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Lush Jeopardy

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What is a happy woman?

Wooden spoon
What is the kitchen tool used to sometimes rosy a woman's bum cheeks?

Campbell's tomato soup
What is mm, mmm, good?

Remote vibrating egg
The offspring that a very loving rooster gives a very lucky hen.

Hot tub.
What is a fun place to have sex?

A fifth wheel
What is an uninvited guest to a foursome?

Coffee table
what you have sex on while watching jeopardy?

glitter gun

Say. Her. Name.

What creates a large clean-up job in the least amount of time?

Honeycomb biggrin
what does nia use to fix her hair?

loose lips
What do you sink your teeth into?

Bath towel
What do maple trees gush when they cum?

Empire State Building
What is a special place for King Kong to hang around at?

Protein shakes
What is her favourite breakfast drink?

Flashing police lights
What happens after Dani flashes police cars?

Giant Green Butt Plug

Quote by lynnwitt

This being a "Jeopardy" theme forum, I believe that one is to provide an "answer", then the next to provide the question which could result in that answer.

Okay, I will try this again, with more attention to detail.

What I would like to forcibly (and lubelessly) insert into our giant orange leader's ass.

Killer robots.
Quote by ginger86
what does nia use to fix her hair?

this made me giggle

what is the sound nia makes when she encounters bullshit?

twinkle toes

Say. Her. Name.

How does Fred Flintstone bowl?

Poker game
What does Wild like spread on her body?

Rubber spatula
What John uses to "beat his meat"

Lucky Charms
What does Becky call her sexy parts?

Sandy beach
Quote by Ardentmale
What does Becky call her sexy parts?

And they apparently work quite well smile
Quote by Ardentmale
Sandy beach

What is the name of the lady with whom you had sex on the shore?

Long, hard, and quivering
how does lynn describe her new vibrator?

blue balls
what you find when taking a peek in a smurf's underoos?

powder puff

Say. Her. Name.

What's the result when Ginger doesn't shave for a few days?

Drive shaft biggrin
What is Lynn's 2nd favorite toy?

Flat screen
What's part of the selection process for the Ms Big Boobs contest?

Low-hanging fruit