I'm not sure if someone else has started a topic for this yet, I certainly couldn't find one since there is no search feature for the forums, so I decided to start one.
I was wondering if anyone could shed some more light on the badges feature of the site? Most are self explanatory to figure out, but some are a little harder to decypher. In particular, I'm not sure what needs ro be done for the autobiographer badge, seeing as how I've filled everything out, but I still haven't gotten it.
I'm hoping that this thread could be used as a go-to guide for the badges system of the site, and if someone has in fact already started a thread like this, or there is a section on the site dedicated to providing a more in-depth explanation of how to get these badges, I'm sorry, and please post a link to it so everyone can find it in case they are curious just like me.
Peace and chicken grease everyone!
-Tom A.K.A the NobleStallion