I am giving away a platinum membership (lifetime Gold) in hopefully a fun way. And yes, a completely self-serving one - a scavenger hunt through my stories. I'm hoping for some new readership of some of my personal favorites.
I'm not a complete bastard, so all the questions should guide you to or at least hint at the right story. You should be able to find the right stories by looking at my story list along with the questions.
I've designated a set of easy questions, worth one point each; a set of medium questions, worth two each; and a few hard questions, each worth five.
Whoever sends me a PM with the highest scoring set of questions by the close of the contest will win the platinum membership. In the event of a tie, whoever sent their PM first will win. High score is considered before timeliness.
(The following may also raise an entry's score, at the caprice of the judge (me):
-Pictures of boobies*
-Pictures of bare and / or be-thonged asses.*
*Female please. I'm open-minded, but if you're going to try to bribe me with erotic emoluments, you should play to my preferences...
Oh, and no grading rubric will be made available.)
My hope is that as you hunt, you might find a story or two that catches your eye.
[Edited. Changed the contest end date].
The contest will close at 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, 12/27.
Enjoy! (I hope).
69 possible points, (before bribery.)
Easy (10 points possible)
What is the most common name (first and last) for a male character in my stories? My profile might give a hint.
What stipulation in the firm's dress code does Miss Burlington notably object to (and violate) in the first Dress Code story?
In my trans story, what is the name of the trans girl before, and then after?
In a hardcore story about a porn audition, what name does the main character give as her porn name, before she gets triple teamed by two actors and the cameraman?
In what story does the main female character lose her memory?
I am the proud winner of one contest. What is the signature drink in that story? And what is the drink's special ingredient?
What does "H.U.G.E." stand for in the H.U.G.E. stories?
In one of my (only two) audio stories, what does one character have to do to get tickets for Hamilton? ("Hamilton" is even one of the story's tags.)
In "The Dreamer," in what branch of the military did the dead husband serve?
To what non-culinary use does olive oil get put in a couple of my stories? One story's title in particular should guide to the right answer.
Medium (22 points possible)
List two tangos that are mentioned or danced to in my story that involves tango dancers.
One classically oriented story features a five-dollar word that means "having the shape of a horseshoe." What's the story and what's the word?
In a story about anal sex on the beach, what two brands of boats do the main characters use to get to their private beach?
Almost all of my college stories are set at the made-up "FPU." What does that stand for? (This is spelled out in some but not all of those stories.)
In what track event does the main character win first place in my entry for the sports competition? i.e., what distance?
In a "quickie sex" story about a pizza delivery girl, what brand of beer gets used as an improvised sex toy (the bottle, that is)?
In a baseball themed (and titled) story, two characters take "thinking about baseball" to new lengths to try to forestall the guy's orgasm. What story is it, and what baseball player do they talk about at the crucial moment?
What backyard structure / activity does the punctilious president of a homeowners' association not allow Mr. Slater to set up for his daughter's birthday party?
What story shares a title (though not all elements of spelling) with a Simon & Garfunkel song?
In a story about the lengths friends go to for each other, what band do the friends listen to together?
What's "Amber's" real first name? (Amber is her porn name).
Hard. A couple of these may require a quick google search for the extra information. (5 points each. 37 points possible, including the "extra credit").
In the story where Mike can't get back into his room, what was the college major of his rescuer?
What brand of boots protects Elizabeth Barnes's feet from the snow (in a storm that cancels the school day)?
What movie do Mike and Kristina watch together in the second-to-last installment of the Kristina series? For an extra 2 points, who wrote the novel it was based on? For 2 more points, what is the first line of the novel?
The title of one oral sex story is a reference to what may be Philip Larkin's most well-known and popular poem. What is the actual title of the poem?
In the final Kristina story, Kristina refers to four famous paintings of female nudes. What are they? For 2 extra points each, who painted each one?