I am warm....and would also like to cuddle with someone right now. Hey Jen....care foir a cuddle??
I am more then happy to cuddle with you amy!
I am in love with that tattoo on maryana's avatars foot
I am triming my friends list tomorrow
I am hoping Bobbie keeps me on her list.
I am gonna keep Amy on my list
I am a rock, I am an Island
i am more of bored this morning.. can't decide what to eat
I am thinking of what to offer you ;)
*I AM* an old guy just trying to *stay young* in my mind.
I am ..happy it's hump day two more day till the weekend ! .yay
I am having chocolate milkshake.
make that two please Emelia I am thirsty
As am I.
I am spitting feathers, in fact. Could you ask Em if I can have one and pass it down please B?
I am cold and slightly hungry.
I am not playing her game today. Neither her nor any of her other 5 "personalities" exist as far as I am concerned.