Sit naked in the garden with a cup of tea and enjoy the morning sun.
getting ready to go to dads
Cleaning the house and being on Lush!
Have the courage to make the change, the strength to see it through, and keep the faith that it will turn out for the best!
I'm sleepy, I think its time for a nap.
right now i want to go to my fridge and find food that is magically already made for me so i don't have to make it, or I could just order food too...
i feel like taking a long walk...
Early morning wake up call, can't get back to sleep...
Well, I'm up now.... BRING IT MONDAY
(night night W xxx)
thinking about making a pot of coffee!
Just waking up and wondering what is for lunch and diner.
I am listening to Mazz' hot voice read her even HOTTER story!! So cool!!
right now i want him to get on line and get me all worked up!!!!!! lol
right now I'm online and ready for Silky!!!
right now I am ready to beat Loud in the forum games
Silky is delusional that she can beat
Silky has been on those silly pills again!!
Silky is losing the game and her mind!!
Silky blames the laptop for those fat
lol my fat fingers can do wonderss lol .. well i dont have them thats another case..
Silky is slowing down, those pills are taking their