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Fill in the blank about person above you

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I live in a place I love where the tubes of lipstick grows wild in the store aisles

If ever there was a ___________then ____________ is _________
If ever there was an extreme chastity belt then it's the one Adele is wearing.

I wish __________ was as __________ as _________
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
I wish bunnies was as soft as cotton

Making___________ sweet_________makes me feel________.
Making delicious sweet brownies makes me feel happy.

I want to ___________ my _______ until I feel like I am _________.
I wish my mail would hurry up and come to my house

I want __________ to ________ in the sun on ____________ while you watch ____________.
I saw Trinket at the strip club with Officer John, Leah, Mr. P., Adele and Sarah.

I want to travel to ________ to surprise _______ and then run off to the ________ to meet________.
I decided to cook my famous enchilada dinner while Belthazor looked on from the corner.

Then I found out he had invited a whole _________ team. When there wasn't enough food to go around, the team _________.
Then I found he had invited a whole dance team. When there wasn't enough food to go around, the team chipped in for pizza!

To my surprise, I discovered ________ _______ in the upstairs study while everyone was downstairs _____!
To my surprise, I discovered Lush Ladies in the upstairs study while everyone was downstairs dancing.

When I traveled to Lush Island I saw _________ and ________ in a very intimate situation while the curious _________ sat backed and watched.