The thread title says it all.
Oh well I get to choose 1
Yes I would, think it would be fun
Carl and Keith...?
Would I want to be DP'd and/or spit-roasted by these two?
Would they be happy cavorting naked in each others company?
I'm afraid my answer's going to be no guys.
With Cindy yes with Keith its a no, sorry Keith kiss on the cheek
Good God No! These two ladies would be so wrapped up in each other (literally) they wouldn't even know I was there!
Hmm let me do some thinking here well uh no
Gee Cindy I can't imagine WHY Hon LOL SMOOCH
Oh and I DO LOVE the SIG! MERCY!
Not so easy, is it people?
It's a little more difficult than just posting under a friend or someone you'd like to "get to know", there's the person above them to be considered too.
JR and Frank......Hmmmm?
Have to say a friendly, no, gentlemen.9P9BBGqbTycr9Oyl
Going to pass here. Know Cindy is not interested and Wardog would need to be replaced with a female
I'll give a yes to Evie, but sorry Bill its a kiss on the cheek and a polite pass
With Kiera and gilrenard? How could I refuse?
HOUSTON! We have a problem here!
Ohh sorry I will gently pass
Nope sorry Carl and Sassy