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Person above you is naked and tied to your bed?

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Kiki28 - you are really evil. Just for that:

Give her a butch cut and sell her beautiful blond hair to a wig maker

Obviously this post was for Kiki, but Mister beat me to the punch once again. OK, this is the end for Mister:

Pour honey over him and invite a couple of circus bears in to visit him
LOL talk about cruel & evil ;)

mmmh make him were the wig, dress him up as a girl, and invite some drag queens to untie him
start pouring the hot wax all over her body
Invite Kiki over and let her have her turn with you!!
Switch places and let him do whatever he wanted....
I probably would be so stunned by my good luck that I wouldn't believe it was real, and would just walk away asking why this couldn't happen in real life.
ask you who tied you up and consider whether or not to untie you hmmm you look yummy
Untie her I want her hands free to roam and maybe tie me
hmmm so many things to do to this sexy girl i want her begging me to let her cum
I just might love that Leana and how did you get me tied up so fast?
hmm ;) you were to busy feeling my mouth on your body
I would kiss and lick and nibble, not letting her cum, over and over until she is squirming and moaning before finally making her explode
I would blindfold her, invite Nikki and HornLySlut in, and make her guess which of the three of us was massaging her breasts and vagina
Oh Hap I think she would know the differene between mine and Njkki's small dainty hands and your big rough ones
hmm again soo soon well let me take out the ward chocolate
How come everytime you are on top I'm the one tied up, Just lucky I guess,Like it better this way
Tease her until she begs for it
Pull his chest hair out and make mittens from it.

But i also have to respond to Kiki and Horny. Kiki you have now demonstrated that you have the most devious mind in history. Pouring honey on Mister and pulling stang's chest hairs out isn't 1/10th as bad as what you had in mind for me. And Horny - you have no idea how gentle I could be, and I might have better self control than you and Nikki so that I could pass myself off Anyway, who cares if she gets it right or not - I'd still have fun (though Kinky might not).
was talking about the roughness of your hands from kayaking and their roughness, not the tenderness of your heart
Besides everytime I turn around Leana has me tied up
always hornylylslut lol i like having my way with you
HornyLySlut - you are really sweet. But if I found you tied I'm afraid there is only one thing I would be able to do - I couldn't help myself. And you know what it is. Read my story "Hitting the Jackpot With The Help of Her Friends" if you have any doubt.
i wont do it anymore if thats what you wish hun hornylylslut
to the sir above me id intie him and help him find the person who did i to him and have him paddle him
Better not untie me,We have more to do
cover you sexy body with one of my seven essential oils
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
oh verry bad place for you to be in ;) well not really youll love it
Oh now I have you tied up I am going to tease you and then make you orgasm so bad you are going to scream the place down
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
hmm is that right lol whos tide down now huh you hmm youll be the one to holler hun beg me
spank her botty with my hand