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What's on your mind right now?

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Quote by poppyx
Just wondering, as usual, why the fuck I don't have a man in my life, cos I feel ill and it would be so nice to have someone look after me and give me a hug

I'm sorry Poppy is feeling ill. I'd love to be the man in her life and give her lots of hugs.
Quote by cooldaddy

I'm sorry Poppy is feeling ill. I'd love to be the man in her life and give her lots of hugs.

A hug from you CD would do me the world of good (will that hug include tongues? )
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
How happy I am with S...
I don't like when sleazey guys call me beautiful, it makes feel uncomfortable.
I don't like it when ridiculously good looking men call me beautiful, it makes me feel like they are looking over my shoulder and talking to someone else
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
Fixing breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and oj.
Work - well, kind of . . .
Quote by poppyx
I don't like it when ridiculously good looking men call me beautiful, it makes me feel like they are looking over my shoulder and talking to someone else

Quote by AmericanBeauty
I don't like when sleazey guys call me beautiful, it makes feel uncomfortable.

You both deserve to be called beautiful by admiring men who are simply being honest.
I wonder what that crane is made out looks like a white feather but it's too big. What the fuck is that guy doing getting out of his car at the drive thru?! He's walking his dog. Silly me...
Now he's honking because I've not moved up a spot. There are 6 cars in front of me. Walk your dog!
Quote by Verbal

You both deserve to be called beautiful by admiring men who are simply being honest.

Awww, you are a sweet guy Verbalicious

Now, should I eat that last Ferrero Rocher, should I? should I?, should I? fuck it, yes I've had the other 24 one more sure as hell isn't gonna hurt now is it
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
Poppyx just deal with being sexy and like it lol.....
I still feel sick. I blame JC
Quote by adi_me33
I still feel sick. I blame JC

I have been blamed for worse lover..... Oh that was a dream.... A good dream....
Quote by SmartSassy69
Running Away

Hope it gets better soon....

I'm so proud of my nephew who got chosen to be a National Anthem buddy for the Dallas Mavericks.
Quote by AmericanBeauty
I'm so proud of my nephew who got chosen to be a National Anthem buddy for the Dallas Mavericks.

Awww he is a lucky boy, well done to him

On my mind right now is if I have made the right decision about something
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
Quote by poppyx

Awww he is a lucky boy, well done to him

On my mind right now is if I have made the right decision about something

Thank you Poppy

Poppy I'm glad you made the right decision
American Beauty's Avatar
Whether my atomic clock is going to "spring forward" of its own accord . . .
Random ass shit is on my mind
Right now I'm thinking about calling a good friend of mine to see if they want to catch up for lunch at Bondi in Sydney or should I just stay home and finish my flow chart.
Frustrated as hell.
Click below to see

Quote by Simplicity


Debating to sleep in a t or in the nude
A fat long cock lol smile im so horny