No not really. Never been family orientated. I like my own company.
The person below me wishes it wasn't so hot.
We can't withstand forever - The flame will set us free
As long as we're together - We dance in the ashen rain
Where I am currently its "winter" and it's 21°C. So false. Good luck!
TPBM has quit smoking
Non smoker, so never started to quit
TPBM has more than 25 friends in their lush friend list
Yes, but many have disappeared. I probably only talk to 10-15 of them
TPBM has never read my stories...
WRONG! You possess a lovely, gentle, kind, and hot writing style. (!)
TPBM has never read Chrlotte's_ stories
Good thing, I have read a few of Charlotte's stories ??
TPBM is tired from their weekend ..not looking forward to Monday
'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇
Very tired from my weekend, but very satisfied, too. Have decided not to recognize Mondays any longer.
TPBM will wear knee socks for no apparent reason and look really cool in them
Haven't done that in while, but yes I've been told I look cool in those ?
TPBM does not like clowns
They are so scary!!
TPBM is still trying to figure out their plans for the day
haha not really, just pop by, reply PMs, post in a few forums...
TPBM is back to office (as opposed to wfh).
TPBM drinks matcha latte
TPBM does not do yoga
No ..??? just starting ..a beginner of sort
TPBM is planning their weekend
'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇
TPBM is going for a bike ride this weekend
A short one..but true
TPBM hasn't been to the gym this month
Yes! But I did bike and yoga
TPBM takes swimming lessons
Uhmm nope ?
TPBM likes eating sushi