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 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Most happy birthday, dear lady.
Happy birthday Cheeky Monkey ????

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Have a great Birthday from Milik and I X??
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Happy Birthday Sugarbaby ... wishing you a day filled with all the things that bring joy to your heart

Happy birthday my sweet friend may you get all you wish for
You didn't SERIOUSLY think I would forget your birthday??? What kind of Master/Husband would I be? LOL!

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Dear sweet sugar

Happy Birthday!!!May your day be perfect and the year even better...

Thank you ALL for your birthday posts. They made my day. After a long two weeks, things may just work out.
Plus I LOVE birthday cake!

Thank you Trinket, it was a nice surprise. Right at a time that I needed to smile. This meant a lot.

BTW, who are all these people at my party? Especially the strange one on the end.
You know I don't like sausage on my pizza!

And I'm keeping your tiara for an extra day.


Hope that you are having a wonderful day full of love and laughter. Happy happy birthday Linda.

Linda, que este cumpleaños sea sólo el inicio de muchos gloriosos años por venir. Te quiero. Felicidades.

Otra vuelta al sol, mi querida amiga, otro año más de vida que culmina llena de éxitos y te auguro muchos más para la otra jornada… Feliz Cumpleaños!!!

Cuenta siempre con una amistad sólida de mi parte, cuenta conmigo cuando me necesites… Feliz de tenerte en mi vida, pásalo muy bien.
I am so sorry I missed your birthday dear Sugar baby!!!!
Man, I hate it when I have to work the weekend shift and miss a good party. But Happy Birthday anyway!

Happy Birthday have a wonderful birthday week

My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon




my turn yet?

There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.

Daddy has a lovely family - Daddy’s Little Family …

He is behind the curtain - Someone’s Watching ...

Some childhood memories return - Memories of Daddy …

Just a ride in the country - Afternoon Distraction …

She waits to keep a promise - Promises …