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Happiest of Birthdays To SimplyJohn

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We know you love your penis cakes,

Your rich tea biscuits too.

Today we thought,

To make you smile,

We'd make it all about you.

You act quite bold,

But we all know,

That really you're quite the softy.

So for today,

Because you're SJ,

We made this poem for you.

Happy birthday, Bossman!

Happy Birthday, SJ.

34 years on planet earth, lol. I'm sure last year when you told us you were 42 you were just mistaken.




Quote by JustPassingThrough

Simplyjohn is getting older? What next? Beffer becoming a nun? 😳😜

Happy Birthday!!!!

May it be a great one!

(And nice poem, Apple)

Bahahaha, you are far too kind. I can honestly say that that was my very first attempt at a poem 😂

To a Prince among men, who appreciates the many exquisite delights of a good cup of tea. Much love, grateful hugs and many good wishes.

Keep being your glorious self.

Happy birthday!!!

Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

Happy Belated Birthday, John! 🎂🍺

Thanks everyone. I can honestly say 30 is no different to 29.

Quote by simplyjohn

Thanks everyone. I can honestly say 30 is no different to 29.

And you look damn fine for it!

Quote by AppleByBoom

And you look damn fine for it!

I just combed my hair and did my face... looked in the mirror... yes you are right!

Sorry I'm late to the party, John! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! 🎉🎉🎉🎂

Quote by curvygalore

Sorry I'm late to the party, John! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! 🎉🎉🎉🎂

Thanks CG smile