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Name sounds that you might find comforting

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English Gentleman
light rain on my window
my babygirl when she is sleeping
Rain of whatever intensity; the sound of waves from the sea; a flute well played; the wind in the branches of a tree; humpback whales; the laughter of my friends and family.
Active Ink Slinger
A water fall, waves on a beach, rain on a tin roof.

We have an owl near by and I find it very relaxing when he's calling.

EDIT- and there's no bigger comfort noise than the purr of a sleeping cat on your lap smile
Active Ink Slinger
The sound of a well tuned....Diesel Engine
Rain drops or rain storm, ocean sounds and soft lulaby music such as "Sleepsong by Secret Garden".
Active Ink Slinger
The soft inhalation and exhalation of my love, alseep beside me in bed.
Active Ink Slinger
Waves crashing on the surf
Active Ink Slinger
The sound of the wind in the trees in summer, the sound of a fire crackling when she is in my arms.
The sound of Norah Jones' voice. The sound of my oiled hands running up and down her body as I massage her.
The sounds of the camp fire on a camping trip. I can go on like this for a life time.
Active Ink Slinger
Rain, crackling of fire, cars passing.
Site administrator
That noise you get when you pull the ring on a tin of lager.
Active Ink Slinger
The ceiling fan on the lowest setting, the sound of everyone else's breaths/snores once the household is fast asleep, a smoldering fire that's about to die out, crickets and cicadas chirping as the summer breeze comes through an open window.
The purr of a kitten or cat
Her Royal Spriteness
The sweet lullabye of gunfire on a Saturday night

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Right Rev of Lush
Good point, Your Royal Spriteness...but, only if it was out-going gunfire, not incoming. ;)

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Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Active Ink Slinger
The sounds my dog makes when he's dreaming.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
sound of silence.

Active Ink Slinger
“Congratulations, you’ve just won a million on the lotto “ - yeah, I think I would find the sound of that pretty comforting.
Advanced Wordsmith
the sound of fire crackling and the drip of my coffee brewing.
Sound of rain, ocean sounds as in waves, sound of a fireplace crackling and soft lullaby or instrumental music, (vilons or gutair ).
Active Ink Slinger
Rain on a tin roof, the crackle of a fire, the sound of waves on the beach, the babble of a small brook over rocks.
The Linebacker
I second that rain on a tin roof.

Crickets at night.
Rain at night but not a thunder storm.
Waves crashing on the beach.
A crackling fire.
Blasting black powder guns.
My wife laughing out of control.
The deafening roar when the Dawgs score a touchdown in Sanford Stadium.
The near absolute quiet with just barely a water trickle when sailboating on the lake.
Blues music.
Boot kickin' fiddle & steel guitar real country music.
The soft sizzle of mountain trout in a frying pan.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
One of my earliest memories is falling asleep to the sound of traffic on a distant freeway. I'll always love that noise.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Candyland Kitten
Listening to your loved ones sleeping, that snuffling sound that really young babies make, the purr of my cat when pressed right up against my ear, anything to do with water (the beach, rain, bathing), the fan at night, and the sounds of camping (distant hushed voices, crackles from the fire, branches breaking from small critters, crickets, owls, and then the morning birdsong), the sound of my love's voice, especially after intense loving and I'm drifting in subspace.