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Six letter word - change only one letter

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14 watchers
Quote by lynnwitt

Whose? Mine? Surely you breast.. I mean jest...

You know, I know...


Thank you all, for bringing this to Page 2!!! smile

tester - fester
Stereo - Sterno

I haven't had fondue is ages
Sterno - Astern
Strand > Tundra
Quote by Mixedupkaren
Stereo - Sterno
I haven't had fondue is ages

We did it for the Vernal Equinox - cheese, of course!
Quote by asian2013

astern - strand

A strand of her hair was stranded out on the strand.
You're welcome.

Tundra -> Nature
Quote by lynnwitt
A strand of her hair was stranded out on the strand.
You're welcome.


Neuter - Renter
Errant - Recant
"Her retinas felt the strain of long hours at her computer...."

Strain -> Artist
Quote by lynnwitt
"Her retinas felt the strain of long hours at her computer...."

so very very trueeee!!!


artist - strict
Prayed - Dreary
Quote by asian2013
kisser - pisser

And here, class, we have an example of extremes succinctly stated...
Quote by asian2013
spider - spread

And here, class, we have an obvious psychological fantasy, rooted in the famous legend of Little Miss Muffet....

Dreary -> Dearer