bleeding bec i was defending the one i loved
WYR kill yourself or kill someone else
someone else
WYR live Amish lifestyle or be homeless
WYR hate someone you love or love someone you hate?
love someone you hate
would you rather spend the rest of your life eating just one thing or drinking just one thing
eating just 1 thing
WYR have a million sex crazed nymphos or have one partner to be with forever?
A million sex crazed nymphos.... i like change...
Suffer from neck down alopecia or too much hair on your head?
too much hair,on my head........
would you prefer to skip Christmas for a year or your Birthday for a year?
Let's put a smile on that face.
post in all forum games till i find an apt conversation.
would you prefer a question on integration by parts or one on partial derivatives.
Let's put a smile on that face.
wear a cape....I don't want to hide that smile......
to be fancied by everyone, but impotent or to be repulsive but virile
Let's put a smile on that face.
impotent and fancied!
free of pests but unhappy or stuck in a pig sty with a smile
..Lol have a magnetic head.
Would you rather give up sex forever or take it in the ass?
Bring on the anal.
Would you rather relive life in a puberty loop for eighty years, or in an elderly loop for the same amount of time?
bleeding out
would you prefer 1 person for life or no one at all?
1 person for life
Would you rather die during a plane crash or ship sinking?
Plane crash…
Would you rather receive... hugs or kisses for a day?
hugs please
bad breath or warts
kisses please
bad teeth no hair
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thee.
A Dom, suits me better I think.
WYR go on a ski vacation or a beach vacation?
beach vacation less clothes involved
be single and happy or involved and miserable ?
be single and happy
WYR be eat or eaten
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thee.
WYR shots of tequlia or a few cold beers
Papercut or bruise?
read a good book or watch a good movie
read a good book
seduce or be seduce
Be Seduced
Missionary or Doggie ?
Threesome with two members of the same sex or threesome with two members of opposite sex.....
Let's put a smile on that face.