Hey everyone,
This is my first post in the Forum and it’s about time I said hello to everyone ?
I joined last year to read the stories on the site. I enjoyed them so much that I decided to try writing my own even though I have no writing experience.
I enjoy writing about meeting female escorts and what goes on during a meeting as it’s a big fantasy of mine. So far I’ve written 4 stories and I have started my fifth which I hope to have finished soon.
I’d love to hear from you about your favourite stories (especially any good ones about visiting escorts/strippers)
It would be nice to get to know some of the members & authors to get to know you better and hear your ideas and tips.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Welcome to Casa Lush,
Some people join for the forums, and have a wonderful time on them. The Think Tank is a little tough the first time you visit, but the natives aren't too rough.
There's lots of silly antics in the game section too, especially if you want to get your post count up for any reason.
There's the pub, home of Rumps where I tend bar from time to time. Full of writers, and the people who want to hang out with them. As a new writer it's a great place to network, and hang out.
We're a friendly bunch too, so do pop round and visit.
There's the chatroom folks, who are busy, friendly, chatty , flirty and lots of fun. Take the plunge and check them out, highly recommended.
Some people are here exclusively for that chat circuit, and they're a lively community.
Then we have the story section, packed full of filthy tales for almost every taste and the regular competitions make for great reading. The theme is set in advance and the writers have to show off their skills within a tight framework. Some of the things they can do with their word count will make your head spin. If you like something do vote and leave a comment, us struggling scribes need all the feedback we can get from our readership.
As a fellow writer we have a small writers group to help rookies get their first few stories published. Sometimes it helps to share your ideas and the things you're working on with other writers.
It's always great to see another new writer join us.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work