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Say Something NICE about the Person/Profile Above You

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She is one of the most wonderful woman i've met (don't tell her) Smiley smiles with her smile

He is wonderful, genuine and very witty , i enjoy his forum threads

I’m speechless 😂😂😂😜😜😜

Look out for the unknown user, almost breaking the chain but won't make me the loser. Chain was broken with nothing more spoken. Can't speak to the unknown, nothing revealed, nothing shown. So how can I say something nice, instead I choose a piece of advice. It was really nice knowing, people took time, to keep the chain going. So now I say, don't go away, stick around and contribute in a positive way, it helps us all stick around and stay, just to see what the next person will say! Carry on and enjoy life, no more troubles no more strife, stop for a minute, check your heart and see what's in it. Give your wife a kiss, with that you will never miss, for love is true bliss!

He’s a poet. I’m too new to know much more.

Did a good job plucking the middle bit and the red skin will calm by morning

I don't think it will, those are freckles. 😜

Your occasional nature photo dumps are wonderful. You get some wonderful shots of birds and critters that I find incredibly charming. It also classes up the Lush gallery.

Sorry, don't know him , but all souls are pure and nice

Love the positivity, the world needs many more thinkers like you!

In search, which is always good, though we may not understand just how.

Her sense of humour amuses me.

He's really an okay guy and pretty funny too.