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Name sounds that you might find comforting

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Sweet silence.

Or the language of my lovers eyes.

Bacon sizzling
Lullaby, like Bram's lullaby or
Soft classical music
Crackling of a warm fire.
Gentle rain hitting the top of our barn, or on the water down by the lake.
Fish jumping und swishing about feeding on the water-crawlers.
Horses trotting.
Listening to documentary films, or "Radio Free Europe" when I'm napping in the afternoon.
Someone telling ghost stories when my friends und I are sleeping-bag up in the barn.

Also classical music much...
Bagatelle in A Minor or Moonlight/Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor - Beethoven
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Air/Suite No. 3 in D Major - Bach
Romanze (Andante)/Serenade No. 13 in G - Mozart
Quote by littleduchess
Listening to your loved ones sleeping, that snuffling sound that really young babies make, the purr of my cat when pressed right up against my ear, anything to do with water (the beach, rain, bathing), the fan at night, and the sounds of camping (distant hushed voices, crackles from the fire, branches breaking from small critters, crickets, owls, and then the morning birdsong), the sound of my love's voice, especially after intense loving and I'm drifting in subspace.

So eloquently put. Especially the first and last ones about the loved one's sounds. I think there's nothing better of than the sound of your lovers sigh as you crawl into bed.
I Giorni- Ludovico Einaudi.
My husband's breathing changing as he falls to sleep. And him whispering my name shortly afterwards as he reaches out to check I'm still there with him.
Hearing my lover reach their climax. And then their ragged breathing slowly reverting back to normal. Their sharp intake of breath as your lips wrap around their cock to gently clean them.
My dad's voice.
Children playing in the swimming pool, splashing and frockling.
Anything else water related really, a fountain, waves crashing onto the beach, birds in the bird bath, a stream...
The sound of my friend's children giggling and calling my name to come play with them.
The snuffles and lamb-like whimpers of a newborn.
The sounds of gentle traffic and a lawn mower running drifting through an open window in the summer.
If you like first time, bisexual or teen then please read this and help make it famous!

My First Time With a Girl
Heavy Rain along with a few Claps of Thunder while sitting in front of the Crackling Fire, waiting for my coffee machine to finish Brewing my coffee and relaxing to the sound of my Lover's voice in my ear.
"Yeah, we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun." John Lennon

Take a look at my new poem for the competition:

Raindrops dripping from the leaky guttering.
The kettle whistling,
A spoon stirring in a china cup.
The sound of silence
My baby daughter breathing whilst asleep and the birds in the trees outside my bedroom window.
The sound of rain....
The sound of waves crashing on the beach.
The wind blowing through trees overhead. A babbling brook. A kitten purring in my lap. My girlfriend's heartbeat as I lay with my head on her breasts.

nods knowingly

Say. Her. Name.

rain on the chimney cap.... as is it right now

the gentle, contented sigh of one cuddled against you (preferably naked, of course)

the crackle and hiss of the fireplace

the distant buzz of a lawnmower on a Summer afternoon
rain on a metal roof
the sound of water lapping up against a boat
most anything that comes out of the mouth of my SO
The river flowing over smooth stones
Soft rain falling on a tin roof
Fire crackling
Wind blowing through the trees
A baby laughing
The sound of walking on packed snow
White noise
ocean waves
rustling of leaves as the wind blows
birds chirping
small children’s laughter
crickets chirping in the deep woods
crackling sound of bonfire
Pan flutes or leaf whistle anything lets me imagine myself running - nude alone or with a partner or group of friends on a big open field of grass with a few trees while have a nice picnic
The opening riff of Thunderstruck
Waves whenever I'm at the beach.
rain tapping against the window
The anguished sobs of my vanquished enemies.

Also: rain, crickets, laughter, the wind in the trees, the gentle steady breathing of my love as she sleeps.

Quote by Guest
ocean waves
rustling of leaves as the wind blows
birds chirping
small childrenโ€™s laughter
crickets chirping in the deep woods
crackling sound of bonfire

above and white noise, the "moo" from my phone, ding from the oven, rustling leaves, etc

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The sigh of the Autumn wind in the trees, the sigh of our puppy (well 2 1/2) puppy as she sleeps

Quote by Myrrhhhhhh