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Quote by Pixie

hehe no way.
looks like you have an attic room there ella?
Had to check again though nothing to say. Other than this cold weather is the pits
hmm, nothing to see here, back to the grindstone
I have just renewed my Notary Public for another 4 years.

In Fl this enpowers me to officiate marriages. cheap cheap
Fell for it again. LOL
There's one thing I wanna know:

What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?
Between the comments and toped off by the avatars.... Great post!
Quote by lexylove
There's one thing I wanna know:

What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and understanding?

Not sure. But looking at your avatar I suddenly have an urge to go out clubbing.
Fun post nic i think this will go on for a while.
Did somebody say something about clubbing? I'm ready.....who's driving?
Not BB, he only has a bike.

Let's all chip in and get a limo, it's actually cheaper than taxis that way.
Quote by fystee
Did somebody say something about clubbing? I'm ready.....who's driving?

I don't drink, I always get that job.
Quote by nicola
looks like you have an attic room there ella?

sure do. I love my blue and brown room lol
Come join us in the back DB, welcome aboard:

Oh my! It looks roomy in there! Who needs to go clubbing when we can chill in the ride for a while?
There's a pull out med station with IV drip as well in case you overdo it fystee.
Quote by nicola
Not BB, he only has a bike.

Let's all chip in and get a limo, it's actually cheaper than taxis that way.

Now whats wrong with my bike? Might take a few trips though LOL
Quote by nicola
Come join us in the back DB, welcome aboard:

Please MTV, pimp my ride!
Quote by fystee
Did somebody say something about clubbing? I'm ready.....who's driving?

Oh no!! Do not go clubbing with Fystee!! She gets blitzed and line dances to "Strokin"! I've seen it with my very own eyes!!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Ooooo, Fystee....will you teach me? Sounds like fun!

Nice Limo, btw.
What happened?
Love your dancing little peeps there, Birdie!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Ah chitz! I clicked on this post for that?? LOL
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥


Nah, not into the bondage gig.....I think thats more up Rocco's alley.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Why are you advertising storiesunlimited on here Bat?

Now I see your true colours...
Oh NO!! Bat!! You did not do that!! LMAO!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥