Since we don't really see real names unless someone chooses to enter them, I think it'd be fun to try and guess real names. Feel free to leave hints or respond to someone else's guess if you want, but it's not required.
Good luck.
If Angie is not her real name I would guess..... she looks like a 'Marie'
i know her real name..... it's bauble
I'm guessing that Ginger's first name, and I'm going by her avatar, she looks like a Lisa to me.
yep, ginger's my real name
he looks like an eddie
I think a name like Nicole could fit her as well...
she looks like an Angie to me ;)
I suppose I could easily go with Ella, but let's try Linda instead.
@Angie57: nope, not even close. Good shot though.29KF7RLQ9FH5rCCd
Giovanni. No sorry, not Honey Bunny.
Sam, Samantha has to be due to the blond hair
Nope, not Eomer.
*strokes beard, contemplating* Hmmm I'll say Wendy.
sorry Kitty all I could think of was Harold
Nope, not Arthur.
@Angie: I'm guessing Karen.