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Hello From The Rocky Mountains

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Hi!!! My name is Keith. I'm 46 years old . And the main reason why I came here is to help myself with my erotic sex story writing skills and to share my stories. For a while since I started writing, I was doing let's say "underage material". But I'm trying to go legit. I have come up with some incredible ideas for stories but I'm having problems getting into the mood to write. If anyone wants to share some story ideas that they want to see me write, please PM me. I'm gonna try and do stories about college aged girls. Just have to warn you that my ideas for stories tend to be a bit dark and violent. Not sure if these types of stories are allowed on here or not. Hope to hear from some people soon.

Quote by frecklearms72
Hi!!! My name is Keith. I'm 46 years old . And the main reason why I came here is to help myself with my erotic sex story writing skills and to share my stories. For a while since I started writing, I was doing let's say "underage material". But I'm trying to go legit. I have come up with some incredible ideas for stories but I'm having problems getting into the mood to write. If anyone wants to share some story ideas that they want to see me write, please PM me. I'm gonna try and do stories about college aged girls. Just have to warn you that my ideas for stories tend to be a bit dark and violent. Not sure if these types of stories are allowed on here or not. Hope to hear from some people soon.


Howdy, Keith.

Welcome to Lush! Please familiarise yourself with our acceptable story content rules before submitting anything. It would be a shame to waste your time writing something that we cannot publish.
