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How Many Times?

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10 at least

How many times have you fallen asleep during sex

How many times have you been aroused my something, then felt ashamed because of what it was?
a few times

How many co-workers have you had sex with?
At least 7, maybe more if I really think..... (I love the Music Business!!!)

How many times have you cheated?

How Many Times Have You Been Cheated On (That You Know Of)?

what is the most orgasms you had in one night

How many different partners have you had at the same time that they did not know about each other?
If Having Sex At The Same Time, How Could They Not Know About Each Other?

What Is The Most Orgasms You Gave Your Partner During One Session?
one, he was a bartender at the restaurant i used to work at, back in Oakland - it was purely physical, and we broke it off when he realized that i was only into him cause he was super hot and a good fuck - really, us girls can be horn dogs too! smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Male = 3 Female = 7

What is your record for most masturation sesions in one day?

;) xXx
Love From Princess C <3 xXx

how many times have you been caught masturbating?
3 times....
how many times did u accidentaly cum inside your partner
It Isnt Physically Possible for Me To Cum In My Partner, But It Has Happened To Me Twice

What Is The Most Number Of Consecutive Days You Have Had Sex?
21 days and it was heaven.

how many times you had it or gave it up the ass

How many times have you been spanked
Quote by sizzlin
21 days and it was heaven.

how many times you had it or gave it up the ass

A Lot, Not Sure How Many

For Spanked, Only A Couple of Times ( Meaning Really Spanked, Not Just Ass Slaps During Sex)

How Many Sex Toys Do You Own?
Firstly - what an amazing arse!


How many times have you rushed home, dodging red lights to shag you're gf/bf/fb etc?
Quote by Pussy_muncher
Firstly - what an amazing arse!


How many times have you rushed home, dodging red lights to shag you're gf/bf/fb etc?

every night

how many times have you tasted your own cum

How many times have you given oral while drunk
cant remember in my younger days was always buzzed , but now never i dont drink anymore . and can remember and enjoy it soooo much more .

who (optional) and how many times have u fantasized about the most on lush ?
100's of x's thx beckey . but lots of close seconds
John and four times

How many times did you say the wrong name during sex?
1 time and i thought i was fucked,
but it turned out the gal i was screwing always had the hots for my ex ,whos name i screamed . and it got her even hotter pretending she was my ex while we fuked .lol

when chatting with men on lush , they start talking naughty and u know there jerking off do you ....a)leave chat ..b)join in and get off with him ...or c) let him continue and pretend ur playing w urself too ? (woman r known to fake orgasms arnt they )
when you chat, what is the average number of information exchanges that occur
hehe quite a lot thanks ..i like to chat when im given the chance ..yeeah , make the most of it lol huggles

how many times have you masturbated in a public place?

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

if car counts as a public place quite a few over the years....

how often have you dated a much older person? (more thn 5 years dif)

How many times have you had to make an excuse to get out of having sex? (Like the famous, "I have a headache.")
3 off the top of my head
How many one night stands have you had?
o how many orgies you been to?
how often have you stood up a date???

How many times have you had sex on a first date?