhouettes the form
Of your enticing and breathless beauty.

Even your scent triggers my memories
You beckon me to renew our union.

Nothing but you can stir this passion
within me in such an addictive way.

Will you receive me as companion
or send me tumbling in rejection?

I can wait no longer in my impatience,
as I slip into the wetness of your folds.

I remember your salty taste upon my lips,
Diving head first into your undulating motion.

You push and surge as I stroke with all
the power, soul and skill of my being.

Cresting, gliding, and moving in unison,
your promised pleasures are unmatched,

But if not treated with careful respect,
I know you can be cold and unforgiving.

Our reunion is almost finished and joy complete.
Slipping and sliding faster and faster into pure ecstasy.

This glorious long antisapated encounter is now complete,
as I breathlessly gather myself for yet another round.

Only God may truly understand my love and devotion for...
Just in the mood. This one's called:


Try it, you might like it
It’s really not so rough
Once you get the hang of it
And practice just enough

To some, it’s second nature
Others search the net
Still others look to guidance books
(Mine isn’t written yet)

People will be drawn to you
Friends to you will flock
Your social life will blossom
Of the town, you’ll be the talk

I know what you’re thinking
Old habits hard to break
But the benefits of changing this
The detriments outweigh

So start on this tomorrow
Begin anew anon
Vow to be a better you
Before your life is gone

Wake up in the morning
Assign yourself this goal
Take charge and change your destiny:
Stop being an asshole.
What transpired in South Carolina this past week
gave me pause to think and wink,
the evolution of a hate monger
spoon fed to some
with a recipe of illiteracy.

Bigotry is not born it is bred,
spreading weeds of hate
and seeds to germinate
as hypocrisy plays both sides of a fence.

On God's plateau we exist
yet hell bent on self destruct
only because color of skin,
to haters-be its a sin.
Tucked away below the pews,
a moist earth, clump of dirt
twelve steps beneath the apse,
lie my bones and what's left
of the diddling shtick.

Old bones don't get very much rotten
when my muse wiggles her hips,
gyrating atop my pine box
with green loam on her ass,
it aint curse, it's just verse.

In the dogs days of summer
her lips do a hummer-do
on my diddling shtick,
before my flesh peels
twelve steps beneath the apse.
Have you seen my old friend Poe
and the caw of the raven,
while I'm out chasing rainbows?

It's not I who slam the door
on old fools who pass for bards
seeking a knob of swill
and a hair of frog,
looking for little perky tits.

Hearing ghostly whispers
and scribbling their prose
like abstract sensuality,
hehind the wormwood portals
craving two-shilling whores.

Have you seen my old friend Poe
and the caw of the raven,
while I'm out chasing rainbows?

It's not I who slam the door
remaining out of touch,
with stanzas still forgotten,
and a hair of frog
eyeing landing strips between thighs.

Have you seen my old friend Poe
and the caw of the raven,
while I'm out chasing rainbows?
As Summer leads into Fall, something simple and sweet...

Strawberry Shortcake
by AvrgBlkGrl

In the Spring
I made you strawberry shortcake
I doubled the berries
Topped it with the creamiest of creams
I watched you savor its flavor
Took your compliments to heart
For you I’d bake a thousand cakes
Cook a hundred meals
Every day, for the rest of my life
I savored you
You were my delight, my daily dessert

Summer came
Heat swept through my kitchen
Like the sandstorms of the dust bowl
In the sweet drippings of our sweat
We lie beneath the cool midnight breezes
Of an electric fan
There were no leftovers

One morning I noticed
The birds were no longer singing
The days were turning cooler
My bare stove looked intrusive
Stark white across the room
I noticed too
The days grew longer
Instead of shorter
Strawberries made me nauseous

My cream spoils in open air
I have no taste for strawberry shortcake

©AvrgBlkGrl, 1996

? A True Story ?
Geni Notu

scrambled up the hill rocks
knees fleckd w earth
shifted one foot other foot
tunic pushd
at her left hand
when she stood
point to point
a wibble in the gait
slithe? A word. Wobbled
under delicate teardropt
contour prickd lifted
w/o shame she climbd
bay & silken safe

To the woman I miss
I am blowing a kiss
In the hope that it reaches her heart
Brings my message of love
To the one I dream of
Across the ocean that keeps us apart
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Star-crossed Boros

A Manhattan Man can land a lass;
A Brooklyn Babe who’s kind of crass.
Give her that ol’ Chrysler charm.
Across the bridge his snakey smarm
Thick and heavy as a lead book
Smacks her smack dab in the Red Hook.
Her left hand grabs his Lower East Side.
Right hand raises; forms a peace sign.
The cigarette between her lips
Passes to her fingertips.
A pa de deu straight from Lolitta
Her hand moves up to his Nolitta.
Barista’s wage with writer’s rage.
His salary is twice her age.
But he’s the taker; she’s the giver.
Star crossed boros across the river.
She beckons to her Bed-Stuy bedside.
But his Hell’s Kitchen’s warmer inside.
A hipster falling for a Times square.
The Brooklyn Babe’s not one to care.
Manhattan’s friends may disapprove.
The Upper East Side’s such a prude.
From Morningside to Luna Park
A secret courtship in the dark.
...that wasn't a request.
This was written for a monthly anthology published by Inner Child Press...and here's more on that...

The Poetry Posse

And yeah, I am indeed a member of "The Poetry Posse" for, I have to actually do some work every month...for this year's the poem I wrote for the March issue...

Starting Anew

Flowers bloom, the Winter thaw,
Outside the songbirds sing.
With the arrival of the bluebirds,
I know that it is Spring.

But listening to the bird’s songs,
And watching the flowers bloom.
I can’t but help myself,
For feeling a certain gloom.

For I find myself a bit jealous,
As the flowers start anew,
So often I wish I could do the same,
If I just knew what to do.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Just a silly little thing I wrote long ago

Every morning when wake up
something really feels like wood
Untill I get into the bathroom
and then psssss, oh, that feels good
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
As gale on the dark side silently blow
in the dankness of my brouhaha,
of an opium yen-hock needle,
in my inglenook lair.

In the antiquariumm of my soul,
a vision of darkness I possess,
of coming 'morrows of fools,
swimming in Absinthe.

While pontificating with writing pen,
verses of a ghoul's omen,
as the bobbin of my mind compose
in my swooning meander.

When my hoots are howling
as corporate winds bloke,
off the deep-end of a gothic shore,
echoing the 'numbra of a gusty boast.

As the spirt of the gin gives me hoot,
for the curse of another sot's stanza
'fore green fairy counts to ten.
in my words of offend.

With a swash of my yielding cock,
through the door of my portiere,
like a barium the haze plays
in the 'combs of my retreat.

As opium unwinds my poetic stupor,
with the succor of yum I feel a breath,
as if a centipede with slippers
on my nape.

Wanking my lassitude with a grin
as drool drips from my wonky chin,
a faintness of sweet touching my sins,
as candle light moths swoon in my stutter.

Lifting the wicker-stiff of my penis
with an illicit demeanor,
and stroking in obscene,
as a poetic harlot whispering near.

Like a chatoyant leer
and her crooked eyes,
raising skirts and flashing wooly pie,
of a mince meat lushly thigh.

As my testes' draw on my breath,
awash in roux of poetic gush,
the fob of my cock releases it's chime
on the bounty of dusk night fix.

When her bosom falls at half past six,
the yeoman of the clitoris sighs,
in my yawning weary cries,
distance of a hooded-crow fly.

As gale on the dark side silently blow,
'neath the rafters of a musty snore,
my cock swells of a poetic sloth,
in my inglenook lair.